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The Bridge Community Church

Author: The Bridge Community Church

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The Bridge Community Church is one church with three locations near Chicago, Illinois. Our mission is to connect people with God, people, and service. 

78 Episodes
We all face hard times, and it’s often a struggle figuring out how to navigate them. How should we even begin to face them and get through them? Check out Junior’s message from Acts 27
Even though the Gospel is the greatest news we could ever hear, people are often hesitant to accept it. What's stopping you from receiving Jesus? Check out Denim's message on Acts 24-26.
Anxiety is a frequent problem in our world today and it affects us more than we think. How can we achieve real peace both within ourselves and with others? Check out Junior's message on Acts 23.
Our world is so focused on chasing the biggest and flashiest pursuits, but what if a mundane life is what we really need? Check out Denim’s message on Acts 20.
In a world where our faith seems to go against everything culture stands for, what do we do? How do we navigate and influence the world around us from the inside out? Check out Mark's message on Acts 19.
We're all called to be ministers, but what does that even mean? How can we serve God and build His kingdom wherever we're at? Check out Denim's message from Acts 18.
Many people claim to know God, but we all seem to have different ideas of who He is. Where do these ideas come from, and how can we find real truth? Check out Scott's message on Acts 17.
Are you fighting against your current position in life? Maybe you’re feeling stuck where you’re at. But what if that’s exactly where God wants to use you? Check out Junior’s message on Acts 16.
In your walk with God, you'll face things that will attack your momentum. What do we need to look out for, and how can we stand strong against them? Check out Denim's message on Acts 15.
When faced with opposition, it's easy to want to give up or become cynical. But what would it look like to follow Paul’s example of persevering through the punches? Check out Scott’s message to see how we can draw closer to God even in hardship.
We often feel underutilized, wishing we could do more than what we’re tasked with. But what would it look like if we were faithful and content in each position we hold? Check out Junior’s message on Acts 13.
Life has many pains and struggles, but God has a greater plan we might not even know about. So how should we respond in moments of trial? Check out Scott's message on Acts 12.
It’s easy to want to put ourselves in the spotlight, but what if that isn’t the best way to make an impact? Check out this message from Junior on a man whose story you may not know but still benefits you today.
When trying to do what’s right, people often add extra rules and become legalistic. How can we avoid this tendency and refocus on our mission? Check out this message from Denim.
One of the first steps for a believer to take is to get baptized, but why? What does it mean? And why does Jesus tell us to get baptized? Check out Scott’s message from baptism weekend for the answers.
If you find the story of Jesus hard to believe, you're not alone. Is there any proof of it being real? And if it were true, what would that mean for you?Check out Junior's message from Easter weekend.
Join our Bridge team in Turkey as Pastors Scott and Junior and tune in for Pastor Scott's message on the Philippian Jailer. Reflect and ask yourself, "In the midst of difficult situations, how will I respond?"
God desires for us to turn away from our old life and accept His grace. This is the powerful experience of conversion. Have you made that decision? If not, will you?
The Gospel is the best news we could ever hear, and we’re called to boldly share it. Who’s the one person you can do this for today? Check out last weekend’s message.
God often nudges us to do hard things, but they end up being some of the best decisions for us. What’s waiting for you on the other side of this nudge? Check out last weekend’s message.