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Interview with an Alien

Author: Gavin Kai

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Formerly known as "Drunk & Philosophical Podcast"

Interview with an Alien was created around the idea that people no longer engage in deep conversations on a daily basis. As I get older, I've started to notice majority of my conversations are very shallow. Whether it's with a co-worker, an old friend I haven't seen in a few months or even with family at the dinner table.

"It's looking like it might rain."
"How was work?"
"Did you hear Lisa's second removed cousin's brother is engaged?"

Okay that last one was a bit of a stretch, but you get my point. If you take a minute right now & really think about all of the conversations you've had in the last few days, are they all shallow & insignificant? Maybe 90% ... or 80%. With the rapid advancement in technology it's no surprise our conversations have progressively gotten more boring. People are addicted to screens in the most unhealthy way (me included). Why would I have a conversation about the weather when I can watch a video of a person running into an active tornado? The fact that a large number of people can't even drive from point A to B without checking their phone, is enough evidence. Our addiction to screens is negatively impacting our day to day conversations...ย 

Which is why, I created something that gets you more hooked to your screens ... a podcast lol. Interview with an Alien is all about engaging in deep conversations to add some excitement to our day to day. You can pick anyone of the hundreds of questions we've discussed on Interview with an Alien & spark up a conversation with them. Watch as a thrilling conversation unfolds in front of you, providing a deeper connection with the person you're talking to. Get to know the people around you on a deeper level ... OR ... don't. Instead, listen to my friends & I unravel thought provoking theories & concepts.

Who knows, you might just learn a thing or two ... but probably not. What I can 100% guarantee is this, by listening to Interview with an Alien, you will have fun & be entertained! If you made it this far, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart & tell you: "YOU'RE A F***ING LEGEND!"

70ย Episodes
This week, we ponder the following questions:What drugs should be legalised if any?Whatโ€™s your most memorable drug experience?A common observation Iโ€™ve heard is that psilocybin (shrooms) opens up a new way of thinking within the brain. Based on your experience, do you think thatโ€™s true? If a drug could make you happy and productive without any negative side effects, should it be made available to everyone? If there was a drug that allowed you to experience the emotions and thoughts ...
#68 - Prison ๐Ÿ”—

#68 - Prison ๐Ÿ”—


This week's questions on Interview with an Alien:Whatโ€™s your death row meal?Do you think we should have the death penalty?Is there anything you would change about the prison system if you had the power to?If you were put in prison for 1 year but got to pick one activity that you can do whenever you want, what activity would you pick?Whatโ€™s the best prison movie or show? Letโ€™s say you get sentenced to 10 years in prison. Would you shank another prisoner if it meant guaranteed protection f...
Formerly known as "Drunk & Philosophical"This week on Interview with an Alien, we discuss the following:Are you religious?Does religion spread more good or evil in the world?Why is religion such an attractive concept to the majority of humanity?Is religion an effective way of ingraining ideologies into your mind?How much power does religious faith carry?What religious belief do you agree the most with? & which belief do you not agree with at all?Do you think AI will one day be thought...
This week's questions on Drunk & Philosophical:What do you think would be the hardest sport in the world to compete in?Should kids sports be competitive or should every team receive the same prize regardless of the score?If you could magically be the best in the world at any one sport, which would you choose?What sport would take the longest to master?What sport would Danny Devito beat you at?What is the greatest sports moment you have witnessed in real time? (highlights donโ€™t count)Do yo...
This week on Drunk & Philosophical:Is fear an effective way of governing?Do you think AI would do a better job than humans at governing?Should things that are bad for people be banned by the government, or is it the individualโ€™s responsibility to avoid harmful substances?Whatโ€™s the biggest problem with the current government of Canada?If you were elected leader of Canada for one day, what would you do?If you were given the option to know all of the secrets the President of America knows, ...
This week we ask ourselves the following questions:Whatโ€™s the scariest natural disaster?If you had the power to manipulate one of the elements (like airbender) which would you choose? Which natural disaster do you think is most likely to wipe out humanity?What natural disaster does your personality embody the most?Do you think youโ€™ll ever own a doomsday bunker?Would you rather live for 60 more years but your entire life is spent in a bunker or live for 30 more years but you can go wherev...
Trivia RulesWe will be split into teams of 2, Drunks vs Stoners.Get the question wrong, the drunks drink, the stoners smoke.Round One = 2 drinks or 2 vape hits as a team.Round Two = 3 drinks or 3 vape hits as a team.Round Three = 1 shot or 1 bong toke as a team.Support the Show.Formally known as "Drunk & Philosophical Podcast" NEW Episode Every Sunday ๐Ÿ’ฏFollow Interview with an Alien on:Tik Tok ๐ŸŽต ๐Ÿ“ฒ
#62 - Time โณ

#62 - Time โณ


๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Marshall V.๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:Does time only move forward or can it move any direction & forward is the only way we as humans can experience it?If you could pause time for one hour every day, what would you do with that extra time?How would you react if one morning you woke up and realised you're stuck in a time loop, reliving the same day over and over again?If you could travel to any point in time for just ...
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Raven S. & Nate B.๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:Do you believe in the multiverse? Have you ever heard of the Mandela effect? Have you ever experienced the Mandela effect?Do you think itโ€™s possible that people can jump through the multiverse & enter a new reality without realising? Say the multiverse is real & you get to jump to one reality for the rest of your life, what would your perfect reality...
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Connor B. & Jake G.๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:Whoโ€™s the greatest ______ of all time?โ†’ If we all disagree, we all have to take a shot.Basketball PlayerActor & ActressRapperSingerAthlete (all sports)Fast Food ChainYoutuberHero & VillainComedianShow & MovieSupport the Show.Formally known as "Drunk & Philosophical Podcast" NEW Episode Every Sunday ๐Ÿ’ฏFollow Interview with an Alien on:Tik Tok ๐ŸŽต
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Raven S.๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:What is the meaning of life?If your life had a theme song, what would it be?What animal do you think has the most fulfilling life?Imagine you wake up one day and discover you're the only person left on Earth. What would you do to find meaning in your solitude?If life were a recipe, what ingredients would you need to make it truly fulfilling?If you could ask the universe one question abo...
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Nate B.๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:Do you think weโ€™re conscious? Are their levels to consciousness? Can a living being be more conscious than another?Does consciousness create reality?Is the universe conscious?Whatโ€™s the purpose of consciousness?Is it wrong to kill things that arenโ€™t conscious? Support the Show.Formally known as "Drunk & Philosophical Podcast" NEW Episode Every Sunday ๐Ÿ’ฏFollow Interview with ...
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Big Mike๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:Do you believe humans have the ability to make choices freely, or are our actions predetermined by factors beyond our control?Lets say humans have no freewill & everything we do is determined by destiny, does that mean we arenโ€™t responsible for our actions?Imagine you have the power to change one event in your past that you believe shaped your destiny. Would you change it or is it b...
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Connor B. / Jake G. / Raven S.๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:Do you think weโ€™re in a simulation right now?If you found out life was a simulation, would you live yours differently?If life was a simulation & you were given the option to to exit the simulation and enter the "real" world, would you do it?Imagine you have the ability to pause, rewind, and fast-forward your life like a video game. How would you use this power?...
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Jake G, Nate B, & Raven S.๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:If you could have any animal as a loyal companion in a post-apocalyptic world, & have that animal listen to your every command, which one would you choose?If could shapeshift into all animals in one group (mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, or amphibians) which group would you choose?If you could turn into any 1 animal, which would you choose?If you could create a...
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Connor B. & Raven S.๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:Would you rather have unlimited money but never be able to travel out of Ontario or be able to travel anywhere in the world but always be on a budget?Would you rather have a rewind button for your life or a pause button for the world around you?Would you rather live in a forest with no electricity or live in a mansion but itโ€™s in a secluded village thatโ€™s always snowy &a...
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Raven S.๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:Whatโ€™re the top 3 best games of all time?What does your perfect game look like?If you could live inside one video game for a week, which would you choose? What would be the ultimate cross over game?Whoโ€™s the all time best video game villain?If you could record a podcast with any video game character, who would it be?Support the Show.Formally known as "Drunk & Philosophical Podc...
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Nate B.๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:In a world with no laws, would humans remain relatively civil or would the world turn into complete chaos?Should religion influence the creation of laws? Do you think the death penalty should be enforced when necessary? If you could change any law in Canada, what would it be?Discuss the app idea that I thought of to allow everyone to vote on major law changes.Support the Show.F...
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Big Mike ๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:If you were reincarnated as an ocean animal, which would you choose?Would you ever swim in open water with Sharks?Have you ever had a near death swimming experience?WYR: Be able to talk to all ocean animals or breathe underwater? As of 2023 only 25% of the oceans floor has been mapped, meaning we have no idea what lies in 75% of earthโ€™s oceans. Do you think thereโ€™s a possibil...
๐Ÿคฉ Guest Starring: Connor B. & Colin R.๐Ÿป This Week on Drunk & Philosophical we Ask Ourselves the following Questions:What do you desire most in this life?Whoโ€™s your favourite musical artist?Top 3 Game: Name the top 3 biggest planets in our solar systemAre you religious?If your house was on fire & you could only save one thing, what would it be? Two Truths & 1 Lie GameDo you have a close relationship with your family?What do you do for a living?Trivia Question: Is Dwayne Jo...