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Connection Point Messages

Author: Connection Point Church

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Weekly Sunday messages from Connection Point Church in Jackson, Missouri.
66 Episodes
We should always be looking for opportunities to share the Gospel of Christ.
On what basis are we accepted by God, and how should that direct the way we live and function as a church?
Special guest R.T. Kendall, speaks on the importance of total forgiveness.
Skyler Goodman, Senior Pastor of Heritage Church in Lake Zurich, Illinois, explains how someone views God determines everything in their life.
When your life gets turned upside down, do you have the courage to endure?
Fatherhood comes with great responsibility. In fact, throughout every studied culture of our world, fathers assume three primary roles; protector, provider, and disciplinarian. But, could there be an even more important role added to the list, a role that would give wisdom and maturity to the other three?
Do you believe your life has purpose?
Have you ever been surprised when God answered a prayer?
Does God care about the struggles you, or someone you love is going through?
Everyone needs encouragement at times. God may send someone to encourage you, or He may send you to be the encourager!
If we aren't careful, we can spend our lives focused on success in the form of materialism or social status, and fail to see the only lasting success comes from pursuing spiritual things.
Are you unashamed of your process with Jesus?
What are some of the trademarks of an unashamed life?
Have you ever wondered if God can truly change someone who seems "too far gone?"
Guest speaker, Lance Johnson of Genesis Church in West Plains, MO, tells us the significance of when Jesus stands.
Jesus always called those to follow Him publicly. Why is that?
If Jesus did not come up out of the grave, then nothing matters; but if Jesus did come up out of the grave, nothing but that matters!
Center your emotions on Christ, not the praise or criticism of people.
Boldness helps us look for opportunities to share the Gospel.
Gratitude is not simply giving thanks, it is a state of mind that can forever change your perspective on life.