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Talkin' Crap

Author: Dan Andersen

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This podcast is produced and hosted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach manure management specialist Dr. Dan Andersen. This podcast will feature information and interviews with individuals with expertise related to the science technology and best management practices surrounding manure management.  

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13 Episodes
In this edition of Talkin’ Crap, Dan Andersen and Jake Willsea discuss how the frequency and timing of manure application can significantly impact methane emissions, with Jake's research showing that adjusting application timing can reduce emissions by up to 50%. They also explore the potential financial benefits of carbon credits. Methane Emissions Show Notes This material is based upon work supported by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Servic...
In this episode of Talkin' Crap, Dan Andersen and Luke Soko discuss the challenges and best practices for winter solid manure application. They highlight the risks associated with winter manure application, such as nutrient movement due to frozen or snow-covered ground, and the importance of following state regulations. Find show notes here.
Dan Andersen and Luke Soko discuss the potential of anaerobic digestion for manure management, focusing on whether to heat or not to heat digesters. Heating digesters can increase methane production but require insulation to mitigate heat loss. Find show notes here. This material is based upon work supported by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service under a federal award number NR233A750004G072. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and l...
In this episode of Talkin' Crap, Dan Andersen and Brett Ramirez discuss the risks associated with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) during manure agitation and pumping. They highlight the importance of proper ventilation to prevent H2S exposure, which can be fatal to humans and animals. Find the show notes here. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has developed several publications addressing hydrogen sulfide safety, which are linked below. Hydrogen Sulfide Safety - Manure AgitationHydro...
Join Dan Andersen and Jake Willsea as they discuss the importance of manure sampling for effective fertilizer use. They highlight different sampling methods for liquid, slurry, and solid manures, review the benefits of pre-sampling and sampling during application, and examine the economic value of manure tests. Find show materials here.
Dan Andersen is joined by Jake Willsea, a graduate student at Iowa State University, to discuss his research on in-season nitrogen application management using the 360 Rain irrigation machine. Jake analyzes long-term studies from the University of Minnesota and shares his findings about side-dress and fall nitrogen. Find show materials here.
In this episode, Dan Andersen discusses the future of anaerobic digestion, including influential policies and programs, and whether or not it may have a place on Iowa swine farms in the future. Talkin' Crap is one year old and we would greatly appreciate your feedback by completing a survey. The survey should take less than five minutes and will help us determine topics we cover in the future. Talkin' Crap Survey
Manure Madness

Manure Madness


In the spirit of March Madness, Dan Andersen and Jake Willsea spend this episode analyzing common livestock manures found in Iowa and discuss the benefits of each type.
Manure Hydrology

Manure Hydrology


In this episode, Dan Andersen looks beyond N and P and focuses on how soil properties and equipment choices impact the volume of manure that can be applied. Liquid Slurry Manure Movement in Soil
Dan Andersen begins the episode with manure gases and road safety reminders for fall manure application. Later in the episode, Luke Soko, a graduate student at Iowa State University, joins Dan to discuss his research, which focuses on anaerobic digester performance between covered lagoons and heated digesters. Hydrogen sulfide safety publications mentioned in the podcast are linked below: Hydrogen Sulfide Safety - Manure Agitation Hydrogen Sulfide Safety - Monitoring Hydrogen Sulfide Safety...
Dan Andersen delves into carbon neutrality in livestock production, and the impact manure emissions have on a carbon-neutral system. He also looks at current practices, like anaerobic digestion, that are already being used to reduce methane emissions, as well as practices being considered for the future. Supporting materials for this podcast can be found here.
In this episode, Dan Andersen discusses manure spills, including common causes of spills, how spills are contained, and use of technology to help prevent equipment failure. Dan also looks at the causes and timing of fish kills in Iowa, as well as the downward trend of livestock and manure-related fish kills. Find show materials here.
Our first podcast examines the science, technology, and best management practices surrounding manure management. Dan Andersen, Rachel Kennedy, and Melissa McEnany discuss circularity and systems thinking in livestock and manure management. Find show materials here.