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The Lawyer Life Podcast

Author: Autumn Noble

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You don't have to look very far to find studies confirming what we all know to be true--the legal profession is suffering. 

Countless studies confirm that our attorneys are struggling with substance abuse, mental health challenges, anxiety, and stress at alarming rates. 

While these challenges cannot be attributed to any one cause, many of these studies have demonstrated the need for greater support and mentorship in the legal profession. 

At the same time, as attorneys, we need to develop better and healthier coping skills to overcome the inevitable challenges of practicing law.  

This podcast endeavors to do just that. Get practical skills and tools to change the way you interact with your career and start living differently.
32 Episodes
Kickstart your day with a 5-minute meditation and unlock the door to unparalleled productivity! This meditation will help you clear your mind, boost your focus, and set a positive tone for everything you aim to achieve. Whether you're at home, in the office, or on-the-go, take this time for yourself. Breathe deeply, center your thoughts, and watch how it transforms your day. Watch this meditation to beautiful scenery on YouTube: meditation relates to:Stre...
Meditation is a huge part of my day-to-day practice, but it became really crucial to me in my early years of practicing as an attorney. Going forward, the Lawyer Life Podcast will be offering guided mindfulness meditations to support you to incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine. This episode covers:Meditation BasicsBenefits of MeditationHow to Get Started MeditatingHow Meditation Improves HealthMy Meditation Beginning:
In this episode, we discuss self-directed neuroplasticity and how our brains form habits. I explain how our brains are wired to naturally form unhealthy habits. You will learn how to recognize these patterns and consciously choose to show up for yourself and follow through on your commitments to create new, healthier habits.New episodes the first Wednesday of each month. Special releases and bonus episodes monthly.RELATED TO THIS EPISODE: You Brain Suffers From Stockholm Syndrome: https:...
All the best pieces of advice distilled down to the most crucial. Today we are sharing two of the most essential relationship pieces of advice that everyone should know. These tips are simple but have the potential to change all of your relationships both personal and professional. New episodes every other Wednesday. RELATED TO THIS EPISODE: How to Deal with Difficult People: Secrets No One is Telling You:
What if some of the problems in your life and your career were all caused by the same thing -- you? Would you want to know? Today we dig into the three most common ways that we create our own chaos in life and learn the tools to fix it. Watch the full episode on our YouTube Channel: episodes every other Wednesday. RELATED TO THIS EPISODE:Why We're Unhappy in Law - Part 3 Believing Your Own BS: Pleasing - Ho...
Summer hot takes - quick and simple tips to chew on this summer. Today we explore how to be happier in the legal profession. We unpack insights on embracing the yin and yang of practicing law, taking ownership of emotions, and finding direction in one's career. Watch the full episode on our YouTube Channel: episodes every other Wednesday. RELATED TO THIS EPISODE:Episode 3, Why We're Unhappy in Law - Part 1 Fighting Reality:
Today we are unpacking the greenest of emotions - jealousy and I intend to show you how useful jealousy can be in transforming our lives but also our relationship with ourselves. Watch the full episode on our YouTube Channel: episodes every other Wednesday. RELATED TO THIS EPISODE:Jealousy: When Others Judge Us: Other People Think: ht...
In this episode, we are talking about processing pain and failure. In our last few episodes we talked about having difficult conversations and negotiating and odds are good that whenever you engage in either one of those activities, you are setting yourself up for some big fat failures and all the feeling that go along with it. So I felt it was a natural segway to spend today talking about how to process failure and the pain that goes with it. We explore my personal, painful experiences...
In this episode, we explore effective negotiating strategies for women. We highlight powerful statistics on the gender wage gap and the factors contributing to it, such as lower negotiation rates among women and fear of negative consequences. This episode explains the importance of self-reflection leading up to the negotiations as well as the impact of past experiences and beliefs on negotiating styles. The episode includes a step-by-step guide on how to prepare for and execute a negotiation ...
Annoying boss? Energy vampire friends? Cringey co-workers?How do we know when a relationship has run its course and it's just time to walk away?How can you tell if a relationship is unsalvageable? It all boils down to some very simple considerations.Watch the full episode on our YouTube Channel: episodes every other Wednesday. RELATED TO THIS EPISODE:Ending Relationships: People Out: ht...
In today's episode, we are digging into a topic we all deal with from time to time but a topic that seems pervasive in the legal industry: Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad humans and how to deal with them.Watch the full episode on our YouTube Channel: episodes every other Wednesday. RELATED TO THIS EPISODE: People-ing: Personality: Other H...
When we believe we don't have what it takes or that we can't do something, it creates doubt and fear and those emotions always drive us to show up small and without confidence. Those types of actions create results that allow impostor syndrome to thrive. When we believe we can't do it, we don't show up as our best and we don’t do our best. As a result, we create all sorts of evidence to support our impostor syndrome thinking. We create a self- fulfilling prophecy. In this epi...
How do we find purpose and fulfillment in law? What is a hero's journey and what does it have to tell us about finding fulfillment? So many of my clients come to coaching confused about their future. They pursued the respected path to lawyer-dom and, having arrived, they feel lost. They don’t know what they are supposed to do with their life or whether it's possible to find real fulfillment in law. In this episode, we start to unpack this age-old question--how do I find purpose and fulfillmen...
This episode continues our discussion from the last episode on how to start taking meaningful action toward your goals. As we all know, when we start taking action on a goal the excitement the hopefulness quickly gives way to less rosy feelings. Fear and self-doubt are likely to show up and rain on your Goal Parade. How do we move forward despite the fear and ugly emotions that take the wind out of our sails? Today we discuss four truths about fear and confidence to help you stay the course a...
In today's episode we are digging into the reasons why women are initially drawn to coaching and why women are struggling in the legal industry. I jokingly titled this episode the Secrets No One is Telling You because in the legal industry it's nearly impossible to see that we are all struggling in so many similar ways but no one is talking about it! Today we unpack those secret struggles and shed light on the things I hear again and again in my coaching sessions. Watch the full episode on ou...
This week, we explore some of my favorite MUST HAVE time management tools and tips that actually work to help you focus and get things done. This is so much more than the tools you can find in a simple Google search! We will explore essential mindset shifts and discuss how to approach your work to make every day as successful as possible. Watch the full episode on our YouTube Channel: episodes every other Wednesday. RELATED TO THIS EPISODE: When You F...
Today, we are digging into something that I encounter with only about 100 percent of my clients. It's the challenge of overwhelm and having too much for any human to do. In this episode, I will unpack a recent client example of overwhelm and then I'm going to conclude with a few basic steps to dismantle your overwhelm before it consumes you.Watch the full episode on our YouTube Channel: New episodes every other Wednesday. RELATED TO THIS EPISODE: Never E...
This episode continues our discussion of people-pleasing and explores boundaries - we love them, we hate them, we all need them. Not only are we going to explore how to set and stick to boundaries, we're going to take a look at some of the most common boundary violations I see in practicing law as well as some pretty shocking brutal honesty, in part with a few true confessions in lawyering from your host. Watch the full episode on our YouTube Channel: New ep...
SUMMARY: What’s wrong with not wanting to make waves? More than you think. Today, we unpack our people pleasing tendencies -- why we do it, what it costs us and how to drop the act.Watch the full episode on our YouTube Channel: New episodes every other Wednesday. RELATED TO THIS EPISODE:Crying it Out - Pleasing - No - http://thelawyerlifecollectiv...
Running Out of Time

Running Out of Time


SUMMARY: So many goals, so little time! Did you know that this idea of running out of time not only sabotages your goals but is a sign of a larger more sinister problem? In today's episode, we are continuing a topic that was brought up in our prior episode and that is this idea of running out of time and feeling this pressure that we need to do all of the things before Father Time catches up with us. Watch the full episode on our YouTube Channel: New e...