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The Liberty & Slavery Podcast
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The Liberty & Slavery Podcast

Author: Inertia Films

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Interviews from the Emmy award winning documentary - Liberty & Slavery: The Paradox of America's Founding Fathers.

24 Episodes
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews Park Ranger Rick Starr in Independence Hall. Rick discusses the events that took place there, and the Founders who participated.
Director A. Troy Thomas sits down with author, professor and historian H. Robert Baker to discuss the Founding Fathers and their complicated relationship with slavery. Baker explains the influences that shaped the thinking of the men that built America.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews Rod Gragg, author of Forged in Faith. Rod discusses the Puritans and Pilgrims seeking religious freedom in the New World, and the impact that the Judeo Christian viewpoint had on the founding documents.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews Sara Georgini about John Adams, John Quincy Adams and Abigail Adams. Sara discusses the Adams prominent role in the founding of the country, and their relationship with slavery. Sara Georgini is an American historian, and series editor for The Papers of John Adams at the Adams Papers Editorial Project.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews Mary V. Thompson about George Washington. They discuss how Washington's views on slavery changed during his life and the complications he faced trying to free the slaves of Mount Vernon. Mary V. Thompson was a research historian at Mount Vernon, and is now retired and serves as Research Historian Emerita at Mount Vernon.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews the late Carl Westmoreland about Jefferson's view on slavery and its role in the colonies. Carl Westmoreland was the Senior Historian at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews Carter Hudgins, the President and CEO of Drayton Hall. Hudgens discusses slavery at Drayton Hall Plantation, and slavery's role in the economics of the Colonies.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews David Eltis, the Robert W. Woodruff Professor Emeritus of History at Emory University and the co-developer of Eltis discusses the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and its impact on the Americas and the Founding Fathers of the United States.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews theologian Walter Brueggemann. Brueggemann offers an interpretation of slavery in the Bible, and discusses the Bibles influence on the Founding Fathers. Brueggemann is currently William Marcellus McPheeters Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary.
Today's podcast features Hillsdale College's Assistant Professor and Research Fellow, David Azerrad. Azerrad explains the guiding principles of the Founders, especially in creating the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. He further explains the paradox of liberty and slavery as seen in the personal lives of the Founders. Azerrad was formerly the Director of the Kenneth Simon Center of Principles and Politics at The Heritage Foundation.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews Caroline Keinath at Piecefield about John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams, and their impact on forming America.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews Christa Dierksheide at Monticello about Thomas Jefferson and his role as a Founding Father and an owner of slaves.
Director A. Troy Thomas sits down with Sara Bon-Harper, Executive Director of James Monroe’s Highland, to discuss many of the contributions of James Monroe. Monroe was the last Founding Father to serve as President, a two time Governor of Virginia, a US Senator, an ambassador to Britain and France, as well as Secretary of State. An accomplished soldier and statesman, Monroe is perhaps best known for issuing the Monroe Doctrine.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews historian Richard Beeman. Richard was the John Walsh Centennial Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania. He was also the director of the Philadelphia Center for Early American Studies. Richard wrote several books, including "Plain Honest Men: The Making of the American Constitution," and "Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor: Americans Choose Independence." This interview was conducted in Media, Pennsylvania in May 2014.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews Pulitzer Prize winning author, Joseph Ellis about America's Founding Fathers and slavery. Ellis argues that we should cease arguing about whether the Founders were heroes or villains, but instead grapple with them as flawed human beings who we can learn from because of their imperfections and what they did well.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews professor Eric Jackson about Colonial America, Slavery and The Founding Fathers. Eric Jackson is a professor of American History at Northern Kentucky University with over 50 journal publications.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews historian and author Edward J. Larson about George Washington's role as a respected leader of the American Revolution and his ownership of slaves at Mount Vernon.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews former Director of Education at JamesMadison’s Montpelier, Christian Cotz. Christian discusses JamesMadison's role in crafting the United States Constitution and hisownership of slaves at his family's large Virginia plantation,Montpelier.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews the 2006 Social Studies Teacher of the Year, India Meissel. She discusses European colonization of North America, the history of slavery in the New World before and after the American Revolution as well as the Founding Fathers' complicated relationship with slavery.
Director A. Troy Thomas interviews author and historian Jon Kukla about Patrick Henry. Perhaps best known for his "Liberty or Death" speech at St. John's Church, Patrick Henry was also an American founder who owned slaves. Jon Kukla discusses the nuances of this seeming contradiction.