America Speaks with Dr. Frank Luntz

America Speaks with Dr. Frank Luntz
Author: Straight Arrow News
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America Speaks tracks the nation's pulse and sparks discussions that reveal the sentiments of American voters in real time. Join pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz as he engages in diverse conversations on the issues that matter most to the American electorate.
68 Episodes
There’s been an increase in new independent media voices over the past few decades, amplified especially in recent years by the rise of the internet and online media. Those trends, together with increasing financial difficulties for legacy newsrooms, have contributed to the relative decline of many mainstream news outlets and to the collapse of local investigative journalism.
Added to these difficulties are wide-ranging accusations of bias, accessibility and sensationalism that news media professionals have sometimes struggled to address. More and more Americans are now gaining their news from social media or from “news influencers,” but this is not only an American trend. A United Nations study published late last year warned that roughly two-thirds of “digital content creators” around the world do not verify their information before publishing it.
Watch the above 22-minute episode of America Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks Americans to share their opinions on the news media industry and where they think they should go to for their news.
Cracking down on immigration was one of Donald Trump’s top 2024 presidential campaign promises, and he has sought to ramp up U.S. deportations and border security efforts since his return to the White House last month. Some proponents of stricter immigration systems have applauded those efforts, while critics protest that they are cruel, inhumane, unnecessary and ultimately bad for the U.S. economy.
Watch this 29-minute episode of America Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks a focus group of Americans to share their opinions on immigration issues and how they think President Trump has been doing on immigration in his first month back at the Oval Office.
Donald Trump’s surprise win in the national popular vote count in the 2024 U.S. presidential race shocked even veteran political commentators. Part of that victory certainly owed itself to poor Democratic turnout — a turnout which resembled lower 2016 numbers instead of higher 2020 numbers and which traumatized the Democratic Party establishment with its first popular vote loss in two decades.
A portion of that surprise victory, however, also came from individuals who voted for Joe Biden in 2020, but then voted instead for Trump in 2024.
Watch the above 33-minute episode of America Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz zooms in on a group of Americans who voted for Biden in 2020 but for Trump in 2024. Dr. Luntz asks them to share their personal reasons for why they moved over to Trump, what the Democrats could do to win them back, and how they think the returning president has been doing mere weeks into his second term.
Many of the future officers of the United States Armed Forces begin their journeys as cadets at West Point, America’s oldest military academy and one of the top military academies in the world today. The United States military is often commended for its skill in complex organization and team-building, and students and faculty say that this culture starts early at West Point.
Watch the above 25-minute episode of America Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks a focus group of West Point students to describe their journeys as cadets to the American public and to share the lessons they’ve learned.
Controversy has surrounded Donald Trump’s questionable selections for top cabinet positions in his upcoming second term, and around his close partnership with Elon Musk, a multibillionaire who spent at least $277 million to help Trump win reelection. Recent arguments between Musk and MAGA-affiliated U.S. Congress members, however, have revealed deep schisms within the Republican Party in the run-up to Trump’s inauguration.
Watch the above 39-minute episode of American Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks Americans to share their opinions of Trump, Musk, Trump’s cabinet selections and Trump’s relationship with Congress.
Only about 1 in 5 Americans say they support or have an optimistic view of Congress, while 3 out of 5 say they disapprove or have a pessimistic view. While these numbers change a little over time, there are consistently more Americans who disapprove than approve.
Watch the above 28-minute episode of America Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks Americans to share their criticisms of Congress, why they say it’s failing to deliver, and what they’d like to see change in the years ahead.
It can be difficult to predict the relative living standards of future generations in the modern world, where it seems like so much is changing so fast. Emerging technologies like AI, for instance, might empower and accelerate human productivity, but at the same time could also exacerbate wealth, income and power inequalities. And while many of today’s opportunities might not exist for the next generation, it’s also probable that new opportunities will emerge which we cannot yet imagine.
Watch the above 21-minute episode of America Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz dives into the debate about changing U.S. standards of living over time, how those changes relate to evolving technologies, and what advic
Over the past few decades, rising costs of living and housing in the United States have outpaced real wage gains, which have remained more or less stagnant despite consistent growth in worker productivity over time. All of this — together with rising inequality, the shrinking of the middle class, and the inability of unemployed or unhoused Americans to access the welfare that they need — has contributed to a growing sense of financial hardship for many Americans.
Watch the above 30-minute episode of America Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks a panel of Black Americans to share their thoughts and feelings about whether or not the American dream can still survive in this economy. Dr. Luntz and the panel are later joined by John Hope Bryant, founder and CEO of Operation HOPE, who shares tools and guidance for achieving greater success in the American financial system.
American shoppers say they will spend a record high amount this year on holiday gifts and expenses, up 8% from the same time last year. While the holidays are meant to be a time of celebration, those with tight budgets can experience acute anxiety from the costs associated with travel, gifts, and taking time off work to be with friends and family.
Watch the above 25-minute episode of America Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks Americans to share how they’re making ends meet this holiday season, what gifts they’re choosing when everything costs more, and why they believe the economy is worse this year than last.
The U.S. 2024 presidential election delivered a decisive victory for Donald Trump in the Electoral College and a narrow victory in the national popular vote. In the days after the election, social media was flooded with celebrations among those who voted for Donald Trump, but with alarm, anger and despair from those who voted for Kamala Harris.
Watch this 38-minute episode of America Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks American voters to share and discuss who they voted for and why.
Election Day is tomorrow, and very few American voters have yet to decide which candidate they’ll cast their ballot for. Some of those remaining undecided, however, reside in a handful of key swing states, and their votes could ultimately decide who becomes the next president of the United States.
In this 34-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks undecided swing state voters for their final thoughts and opinions about who they’ll be voting for in the 2024 U.S. presidential race.
With Election Day just one week from today, polls are predicting an extremely tight race in the Electoral College between Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris. Those projections have alarmed Democrats and pro-Harris Republicans, who continue to warn Americans about what they say are the existential dangers and national security risks posed by a second Trump presidency. And yet some Americans who previously voted for Joe Biden and/or Hillary Clinton say they’ll vote instead for Republican nominee Donald Trump in spite of these warnings. A disproportionate number of those voters are male.
In this 37-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks a focus group of pro-Trump male voters who previously voted for Biden and/or Clinton why they’ve chosen to switch their support over in favor of the MAGA candidate.
With less than two weeks left until the general election, voters are focusing heavily on the state of America’s foreign policy. As dangerous conflicts and threats continue in regions like the Middle East, Ukraine, and China, many Americans are questioning whether the country is overextended in global affairs and foreign wars. Navigating these complex international challenges involves not only the American president and Congress but also the Department of State and the Pentagon.
In this 41-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz leads a focus group featuring national security experts formerly from the State Department and the Pentagon. These leaders offer their insights into the key global issues that Americans should be most concerned about right now.
There’s a wide range of social, political and economic issues facing Americans today, and some of those issues involve underlying structures and systems like Congress, the Supreme Court and the idea of capitalism itself.
Capitalism has come under fire as income and wealth disparitybetween Americans continues to grow. The Supreme Court has come under criticism for allegedly demonstrating a sharply partisan political bias, even though it was designed to function outside of politics. Congress, meanwhile, continues to face familiar allegations of dysfunction, corruption and zero-sum partisanship.
Watch the above 27-minute episode of America Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks Americans for their opinions on the state of our Congress, Supreme Court and modern U.S. capitalism.
Public opinion surveys show that 81% of American voters believe that U.S. democracy is under threat, and roughly 3 in 4 votersbelieve that democracy itself is at stake in the 2024 presidential election. While Democrats and Republicans sometimes provide different reasons, citizens on each side of the political divide report that they are deeply concerned for the future of the United States.
In this 24-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks a bipartisan focus group of U.S. voters to discuss their respective concerns for the future of democracy and America.
The vice-presidential debate between Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn., and Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, was seen as a win by both sides. In contrast to the Harris-Trump debate, public opinion on who won the Walz-Vance debate was split evenly. With the November election projected to be a tight race in the Electoral College, it remains to be seen whether this will impact the outcome of the election, but both Vance and Walz succeeded in improved their image with the American public.
In this 30-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz interviews a group of undecided voters before and after the vice-presidential debate and asks what impact, if any, that debate might have on how these voters ultimately cast their ballots.
Immigration remains one of the top issues for American voterstoday, and the global refugee crisis as a whole ranks as one of the modern world’s top concerns. In America, as in other countries, the public debate ranges from how to accommodate new immigrants to how many immigrants should be allowed in the first place, and how those immigrants should or shouldn’t become naturalized as citizens of their new host nation.
Complicating those debates is the inability of U.S. immigration courts to process immigration and asylum claims in anything close to a timely manner, with some claims waiting a full decadebefore being processed.
In this 48-minute video of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks U.S. voters how they think about immigration and what they’d like to see their country do differently in the years ahead.
Only a small percentage of Americans who said they plan to vote in the November elections have not yet made up their minds up about who they’ll be voting for. However, at least in the Electoral College, the upcoming election is projected to be a tight race, and a small number of undecided voters in just a handful of states could make a difference.
In this 40-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz interviews a group of young undecided American voters to understand what they care about, how they perceive the presidential debate, and what their concerns are as November approaches.
An overwhelming majority of Black Americans say they plan to vote for Kamala Harris as the next U.S. president. Around one-quarter of Black men under 50, however, say they plan to support Donald Trump instead.
In this 47-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks a group of Black U.S. voters under 40 who are planning to vote for Donald Trump why they’re making the choice to support him over Kamala Harris.
The United States Armed Forces today is collectively considered the most powerful national military in the world. While part of that supremacy stems from technology, logistics, diplomacy, and other key variables, a great deal of it also stems from the values, discipline and integrity of the men and women who serve. And for many of these young Americans, their journey of national service begins at West Point.
In this 18-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz interviews a focus group of West Point cadets and asks them to share their stories about why they enlisted, what they’ve learned, and what they hope to accomplish for themselves, each other and their country.
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