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My Apologies

Author: Stephen Cramm

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An apology doesn’t just mean saying that you’re sorry - it can also mean giving a reason for something you believe. On this channel we will examine various apologies for living a life of faith and virtue! And if I say something that offends you… my apologies.  

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27 Episodes
As a Christian, YOU need to be prepared with an answer to people who question your faith! In this video, we dive into an argument made famous by the Muslim Apologist Ahmed Deedat to reveal a POWERFUL strategy to defend Christianity from disingenuous accusations.It's not only Deedat who uses this sort of 'inappropriate presumption' argument though. You can find arguments like it from members of all kinds of faiths - including within Christendom! By the end of this video, you’...
On the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary I was SHOCKED to see an utter deception on the Divine Office app. I usually have a lot of respect for the prayers contained within, but this time I was disappointed in how misleading the information was.In this video I discuss the deception, show receipts from early church history to prove my point, and finally discuss why it's a significant issue.__________________________________________________________________________________Sign up on Locals t...
The canon of Scripture is the death of Protestantism!! This is what you’d see if you read through some of my comments on this channel. A shocking number of people seem CONVINCED that this particular argument is check-mate when it comes to my faith. But how legit is this argument? Is it all it's cracked up to be? In this video I’ll explain the argument, address each point of the argument to see if it is as catastrophic as suggested, and finally I’ll give a protestant vi...
In this video we’re going to examine this shocking new argument made on Reformed To Rome's Youtube channel against Sola Scriptura. We'll explain why it falls short and then before the end we’ll even build up a positive argument FOR Sola Scriptura from the content we are discussing today.Ultimately, Acts 15 does NOT prove Sola Scriptura wrong. Far from it! And the whole argument hinges around a misunderstanding of infallibility vs inerrancy.___________________________________...
I’m going to reveal the paradigm that was revolutionary to my understanding of the roadmap. Once I comprehended this, I actually changed my personal view of scripture! We'll examine the BEST system for explaining how people view Scripture vs Tradition. Where does Sola Scriptura fit in? And what do the Catholics believe? All this and more in this episode!__________________________________________________________________________Sign up on Locals to support: https://myapologies.local...
Have you ever wondered what happened to the apostles after Jesus’ death? So in this video, I’m going to share that story with you from the life of Saint John the Apostle. It's been really edifying and challenging for me, and I hope you enjoy it as well!__________________________________________________________________________Sign up on Locals to support: with me on Twitter: the Show.
Are we saved by faith alone? Or do we need good works too? In this video we discuss the age-old faith vs works controversy and take a look at what C.S. Lewis has to say on the matter in his book Mere Christianity! __________________________________________________________________________To support and join our community sign up on Locals!
There are lots of questions around the 'sacraments' in the Christian world. C.S. Lewis has an explanation of them in Mere Christianity (Book 2, Chapter 5) that we want to take a look at.We'll talk about what these sacraments are, what they do for us, and why we should believe in them in the first place!__________________________________________________________________________To support and join our community sign up on Locals! the Show.
Sola Scriptura is one of the most important ideas to come out of the Protestant Reformation. But is it a completely new idea created in the minds of men living 1500 years after the Apostles? This video defines the Reformation view of Sola Scriptura and then examines whether or not it can be found in the writings of the earliest church fathers.__________________________________________________________________________To support and join our community sign up on Locals! https://myapo...
Why did Jesus have to die? What do Christians believe this accomplished?Today we'll look at five theories of the "Atonement" meaning the reconciliation of God and Man through Jesus Christ. These theories are attempts to explain how Christ's death and resurrection is related to our salvation.After these five theories, we'll read Lewis' own explanation in Mere Christianity Book 2 Chapter 4.__________________________________________________________________________To support and join ...
Protestants and Roman Catholics have strong disagreements about how we should be relating to the Saints in Heaven. As a Protestant, I don't pretend to speak for everyone, but I think there are a few really helpful ways we can all relate to the Saints in a healthy and God-honoring way.In this video we first look at the Roman argument that praying to the Saints is the same as asking a living brother or sister in Christ to pray for you. Is that really a true comparison? After t...
Plenty of people are willing to say that Jesus seemed to be a good moral teacher. That view of the Historical Jesus tends to fit into anyone's worldview without disturbing them too much. But is that an option that Jesus left for us?In this episode we examine the Trilemma - C.S. Lewis' description of what we can reasonably believe about Jesus. Was he a Liar? A Lunatic? Or Lord?__________________________________________________________________________Join Locals to Support my ...
With all the back and forth on the subject, I decided to read Origen On Prayer for myself. I have a ton of respect for both Gavin Ortlund and Joe Heschmeyer. I really enjoy listening to their content and I hope that this can be a helpful contribution to this discussion!This video essentially makes the following two arguments in regards to On Prayer:1) Origen does not primarily use the word "Saint" to mean either Saints in Heaven or both Saints on Earth and in Heaven. When h...
One of the biggest questions aimed at Christians is the problem of evil. How can God allow evil to exist if he is perfectly good, perfectly knowledgeable, and perfectly powerful? In this episode we answer this question along with the questions: - What is evil? - Where did it come from? - What does it have to do with God?Along the way you'll get some movie recommendations, some southern slang, and even some bloopers!___________________________________________________...
What can the foreign concept of Dualism teach Christians about the Gospel? In today's episode of the Mere Christianity series, we look at Book 2 Chapter 2 and discuss the religion of Zoroastrianism. This all leads into a conversation around Satan and the Dark Power at work in our world. You won't want to miss it!________________________________________________________________________________________________To support and join our community sign up on Locals: https://myapolog...
I'm God, you're God, we're all God. Is it possible that you are a pantheist without knowing it? There are many people who don't realize the fact that pantheistic thinking has snuck into their worldview. We'll explain what pantheism is, cover three ways you can KNOW if you've become a pantheist, and finally discuss whether it's right or wrong.________________________________________________________________________________________________To support and join our community sign...
Today we've got a special guest on the show to talk about the top 10 C.S. Lewis quotes of all time (in my personal opinion). What better way to celebrate 10 episodes of our Mere Christianity series than to do a top 10 list! It's going to be a fun one so stick around!________________________________________________________________________________________________To support and join our community sign up on Locals: with me on Twitter: http...
Christians talk about (and argue about) what we NEED to believe all the time. You have to believe in the trinity; you have to believe in Jesus' death and resurrection; you need to believe/not believe in salvation by faith alone; etc. But we almost never bother to discuss what we do NOT need to believe.Why would we? Well, for one, there may be things that Christians feel compelled to believe despite the protestations of their conscience. What a relief it would be if we could ...
Have you ever heard the phrase "Fear of God?" Is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing? To answer this question, we'll look at the fifth chapter of Mere Christianity which is entitled: "We Have Cause to be Uneasy." Lewis examines nature and morality in order to determine what we can learn about God from these sources alone - no divine revelation necessary. You may think at first that it's all sunshine and daisies when it comes to our divine creator in t...
Most of western society has progressed beyond religion entirely. Religious worldviews are a thing of the past, they didn't really work out for us right? We certainly shouldn't turn the clock back to such barbaric times!Lewis will address this assertion and reveal what the true meaning of "progress" is. And how can we know if we're progressing? We'll discuss this as well and finally, we wrap up with some quotes from Church History that will hopefully be an encouragement to you!____...