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The Whole Paradox

Author: Molly Mitchell-Hardt

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Welcome to The Whole Paradox podcast, where we explore timeless wisdom in the modern age to cultivate a greater sense of meaning and belonging to ourselves, our world, and one another. We will integrate the sacred, mythic, somatic, creative and poetic to expand our meaning of truth and our capacity for complexity and nuance. 

21 Episodes
Welcome to a new offering from The Whole Paradox! This is our meditation series led by depth and somatic psychotherapist Molly Mitchell-Hardt Field. This meditation is meant to do anywhere while doing anything (within reason of course); cooking, walking, doing the dishes, at home with your child(ren), at work, driving (maybe to an interview or event), on the train/bus, or in a meditative space! The intention of this meditation (< 15 mins) is to arrive more fully into the body and m...
This episode was recorded one day before the outbreak of the LA fires, so first and foremost our hearts are with all those impacted. We are deeply sitting with all the loss and grief both personally and collectively as we navigate what is to come for family and friends who have lost everything. Our hope is that this episode can serve as a compass and connector to the greater forces surrounding us so that we feel more firmly planted within the cosmos. In this episode, depth + somatic psychothe...
In this episode, depth + somatic psychotherapist, and The Whole Paradox Host, Molly Mitchell-Hardt interviews healer, frequency artist, and creativity catalyst, Xenia Viray. They talk about:sensitivitycreativitythe messiness of the entrepreneurial spacecreating with no mapself-expressionlove of learning and curiosity genius and states of playconnection to innocence and the inner childnavigating the transitional space of our timebusiness as creative expression intuitive sense of 2025...
Welcome to a new offering from The Whole Paradox!This is our meditation series led by depth and somatic psychotherapist Molly Mitchell-Hardt Field. The intention of this walking meditation (< 10mins) is to arrive more fully into the body and more deeply into presence while you are out for a walk.
In this episode, depth + somatic psychotherapist and The Whole Paradox Host, Molly Mitchell-Hardt interviews seasoned psychotherapist and coach, Astrid Schmidt. They talk about:Healing through being a healerPostpartum underworld experienceGestalt and how all your parts are trying to help youImpact of identifying with diagnoses or family roles/dynamicsDepression as healthNavigating race as a biracial womanAncestral exhaustionMoney and scarcity More money and more responsibility Stayi...
Welcome to a new offering from The Whole Paradox!This is our meditation series led by depth and somatic psychotherapist Molly Mitchell-Hardt Field. The intention of this moving meditation is to arrive more fully into the body, to allow for authentic expression of movement and sound to move stagnant or energy through and even out of the body. In this meditation (< 20mins) make sure you are somewhere you feel comfortable moving your body and making sound.
In this episode, depth + somatic psychotherapist and The Whole Paradox Host, Molly Mitchell-Hardt interviews author, teacher, mother, and pioneer, Perdita Finn. They talk about:Relationship to the deadAsking the dead for helpThe economy of prayerWhy institutional religion has tried to make us afraid of the dead True elderhoodThe burden put on modern mothers The sacredness of beads Circles of belonging and much more...Follow us @mollymitchellhardt and @thewholeparadoxFind P...
In this episode, depth + somatic psychotherapist and The Whole Paradox Host, Molly Mitchell-Hardt interviews Certified Labor Doula, women's wellness coach, registered yoga teacher, and childbirth educator, Courtney Satow. They talk about:the unique perspective of the doulafear in birthingfear, tension, pain axisflow state in birththe medical model of birth and impact on perceptions of birththe importance of being informedand much more...Follow us @mollymitchellhardt and @thewholeparadoxFind C...
In this episode, depth + somatic psychotherapist and The Whole Paradox Host, Molly Mitchell-Hardt interviews author, educator, and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Kimberly Ann Johnson. They talk about:menopause as a reckoninghormones as godsthe culture around menopause and aging"worrying" about fertility, perimenopause, menopausethe pressure to go on HRT (hormone replacement therapy)coming to terms with limitationliving in a "what's wrong" culture listening differently as a resul...
In this episode, depth + somatic psychotherapist and The Whole Paradox Host, Molly Mitchell-Hardt interviews couples psychotherapist and coach Ashley Batistick. They talk about:uncertainty and doubt in relationshipscouples therapy and the Emotionally Focused Therapy modalitythe depth perspective in couples workholding the tension of oppositesfantasy as a guideallowing the inner lover to court youthe multiplicity of the psycheand much more...Follow us @mollymitchellhardt and @thewholeparadoxFi...
In this episode, depth + somatic psychotherapist and The Whole Paradox Host, Molly Mitchell-Hardt interviews psychotherapist and podcaster Gina Minardi. They talk about:being and raising highly sensitive peoplethe defining qualities of HSPsthe initiatory experience of the motherhood journeynavigating the highly sensitive family ecosystemand much more...Follow us @mollymitchellhardt and @thewholeparadoxFind Gina Minardi:Follow Gina Minardi on instagramListen to Gina Minardi's Podcast, Sp...
In this episode, depth + somatic psychotherapist and The Whole Paradox Host, Molly Mitchell-Hardt interviews author, podcaster, and Jungian Analyst, Lisa Marchiano. They talk about:the power of seeing through a symbolic/archetypal lensthe Jungian conception of the psychethe nature of the unconscious her books Motherhood: Facing and Finding Yourself and Vital Sparkdreams, fairytales, and myths as a way into the inner worldthe motherhood journey as a soul making experiencethe shadow ...
In this episode, depth and somatic psychotherapist, Molly Mitchell-Hardt and musical artist and ineffable multimedia creator Zachary Murdock have a meandering, silly, philosophical conversation about:Inspiring literature and musicEvolution of consciousnessZach’s inner experience as an artist and creativeBearing the liminal nature of living in this eraThe relationship between the polarities of masculine and feminine energetics and how things are changingTheir experience of marriage and p...
How Did We Get Here?

How Did We Get Here?


In this episode, Molly Mitchell-Hardt explores what elements may have come together that paved road to present day and how this informed human experience and culture on every level:"To give us context for the cultural milieu we find ourselves in, mired in global conflict, a worldwide pandemic, and climate crisis to name a few, I find solace in looking to the ancient wisdom of our ancestors. For me, this often leads me back to the question, What existed before the social and cultural sys...
In this episode Molly Mitchell-Hardt interviews teacher, astrologist, mystic, Jana Roemer. They Discuss: Moving through griefNormalization of cryingMain astrological energies of 2024 and how to orient to what is in storeMotherhood and hope in the modern ageAnd much more...Find Jana Roemer:Follow Jana on instagramFind out more about her work on her websiteFollow us @mollymitchellhardtThis podcast was produced in association with Channel the Sun by Kevin Joseph Grossmann. Musical sty...
Why so much suffering? The constant and unspeakable atrocities of humanity over and over and over it repeats, the horrors we inflict upon others, ourselves, is there a difference?I turn to the void, unhinge my jaw, I open to let it in. “Is this going to annihilate me?” “Yes my love, let it.” On my knees I reach down to the earth, the tears come, washing me clean from the inside “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you, I’m sorry...
The elder mother gathers the liminal one out of bed. She dresses in earthen skins, her belly round and ripening. She is led blindfolded down a well trodden path into the forest and on into a clearing. A circle of mothers around a fire at the center, tended by maidens in flowing white dress...The ceremony ends as the liminal one is offered gifts and talismans to remember her strength and power as she faces the decimation of the one who came before and is welcomed to the ancient line of the Mot...
Western culture has in many ways lost conscious relationship with the forces of initiation, so many of us are unconsciously dragged along into initiatory trial after initiatory trial without context, without the container of the community or the elders to hold us and imbue our experiences with meaning and sacred purpose. Without the anchoring of communal ritual we become untethered from the cosmos and the wheel of time that connects us to the eternal. In this episode, Molly Mitchell-Hard...
The seat of therapist or healing professional is a very privileged role and as such, I believe we have a duty and responsibility to be doing our own inner work. In a position of power and with the shadow unchecked it is all too easy to get stuck in a trap of unconscious manipulation, vying for power and control, or using the work to focus on others in order to neglect our own suffering among other things. When we acknowledge the shadow we invite in another layer of truth and authenticity...
A crackling fire, the drum beat, feet rhythmically lifting and pounding on the Earth, dust whirling up like smoke, singing the world awake. Consciousness shifts. We are lifted out of the temporal and transported beyond as we have been doing since the dawn. As Jungian analyst Dr. Jeffery Raff said, humans have “...the innate capacity to unite with the higher world, and to unite the higher and the lower worlds as one” (p.1).In this episode, Molly Mitchell-Hardt interviews friend and colleague, ...