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Soulpreneur Scaling Stories

Author: Andrea Elibero

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Welcome to the Soulpreneur Scaling Stories! 🌿

I'm Andrea, your Intentional Business Growth Coach for Service Providers.

I’m dedicated to empowering Virtual Assistants (VAs), Online Business Managers (OBMs), and DFY online service providers to transform their businesses to create more purpose and profit. Whether you're looking to pivot intentionally, scale your services, or enhance your entrepreneurial journey, this channel is for you.

Join our community, get motivated by real business growth journeys, and walk away with practical strategies to uplevel your business through embodied inner work, elevated service models, automated systems, and soul-aligned marketing. 

Finally, break free from the hustle and scale your soulful business with ease! 

What You'll Find Here:

  • Elevate Your Business: Learn how to create a business that aligns with your passion and values.
  • Increase Profitability: Discover techniques to boost your income and achieve financial freedom.
  • Intentional Pivoting: Master the art of pivoting your business for sustainable growth and success.


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Visit our website: Dancing Leaf Solutions

Follow us on Instagram: @soulfulbizcoachandrea

42 Episodes
Behind the Scenes of Pausing and Pivoting Your Business with Intention Join me, your passionate business coach, as I take you behind the scenes of my business journey in this episode of Soulpreneur Scaling Stories. Discover the keys to intentional scaling, hear about my transition from one-on-one retainer work to coaching, and learn why I decided to hit pause on a promising business endeavor. I share invaluable insights on balancing multiple ventures, trusting your intuition, a...
Your body is your secret weapon in scaling your business.Today, we talk all about the subtle (yet powerful) world of somatic healing with special guest Sheridan Ruth, a somatic trauma therapist and nervous system whisperer. From deciphering the buzz of your autonomic nervous system to blending ease with inevitable entrepreneurial discomfort, Sheridan shares eye-opening strategies and, some pretty memorable analogies (there might be mentions of orgasms...). Don't forget to subscribe ...
In today's episode, we're embracing our weird!Join me as we dive deep into the magic of embracing your uniqueness with Web Designer and Branding Expert, Megan Gersch. Learn how your quirks can attract your dream clients and why bold colors might just be your secret weapon. From scaling your business with intention to the quirkiest clients Megan has worked with (Etch-a-Sketch artist, anyone?), this conversation is filled with inspiration and actionable tips. In this episode, you'll d...
Join me as I chat with Abbey McKendry, a Marketing and Messaging Coach with a passion for transforming burnout into aligned business bliss.Abbey gets real about how cookie-cutter strategies led her to burnout and how she found her magic touch in coaching through a process of honest introspection. In this episode, you'll discover:✨ The sneaky signs of burnout✨ Why following cookie-cutter strategies is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole✨ How being 'too sensitive' became Abby's...
36. Finding your magic

36. Finding your magic


I'm sharing why I burned my first scaling iteration to the ground and how allowing myself the freedom to play and experiment as well as how trusting my intuition changed EVERYTHING.In this episode, I'm diving into the world of your 'unique magic'. We're going to distinguish between your zone of excellence and zone of genius, explaining why it's so important to align your business with what you truly love. I share real-life examples and actionable steps for self-exploration to identify your pa...
I catch up with Rebecca Nesbitt, the CEO of the CEO Crowd, a community aimed at connecting and supporting female entrepreneurs. Rebecca shares her journey from high-ticket one-to-one coaching to creating a membership model without scaling her time. If you've ever felt like you need a tribe of kind-hearted entrepreneurs to cheer you on, or if you're just curious about the nitty-gritty details of transitioning a business model, this episode is for you! Rebecca and I talk about the cha...
I chat with Mel Maw, VA Agency Owner and Podcast Host about her unique journey in the business world.In this episode, Mel reveals her unconventional scaling journey. She went from coaching to focusing solely on the agency she's been running for five years. Mel shares the why behind her recent decision to stop coaching after four years.She discusses the signs that led to this pivot and the mindset challenges she faced. Mel shares how trusting her intuition and doing what feels right has been a...
I'm thrilled to have the amazing Zani Yve, an Intuitive Soul Coach and Channeler, with us to chat about intuition, channeling, and listening to your soul's true voice. Zani discusses the concepts of intuition, channeling, and their application in guiding individuals through life decisions and business growth. Zani introduces her practice of tuning into frequencies to access higher forms of consciousness for clarity and direction. The discussion explores defining intuition as one's m...
Ever wondered how your past experiences, even the unrelated ones, could be your biggest asset? In today's episode, personal brand strategist Reme Mancera shares her journey of scaling her business and the importance of connecting personal stories to brand offers. Reme emphasizes how strategic storytelling can significantly enhance the resonance and uniqueness of a personal brand, providing examples from her experience and framework, the Story Connectors. Reme also shares the pi...
31. Money Money Money

31. Money Money Money


📢 Calling All the VAs and Online Service Providers ready to elevate their business! 📢This episode focuses on debunking common myths around financial success in business and offers practical advice on preparing for a business pivot. Our host Andrea addresses the misconception that a fixed monthly income, like 10K or 20K, signifies success, emphasizing that success is subjective and varies from person to person. Andrea share insights from her experience as a certified Online Business ...
In today's episode, Samantha Hoilett shares all about the world of sales messaging and launch copywriting AND all about how she pivoted her business TWICE.We're talking about the big mindset hurdles, how to avoid getting caught up in your own mind prison, and basically Boss-Levels of owning your pivot power.If you've been thinking about shifting your offers, messaging, or anything else, grab your AirPods.Samantha shares all the insights like:💡 How to build the self-belief to actually make you...
Tired of the scarcity mindset? Embrace the abundance mentality with Sophie Zollmann. In this episode, Sophie spills all the tea on her journey from a $12/hour online business manager to the CEO of a thriving agency.She shares tales of burning out, getting smacked by the universe's intuition stick, and realizing that trying to be a Virtual Assistant and OBM at the same time is like juggling chainsaws while belly dancing (spoiler alert: it doesn't work!).Sophie also shares so many golden nugget...
Ever wondered how a speech therapist pivots to become a content marketing strategist? Sarah Weiss joins us to share her transformation from resume writer to TikTok trends. In this episode, we chat all things digital marketing, exploring the implications of a potential TikTok ban and the importance of content creation skills that transcend platforms. She shares the moment she realized she needed to level up her services because simply touching social media wasn't cutting it. Sarah knew she had...
Natalie started her business just over a year ago after taking the leap from executive assisting, and she's already built a full-blown boutique agency offering all the services - VAs, OBMs, bookkeepers, and more.Natalie's priority is scaling her agency with intention. From the jump, she got crystal clear on her core values, like putting family first. She carefully chooses her clients and makes sure her team's personalities match well with them, even having her team take personality tests to e...
Felly Day, an "unprofessional entrepreneur" shares how she took her business from Craigslist gigs to a full-blown content repurposing agency.In this episode, Felly spills all the details about her scaling journey - from getting her start as a general Virtual Assistant making $10/hr on Craigslist, to scaling to a 16-client agency with 5 team members (that promptly "imploded" on her 🤯), to finally finding her sweet spot in content repurposing.Felly gets brutally honest about her mistakes (like ...
Ever hit a brick wall when it comes to engagement, getting stuck in a cycle of posting great content just to hear crickets? Your host Andrea has been there, and in this episode, she's dishing on her recent heated battle with the 'gram.She confesses how she let those vanity metrics have way too much power over her self-worth as a business owner. But don't worry, there's a happy ending!Andrea shares:💥 The mindset reframe that freed her from the algorithm's shackles ✨ Soulful questions to realig...
Are you constantly running on fumes, feeling more like a zombie than an entrepreneur? It's time for an energetic glow-up! In this week's podcast episode, Andrea is dishing out all the secrets to:✨ Cleansing your aura from negative Nancy vibes ✨ Enforcing boundaries so you don't become a people-pleasing doormat ✨ Amplifying your radiance with fun self-care practicesBecause let's be real, your business can't thrive if your energy reserves are spent. You'll learn:- A visualization to check if yo...
Leanne shares her scaling story of evolving from corporate employee to multi-passionate entrepreneur. After leaving a toxic job with no plan, she attended a transformational retreat where the vision for her business supporting soul-led businesses was born.Despite an initial disappointing experience with an unqualified coach, Leanne persevered in intentionally scaling her virtual assistant offerings. You'll hear how she built sustainable revenue through ongoing client retainers and referrals a...
Victoria shares her scaling journey from burned-out freelancer to marketing consultant. After feeling unfulfilled in corporate jobs, a college event ignited her entrepreneurial spark in 2016. Along the way, Victoria hit extreme burnout. She opens up about overcoming that to reshape her business. You'll hear how she identified her zone of genius, attracted higher-level clients, and innovatively packaged offers like her "Marketing Conversion Catalyst Club" membership.Victoria provides an i...
Host Andrea calls out how the virtual assistant industry belittles online service providers by squeezing them into narrow definitions of success and interchangeable roles. Learn her proven strategies to scale your service provider business way beyond basic services. With actionable tips on identifying your unique talents, ideal client avatar, and designing innovative packages, you'll gain clarity on evolving your business on your own terms to transform outdated stereotypes. Tune int...