The BEAM Chronicles

The BEAM Chronicles
Author: MJ Dooney
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© 2025 The BEAM Chronicles
There are no "superheroes." We don't even use that word: we call them Anomalies. And to us normal people, not blessed with the gifts of flight, or strength, or hyper-powered mech-suits, these Anomalies, regardless of their intentions, are a threat. They must be dealt with--they must be equalized. We are the Bureau for the Equalization of Anomalistic Metahumans, BEAM for short. We will solve the Anomaly problem, by whatever means necessary. The BEAM Chronicles is a sci-fi/super-hero fiction podcast hosted, written, and performed by storyteller MJ Dooney. Check for new episodes monthly, and follow on Twitter (@BEAMChronicles) and Instagram ( for updates!
46 Episodes
Send us a text Tyler Foone is out of his dungeon lockup and he's blue. I feel like that's kind of all I need to say. You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper voice acting, but currently lack the resources (and/or connections) to do that with fidelity.
Send us a textThe post Leper world is...actually kind of boring. Stuff goes back to normal. Things are easy. Almost too easy...You can find me on:YouTubeTwitterTik TokOr just find me atwww.beamchronicles.comThe contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper voice acting, but currently lack the resources (and/or connections) to do that with fidelity.
Send us a text It's Jaxon's 22nd birthday and Cidney's the only one sober at the entire party. He has some interesting conversations with some unexpected inebriates. Then a surprise guest arrives. You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper voice acting, b...
Send us a textCharlie didn't really do much in the recent standoff against Howie, which irked her exactly the way you'd expect it would. So she's going to meet up with an old friend to see if she can convince herself she's still tough and defiant and all that. She learns a little more than she suspected about a particular topic.You can find me on:YouTubeTwitterTik TokOr just find me atwww.beamchronicles.comThe contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created v...
Send us a textCidney's the last man standing in Howard Prophit's office. Luckily the big boss just wants to talk. Unfortunately, he's a really smooth talker.You can find me on:YouTubeTwitterTik TokOr just find me atwww.beamchronicles.comThe contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper voice acting, but currently lack the resources (and/or connecti...
Send us a text The secret is out! Cidney walks in on his two best friends engaged in...certain activities. It's not exactly a moment any of them were hoping for. You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper voice acting, but currently lack the resources (an...
Send us a text Jaxon has his 27th weekly meeting with Tyler Foone, and it gets a little serious. Then he goes and talks to Charlie about it, that also gets a little serious. You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper voice acting, but currently lack the r...
Send us a text Now that the triumvirate have decided to people and shit, they're waiting for the test to this "New World Order" that will be too much for Prophit to ignore. A familiar, ugly face kickstarts a catastrophe that just might get them there! You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT in...
Send us a text Just as Charlie starts reflecting on Howie's mysterious absence from all BEAM activity, a tragic emergency forces her to act as if he'll never come back. Peter finally tries to get back in control of the situation he let spiral away from him months ago. You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was N...
Send us a text In the aftermath of the dungeon's first escape, Jaxon takes his fourteenth visit to talk to Tyler Foone. They've had ten good visits in a row, so they're trying something new. You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper voice acting, but cur...
Send us a text It's taken him a very long time, but Cidney is beginning to suspect there is something Jaxon and Charlie are not telling him. It doesn't help the turmoil in his head when he gets a visit from someone he assumed he'd never see again! You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would ...
Send us a text Charlie tries to explain to the guys her big discovery from the Dungeons, and learns the secret reason Trevor Long got his lucky break! You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper voice acting, but currently lack the resources (and/or connec...
Send us a text Charlie follows through on a promise she made to Hazel that she'll check on her Anomaly brother Trevor Long, who was busted by BEAM a few months back. She gathers a crew to go talk to him, but then discovers some really strange stuff... You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I wo...
Send us a text In the aftermath of his little spat with Charlie, Jaxon is looking for someone ANYONE to vent his frustrations to. And I do mean anyone. You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper voice acting, but currently lack the resources (and/or conne...
Send us a text Charlie finally has to square off with her worst nightmare: shooting a car commercial. It doesn't go well. You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper voice acting, but currently lack the resources (and/or connections) to do that with fideli...
Send us a text Now that Jaxon and Charlie are both squaring off with their least favorite things (Foone and fame, respectively) Cidney's picking up the slack as far as the actually Equalizer stuff goes. Naturally, it's what he's good at, he's very large. But when a demon from his past comes back around to haunt him, the situation gets emotionally complicated. You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written ...
Send us a text As the activity of the Fischer bust winds to a close, Murphy takes Jaxon into his office to make one final request. It's not a good request. But when are they ever good requests around BEAM? You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper voice ...
Send us a text The Fischer bust is over, the press conference is done, too! There's still a few hours left in the work day though. Plenty of time to take care of some business and think about some old friends! You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I would one day love to do this with proper vo...
Send us a text In the aftermath of the Fischer bust, the Triumvirate squares off against a new, most harrowing foe...the press. They're sort of not the best celebrities. It probably doesn't help that they don't like the thing they're famous for. You can find me on: YouTube Twitter Tik Tok Or just find me at The contents of this episode were 100% written by me, MJ Dooney. I did use AI created voice filters, but any likeness to a real person was NOT intended. I wo...
Send us a text Two years have passed since the mighty triumvirate saved the world, and they're sort of famous now. None of them are good with that, but it's not like they ever had much choice. On top of it all, everyone who tries to help them by speaking out against BEAM ends up dead. They're on a bust to avenge the latest person to match that description--that is a dead person who tried to help them out. They're way stronger now, so it doesn't really take much physical effort. The fight has ...
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