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Author: Ajit & Friends

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Squigglebooth is a playground for videobloggers. This is where ultra-cool videobloggers come to play and test out their ideas. Please don’t pee in the pool or poke an eye out.
25 Episodes
Additional formats: iPhone Credits: Commissioned by the Carrboro Film Festival Director – Ajit Anthony Prem Steadicam, Cinematography – Bill Elias Additional Cinematography – Jim McQuaid Color & Effects – Ismail Abdelkhalek Music – Carmela Sinco Balloon Wrangler/Make-up/Costumes – Kelly Cook Actors: Mary Wilcher Mike Harris Jackie Helvey Jim McQuaid Selena Lauterer Alisha Agemy Alyssa Madden […]
I spent a morning with photographer Kathleen Connally several years back. We talked, we walked. I came back hoping to put something together immediately but life got a little crazy and I had to put it aside. Till now. Many of things we discussed that misty morning still come back to me from time to […]
Boy with the Wet Thumb

Boy with the Wet Thumb


Additional formats: LARGE QUICKTIME - SMALL QUICKTIME Ajit says: Love this confident little film by my friend Nic Beery. The film revels in being lost in its own thought, following its own impulses for what it deems fun and interesting.
Additional formats: LARGE QUICKTIME – SMALL QUICKTIME To learn how to submit your own favorite childhood photos, check this page for instructions and guidelines. To see other submissions, check here.
Large Quicktime - Small Quicktime To learn how to submit your own favorite childhood photos, check this page for instructions and guidelines. To see other submissions, check here.
Large Quicktime - Small Quicktime Our first submission! To learn how to submit your own favorite childhood photos, check this page for instructions and guidelines. To see other submissions, check here.
Podcast by Todd Tinkham Flash file available here. Ajit says: Another entry by Todd Tinkham, this short film is one of his early works. Like many of his films, there is an undercurrent of religion which normally reveals itself in unusual and surprising ways. Like it were prehistoric relic with a dark past waiting to return to its former glory. Todd: It’s strange looking back at your own films. One begins to see unplanned patterns emerging on the screen. Although I am not religious, religion plays a big part in many of my films, comedy and drama. I grew up Catholic and attended parochial schools at a time when the vast majority of the teachers were still nuns. But very few of them were under 60 years old, and many were well into their 80s - which meant they were pretty worn out and more than ready to retire to wherever it is they send aged nuns. Some of the oldest nuns would literally fall asleep at their desks during class. Needless to say, all hell would break loose – until they opened their eyes. Punishment fell fast and hard at Saint Ann’s School. Brutality was common among the Sisters Of Mercy that I knew. I witnessed severe beatings by gangs of nuns and was given more than one nosebleed for my quick and clever remarks. One day in the 5th grade, I was beaten by three nuns and then locked in a closet for the rest of the day. When my mother found out that I’d caused trouble at school, she beat me some more and grounded me for a month. A good Catholic, bless her soul. AND THEN THERE WERE NUN, one of my earliest films, is mostly fun, but it’s also heavy and frightening, much like Catholic schools. Surprisingly, AND THEN THERE WERE NUN did very well on the festival circuit – screening at more than 30 film festivals in 2006 and 2007, including the Vienna International Film Festival in Austria and the Rebel Planet Short Film Festival in Hollywood.
Borderline Bonfire

Borderline Bonfire


Podcast by Nic Beery Flash file available here. Ajit says: Hello everyone, Welcome Nic Beery! Nic: This experimental podcast is an atmospheric piece that explores the contradictions of life, the environment that surrounds us, and human relationships. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes confusing, it’s always a journey worth taking. Enlightenment begins when one is curious to explore, seek answers and question what they are experiencing around them. Shot in and around the Haw river, natures natural beauty is a wonderful juxtaposition to what the filmmaker was striving for in this piece.
Podcast by Ajit Anthony Prem Click Pic to play. Flash file available here. The trailer for my upcoming short. Starring Amory Casto & Dan Kelly, with cinematography by Jim McQuaid. The idea is pretty simple: a love story told in only three words. The music for this trailer is "Dance, Dance, Dance" by Lykke Li. Will update this page when I have more info about release dates and all that good stuff.
American Road Teaser

American Road Teaser


Podcast by Todd Tinkam Click Pic to play. Flash file available here. Okay, Ajit, here it is. This is a teaser of our film, AMERICAN ROAD. I've never made a teaser before, so I'm not sure if anyone will feel teased by it. Teased - as in they'll wonder about the film, the characters, and what happens to them beyond the few minutes shown here. Not sure if I'm doing it right, getting to the essence of what the film is about without revealing too much. Mary & I are interviewed briefly about the film, and then we hit the road, exploring America, chasing dreams, and running with the wind, rain and scorching sun of the American landscape. I hope this works for Squigglebooth. Ajit says: Welcome Todd, it works beautifully.
Banana Bus

Banana Bus


Podcast by Ajit Anthony Prem Click Pic to play. Flash file available here. My good friend, JaCynthia Shepherd, recalls her experiences on the Public School Bus system. It seems she received much of her education while riding to and from school. This project was originally supposed to play as part of Videoblogging week. The beautiful song is "She Was a Girl, She Was in Love" by Matt Baldwin. You can purchase it on iTunes.
Fishtank Ferrari

Fishtank Ferrari


Podcast by Ajit Anthony Prem for Videoblogging Week 2007 click pic to play, Flash file available here. I am probably breaking some Videoblogging Week bylaw by posting a podcast that was not made this week. But the original Day 5 episode needed a little more tender love and care. The Fishtank Ferrari episode was one fragment of a bigger documentary project on tricked out cars. Sadly, the project was abandoned. Credits: Directed & Edited by Ajit Anthony Prem Produced by Trevor Bayack Shot by George Rivas
Podcast by Ron Barba click pic to play, flash version available here. It is always intriguing to see yourself through other people's eyes. Ajit wrote this and it is loosely based on the conflict in my creative life. It was shot, acted and edited by me. To see more of my humorous videos, please go here.
Wings Castle

Wings Castle


podcast by Rachel Connolly click pic to play, Flash version available here. After filming a narrative short at Pete Wing’s castle in 1995, I returned at the break of dawn after several years to follow Pete around with the Mini DV. Hours and hours of his ramblings were whittled down to this 10 minutes documentary. I wanted to tape Pete until he finished the B&B extension but realized he was probably going to be working on the castle forever and I needed to wrap things up. Turns out, he discovered the taxes would be prohibitively expensive on the B&B so he and his wife, Toni, are trying to sell it and move to Montana. What will happen to Pete and castle is still undecided but here’s a little artifact of this character and his folly in the meantime. Synopsis: At the age of twenty-one Peter Wing returned from Vietnam and started building a home for himself and his family using recycled materials. For thirty years he and his wife are proud owners of a medieval castle visited by hundreds of tourists every year. Wing’s Castle Documentary shares with us what a little perseverance and resourcefulness can accomplish and how one can draw inspiration from the most challenging of life’s experiences.
click pic to play, Flash version available here. This is the unofficial opening scene to a documentary completed last year. It is currently playing at most of PBS stations, check your local listings. Riding In Stride (25:30 mins.) probes the age-old relationship between girls, women and horses by documenting girls on ponies and women at the racetrack, including interviews with veteran jockey PJ Cooksey, trainer Joan Scott, and bestselling author Mary Midkiff. Riding in Stride focuses on women who have carried that passion into their adult lives and reveals what it takes for women to make it in the racing industry while staying dedicated to their love for horses. This opening scene was split up in the final cut for many logistical reasons. But I have always had a fondness for it in its original state. Riding in Stride was directed by Rachel Connolly, edited by me (Ajit Anthony Prem) with music composed by Carmela Sinco. If you would like to buy a DVD, go to
Happy New Year Scott

Happy New Year Scott


SquiggleBooth's first audio podcast. My neighbour Scott recieved this telephone message from one of his good friends, Jonathan, right after New Years Eve 2007. It is exactly what you'd expect -- emotional, hilarious and out of control. Music by Carmela. Note: This has strong language.
Dear Stranger Trailer

Dear Stranger Trailer


Podcast by Ajit Anthony Prem Dear Stranger will premiere at the Annapolis Film Festival. Details: Crown Theater 1 in Annapolis, Maryland at 1:30 pm on November 11th. I will be there for the screening and the Q&A afterwards. If you live in the area, do come. If you know someone in the area, tell them to come. If you make it, make sure to say hello.
Tuning Out Roadkill

Tuning Out Roadkill


Podcast by Ajit Anthony Prem click pic to play Voice by Scott Wallace. And I proud to say the music is by me.
Mexico Trips

Mexico Trips


Podcast by Marc Miller My favorite memories associated with California are those simple spontaneous trips south of the border to a small campground in Mexico. Credits: Camera: Jan Vlasto Music: Carmela Sinco
Indian Giver

Indian Giver


Podcast by Ajit Anthony Prem A music video for The Tourist (a.k.a Hunter MacDermut). Credits: Music by The Tourist Directed by Ajit Anthony Prem Him: Hunter MacDermut Her: Lindsey Glass Produced by Kelly Cook Special Thanks to: Carla Cherry Jim McQuaid