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Raising Futureproof Humans
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Raising Futureproof Humans

Author: Rick Kettner

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The parenting podcast for raising confident, independent, and futureproof kids.

5 Episodes
Raising Futureproof Humans is a podcast for parents who want to raise confident, independent, and futureproof kids. The first episode will launch in July 2023. In the meantime, you can subscribe using your favorite podcasting app here:https://raisingfutureproofhumans.comVisit the website to find links for the most popular podcast apps and the option to subscribe to the email notification list.
This episode is about raising confident, independent, and future-proof kids. In it, we'll discuss the unique challenge of raising kids today, why it's so important to raise kids to be future-proof, and how to get started.Sign-Up For Email Notifications (so you don't miss future episodes)
This episode explores the most important parenting habit for raising confident, independent, and future-proof kids. If you haven't yet listened to the previous episode, it's recommended that you start there because it sets the stage for what to expect from this episode and all future episodes.Sign-Up For Email Notifications (so you don't miss future episodes)
This episode explores how to nurture a child's curiosity, develop their perseverance, and strengthen their independence. If you haven't yet listened to the first two episodes, it's recommended that you listen to them first as they set the stage for the ideas presented here.Sign-Up For Email Notifications (so you don't miss future episodes)
This episode explores how to help children develop creativity, adaptability, and flexible knowledge — all of which help to enhance their problem solving skills. If you haven't yet listened to the previous episodes, it's recommended that you listen to them first as they help set the stage for the insights presented here.Sign-Up For Email Notifications (so you don't miss future episodes):