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A Podcast by Shonagh Home
38 Episodes
Jason Grechanik has apprenticed for many years in the Amazon under the instruction of traditional teachers that include maestro Ernesto Garcia Torres. There, he learned the sacred art of plant dieting through his apprenticeship training that included prolonged isolation, and fasting. He was given the blessing to work as Tabaquero until eventually he was given the ability to dispense diets. He is a wealth of information on this subject and he runs dietas in the Sacred Valley of Peru and abroad. He is very well-spoken and shares beautifully on this subject. It was such a pleasure interviewing him. In the first hour, Jason discusses what it is to diet a plant or a tree, entering into relationship through ancient practices of isolation, observation and communion. He shares his knowledge and wisdom on tobacco, which is sacred in many traditions. In hour two Jason discusses his work, the disconnect of humans from nature, shamanic dreaming and the imagination, and his initiation into fatherhood. So much good wisdom from this beautiful man!
What the majority of people do not realize is that our reality is being created for us and our minds controlled and steered by people with far greater understanding of the inner workings of the psyche than the average person. Propaganda and brainwashing are ancient methods for controlling a body of people. With the formation of the Tavistock Institute in 1913 by the British royal family, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, those methods developed into highly sophisticated techniques utilizing government, military, psychiatry, media/entertainment, education and other areas of society to steer the minds of the people toward what a privileged few desire for them.   Scholars, Steve and Krys Crimi, the publishers at Logosophia Books, join me for a deep dive into the inception and methodologies of the Tavistock Institute. This information is vitally important for people to understand, as we have all been indoctrinated and continue to be influenced on multiple layers, and this includes the psychedelic arena. Only when we can recognize what is covertly influencing our thoughts and actions can we free ourselves from its grasp. There is so much good information covered in hours 1 and 2, including ways to counter mind control. Please join us for a very illuminating conversation that serves ultimately to break the spell and free the mind.   Website:   Krys and Steve’s Youtube Channel, Good Craic:   
I discovered Bernhard’s work via the Magical Egypt podcast ( ) and promptly signed up for his Magical Castle experience, which was so palpable and stirring that I continue to work with it today. Bernhard is an occultist, animist, storyteller, and founder of Magieschule / Magic School, founded in 2018, where he teaches magic in online courses and live seminars. Bernhard is all about the training of the imagination, the inner realm, to affect the outer realm. In our modern culture the imagination is dismissed and diminished, so I find this to be not only refreshing but highly important in terms of the infinite possibility imaginal work holds. Bernhard is one of the nicest, most approachable people you could meet and I just knew I had to share him with you.   In the first hour Bernhard shares about his family background and how he came into the fascinating work he does today. He touches on his relationship to the Lord of the Forest, Cernunnos/Pan, and shares about a highly challenging, wrenching experience he had with Iboga. The second hour explores the training of the imagination, mediumship, his school, and so much more. Good stuff here for those of you who know darn well there is far more to this reality than meets the eye.   Links to Bernhard’s work:   Journey Into the Imaginal with Bernhard Reicher: Youtube: Facebook: Website:    
You may well want to listen to this episode more than once, as Jack has a sagacious understanding of the hidden code of the alphabet that will open you to the ‘hidden in plain sight’ language of illumination, though you’ll need to slow everything down and focus on what this unique soul has to say.   
Chandni Rodriguez was introduced to me by dear friends and our connection was immediate. In this episode Chandni shares her wealth of wisdom on the subject of yoga. In the first hour she begins by discussing the differences between classical yoga and the “modern postural yoga” of the west. The hour flows with her wisdom on samskaras, unhooking from the way we experience suffering, her childhood growing up with a traditional Indian mother, Gurani Anjali, who was a yogi in Amityville, New York, and later opened up an Ashram in Queens, her work with her teacher, yogi Ananda Viraj, and her own rich teaching and philosophy. There are so many gems here.   I begin the second hour by asking Chandni what she would advise for the many who are suffering from depression today. The conversation flows into the rift between the sexes and how yoga philosophy would speak to that and the conversation weaves from there. Chandni lives her yoga and flows her wisdom generously.   Please feel free to reach out to her at her website:  
Alanna Moore is an experienced geomancer, specializing in correcting geopathic stress created by underground streams and lines of magnetic energy. She is also a “sensitive” and communicates with spirits both human and of nature. She has authored 11 books, her latest, titled, Fairy Haunts of Ireland: A Guide to Magical, Uplifting and Supernatural Sites for Accessing the Ancient Spiritual Heritage of Ireland and Participating in her Ever-Luminous Otherworld Continuum.   In the first hour Alanna shares how she came into the art of dowsing and later founded Geomantica, the influential magazine on natural living, eco-awareness and psychic development through dowsing. She discusses the “yin” energies of the earth, the aboriginal people of Australia where she once lived, nature spirits, faerie haunts of Ireland, dowsing as communication system with the spirits of place, and more.   In the second hour Alanna focuses on the effects of electromagnetic radiation from wifi, cellphones, towers, etc. and offers ways to counter it. She is “electro-sensitive” and has researched extensively on the subject, providing an informed viewpoint on this very important issue.   Website: Alanna’s Tours: Workshops: VIEW ALL FREE EPISODES  
This multi-faceted man is a wisdom keeper, teacher, healer, author and poet. Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue is deeply connected and informed by his Irish lineage and candidly shares the rich stories of his Irish roots, weaving in the mystical lore of the land of Éire. He discusses the complex role of the Church in Ireland, then shares with us his experience growing up autistic and highly intuitive. He has been initiated in the Feri Tradition and there is a wonderful story he shares about Brighid’s message to him in the fire. The first hour ends with how Seán found his way to his calling as an herbalist.   In the second hour Seán discusses how he came into communication with the spirits of the plants, his teachings by the late master herbalist, Stephen Buhner, his wisdom on psilocybin as “Elders of Gaia” and more. What an honor to share his wisdom here with you. Time very well spent!   Website:   Otherworld Well Hedge School:   Pre-Order his upcoming book, The Silver Branch: here   Substack: Facebook:  
I have known Natalia Oganesyan for many years and have witnessed her growth as a medicine woman of great depth. In the first hour of our interview she discusses her Armenian heritage, her journey on the plant medicine path, motherhood, the accrued wisdom in aging, her practice, and more. She shares candidly and honestly and I found so much inspiration in her sharing.   In the second hour Natalia opens up for the first time about her experience with her teacher, an ayahuasca shaman from a long traditional lineage. Here, she shares what is rarely talked about, and that is the psychological hold some shamans have on their students, and the black magic that is used in the process. It’s important to know this goes on, especially for those new to this path who are genuinely seeking help and spiritual guidance. With visionary plant and fungi so regaled today, we need to have the full story and that means the dark side too.   Natalia’s website: Instagram:  
I had the great privilege of interviewing water researcher, Veda Austin, recently and what she shared is nothing short of groundbreaking. The results of her research have extraordinary implications for healing in a way that can free humanity and this earth from so much suffering.   In the first hour Veda shares how she came to this research, and her backstory is truly inspiring. You will not believe what she went through before arriving at her work today. With regard to the horrific car crash she experienced, Veda shared an element with me that she has not shared publicly before. She explained how she came to explore water through written, photographic and thought promptings beneath a petri-dish of water she then froze for a certain amount of time, which revealed the image of her prompt. If you are unfamiliar with Veda’s work, you will learn things about water that you may never have thought possible.   In the second hour Veda focuses specifically on how to heal with water using the crystalization method she has developed. The possibilities here are infinite and Veda shares how one woman, with curiosity and faith, used the crystalization method to heal herself from crippling vaccine damage. Veda discusses the healing elements of different colored glass bottles, and how water uses its own intelligence to heal itself. What a blessing and a grace to be alive now and receive this life-changing information. Veda is a treasure-trove of illumination for this time and what she offers is a quickening to the heart of mankind.   Website: Instagram:  
The oral tradition continued for who knows how many thousands of years until written books began to appear. Many ancient books were composed in a veiled way, utilizing symbol and allegory to tell stories that conveyed a deeper message. Unlike today, where authors express in a forthright manner through books that will hit the printing press to reach the masses, books in the ancient world were written by hand and available mainly to the priestly classes and the very wealthy. Care was often taken to hide the deeper meaning in an effort to preserve the text and protect it from distortion and fabrication. It was mainly the priestly class that interpreted the meaning of a number of these books and this is certainly so for the bible, whose parables and scriptures have shaped the hearts and minds of countless people for the past sixteen centuries or so.    I recently discovered the work of Alvin Boyd Kuhn, who was a writer, philosopher and esotericist who authored over 150 books, essays and published papers. With his years of dedicated study of symbolism, Theosophy, and the wisdom of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, he has written a number of unique and profound essays on his interpretations of common bible stories that are unlike anything I have ever read. His essay on the Tree of Knowledge, the story of Adam and Eve, is one of the most healing pieces of writing I have ever experienced on this topic, as it takes the literal surface story and exposes the extraordinary symbolism within it that speaks to deep and profound principles of Truth on the nature of the soul. Having grown up Catholic and been unmoved by the catechism and the church experience, I can’t help but wonder how I would have responded if I’d been availed of this sublime wisdom.   As I realize that many people prefer to listen than read, I begin the first hour with some of my thoughts and then read 2/3’s of Kuhn’s essay, and I think many of you will find his meaningful interpretations of the tree and its leaves, among other elements to be very stirring. The second hour completes his essay, and wait till you hear his interpretation of Eve! My commentary follows on my takeaway from this very evocative interpretation. I also include a few paragraphs and thoughts on his essay titled, The Lost Key to the Scriptures. For anyone who was raised Christian, I think this great man’s insights and research will serve you with a depth of meaning on this particular story that is not found in the conventional interpretations. Personally, I have always found this story to be one that instills shame, particularly on the woman’s role in that telling, and I think many women have been made to carry the shame of that supposed error for well over a thousand years. Kuhn’s sagacious insights and depth of knowledge shatter the purblindness of the conventional interpreters and open the gates of knowledge, wisdom and understanding to the intrepid reader. Sláinte!  
I first heard from Aaron Donne early last year when he contacted me and we’ve since had some very deep conversations on the power of the mushroom to heal, and what it means to make that experience available for others. I was struck by his maturity, knowledge and depth of wisdom so of course I asked him if he would be amenable to being interviewed, and lucky for all of us, he agreed.   In the first hour Aaron tells how he came to work with the mushroom, sharing a poignant and touching story of an epiphany he experienced while in military school. He goes on to discuss his work and approach, and I think you’ll find what he shares to be incredibly inspiring. In the second hour he discusses his facilitation practice as well as the body-work he does, which comes from an ancient practice using bundles of twigs on the body to stimulate circulation and healing. As well, he shares inspiring stories of experiences working with people with this incredible medicine. I could listen to this kind man for hours.   Enjoy this conversation!   Websites:   Retreats:    Aaron’s article for Psymposia;  
Happy New Year to you! For this year’s first episode I’m sharing a 2-hour recording from a little podcast my friend, Vanese McNeill, and I set out to do back in 2021, called, The Bright Knowledge. Our schedules, however, did not allow for it but we had two really interesting conversations that were dynamic and fun and I thought that would be a great way to start the year.   The first hour discusses sunlight, light therapy and water and there are some good gems in there to ponder on your health and healing journey. Hour two begins with a poetic transmission Vanese had asked me to share and that got the conversation going where we talked about getting your mind right, working with an archetype for healing, the virus of fear, initiation and more. The sound on my end for this is not great as I was working with a computer that really should have had the heave-ho a couple of years prior. That said, it is a lively discussion and I hope you’ll enjoy it.   Sláinte!   Vanese McNeill’s website:    
I had the pleasure of meeting Rak Razam over ten years ago when he interviewed me for his podcast, In A Perfect World. I was taken by his warmth and generous spirit and impressed with his accomplishments in journalism, filmmaking, public speaking, and his intrepid spirit in exploring the psychedelic world. He is an elder voice in the psychedelic community and an inspiring and engaging speaker on the reverent use of these medicines and their potential to assist us in shaping our world for the better.   In the first hour Rak discusses the revolutionary potential of psychedelics, touching on their possible co-opting by those in power who would utilize them as a kind of Soma for the masses. He speaks to the importance of cultivating a relationship with nature to where it is actually felt rather than simply mediated through technology, comparing the modern mindset to that of the traditional healers found in intact indigenous communities. He weaves his words thoughtfully and I know you will appreciate what he has to say.   Hour two continues with more good words of wisdom on opening to a path of expansion, recognizing and responding to the needs of the planet and one’s communities, and so much more. Rak brings so much to the table and I think you will very much enjoy this episode.   Rak’s website: An e-book gift from Rak on exploring the full potential of psychedelics:  
I am honored to introduce you to Richie Ogulnick, who has dedicated his life to helping people heal with Ibogaine. Very few people realize there is a natural cure for opioid addiction and other addictions like alcohol, cocaine, kratom, fentanyl, etc. Ibogaine has also helped many people who suffer from PTSD, depression, and a host of other challenges. It is a naturally occurring psychoactive compound found in the root bark of the Tabernanthe iboga, a shrub native to Central and West Africa.   Richie has been working with Ibogaine for almost 30 years and has much to share on the subject. In the first hour he begins by explaining the difference between Ibogaine and Iboga, then shares how he came to into connection with this powerful medicine and how it is used.   Hour two discusses the precautions as there are contraindications, and specific health requirements must be met in order to safely use Ibogaine. With his depth of experience I asked Richie to share stories of his work with people over the years, which was hugely educational and gave me great hope for the future. Truly, nature in her genius has the cure for every ill. Please share this episode with anyone you know who suffers from addiction, PTSD, depression, etc. This man is a national treasure!   Website: Richie’s Cell: 352-519-6181  
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Having read French Sociologist, Gustave Le Bon’s, illuminating book, The Psychology of Crowds, over the summer, I made a note to do an episode on crowd manipulation, the undermining insidiousness of propaganda, and the history of government-run schooling. Not a subject the average person wants to know about and yet each and every one of us continues to be saturated in propaganda and social programming everyday. If we put our heads in the sand on this our social issues will continue unabated. No hero is coming to save us and certainly no president from either wing of that same bird either.   Knowledge is power and those who have the curiosity and mental clarity to study how social manipulation works are able to see the con and avoid its spell. In this episode I will be sharing information that most people have little to no awareness of. Le Bon’s book explains the foundational steps of how control of the masses works, which may sound uncomfortably familiar to those who listen in. The subject of social engineering would be incomplete without discussing that odious character, Edward Bernays, and equally odious, Frederick W. Taylor, the anti-intellectual and hater of the individual and, I’m afraid, one of the architects of compulsory schooling.   The second hour focuses on the Prussian school system, which is the blueprint for compulsory schooling in this country. I share from the esteemed, John Taylor Gatto’s book, The Underground History of American Education, which is absolutely mind-blowing. In order to solve a problem properly we must address its cause. This will give you some food for thought and hopefully some inspiration as well.   Sláinte!
 Having read French Sociologist, Gustave Le Bon’s, illuminating book, The Psychology of Crowds, over the summer, I made a note to do an episode on crowd manipulation, the undermining insidiousness of propaganda, and the history of government-run schooling. Not a subject the average person wants to know about and yet each and every one of us continues to be saturated in propaganda and social programming everyday. If we put our heads in the sand on this our social issues will continue unabated. No hero is coming to save us and certainly no president from either wing of that same bird either.   Knowledge is power and those who have the curiosity and mental clarity to study how social manipulation works are able to see the con and avoid its spell. In this episode I will be sharing information that most people have little to no awareness of. Le Bon’s book explains the foundational steps of how control of the masses works, which may sound uncomfortably familiar to those who listen in. The subject of social engineering would be incomplete without discussing that odious character, Edward Bernays, and equally odious, Frederick W. Taylor, the anti-intellectual and hater of the individual and, I’m afraid, one of the architects of compulsory schooling.   The second hour focuses on the Prussian school system, which is the blueprint for compulsory schooling in this country. I share from the esteemed, John Taylor Gatto’s book, The Underground History of American Education, which is absolutely mind-blowing. In order to solve a problem properly we must address its cause. This will give you some food for thought and hopefully some inspiration as well.   VIEW FULL EPISODE VIEW ALL FREE EPISODES
  Magic Mushroom Q & A . I recently requested questions on the subject of magic mushrooms from clients and friends and their thoughtful queries have resulted in this episode. . Their questions cover subjects like what to eat before a journey, what to do to ensure an uplifting experience, how to connect with the faerie realms, and much more. . I hope you’ll enjoy this one. . Sláinte!   VIEW ALL FREE EPISODES  
Earlier this year I began researching Iodine in earnest, and discovered it is the capstone to actual health and mental acuity. In the last 70 years we have been made to fear this essential nutrient that has a documented historical resume of reversing conditions like goiter, cysts, tumors, mental retardation and much more. As a result of misconceptions, the vast majority of us are iodine-deficient, which leads to a number of conditions linked to iodine deficiency such as fibrocystic breast disease, thyroid diseases, ADHD, cancer of the thyroid, breast, ovary, prostate, endometrium, and more.   In the first hour I will explore the medical use of iodine that traces back thousands of years, and its efficacy for healing conditions that plague many people today, and I’ll share what happened in 1948 that steered three generations of doctors away from this important nutrient. You’ll learn about toxic Halides and how they undermine our Iodine levels, and I’ll discuss the Iodine protocol created by Dr Guy Abraham, M.D.   The second hour covers which iodine works best, how to take it, what to do for children, pregnancy, breast cancer, thyroid disorders, ADHD, and more. This has been a very illuminating and uplifting area of research for me and I am excited to share this treasure-trove of information with you. .   Sláinte   ***********************************   Iodine Loading Test: . The Guide to Supplementing with Iodine   Dr Jorge Flechas MD on Iodine for Women’s Health   Books: The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It by Dr David Brownstein, M.D.   Websites: http:
Lakshmi Narayan has been a decades-long student of the I Ching, the oldest known oracular system that hails from ancient China. It is a system that confers timeless wisdom, and it is as relevant today as it was when it was created. In her effort to support those on a path of healing after an ibogaine journey, (or any other psychedelic) Lakshmi has made available a superb mentorship program titled, Change Your Character. The course consists of nine hexagrams that serve as “a framework and philosophy for change and right-action, and as a way to ground the transformations initiated in the altered state into a new way of being in the world.” The course is a tremendous assist for anyone seeking to develop themselves, whether they work with psychedelics or not, they will gain a deeper understanding of the I Ching. In addition, Lakshmi is the Creative Director of Awake Media, and President and co-Founder of, a social network for the entheogenic community. She is also the creator of the FEAT program, (the Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatment) whose mission is to end addiction through ibogaine treatment, and she is producing a film, Iboga Saves that will document the psycho-spiritual healing journey of people going through iboga/ibogaine initiations. In this episode Lakshmi discusses the I Ching’s extraordinary ability to speak directly to an issue and deliver pertinent counsel to the querent. In the second hour I ask the I Ching a question on how to navigate this time of intense challenge, and its answer is beautifully astute and profound. With Lakshmi’s years of study and understanding, she further elucidates the I Ching’s message, making for a powerfully instructive listen. I am honored to share the wisdom of this very special woman who is steadfastly working to bring healing and spiritual awakening to our world. Change Your Character : Nine Hexagrams for Rebirth Integration Course Contact Lakshmi:    