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The Endo Belly Girl Podcast

Author: Alyssa Chavez

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Do you want to learn how to manage endo naturally, but feel confused and overwhelmed by all of the conflicting information out there? Join Functional Nutrition professional Alyssa Chavez as she breaks down exactly what you need to know in bite sized pieces each week. If you want to learn how to ditch the endo belly, get to the bottom of your digestive distress, and kick your pain and fatigue to the curb, this is for you. 

47 Episodes
Today’s episode dives into a hot topic circling the internet: period products. A recent study reveals that tampons contain heavy metals, raising concerns about their safety. In this episode, I explore why this is alarming for consumers and discuss safer alternatives for managing your period.In this episode, you’ll hear:-Findings from UC Berkeley's Study: Some details about the recent research from UC Berkeley, which found heavy metals like arsenic and lead in tampons, including both conventio...
Welcome back to the Endo Belly Girl Podcast! Today is part two of our series on stress and its effects on endometriosis. If you haven’t listened to the first part, definitely check it out before you listen to part two. In this episode, I dive into the underlying reasons for stress and the actionable steps you can take.In this episode, you’ll hear:-What causes HPA Axis dysregulation: Understand why your body is in a chronic stress response.-Types of stressors: How the external and internal str...
This week’s episode is the first part of our two-part series on stress and its effects on endometriosis! Stress is a crucial topic when it comes to managing endometriosis, so we're diving deep. This episode focuses on the connection between stress and endometriosis and its impact on your body. Part 2 will cover why stress happens and how to manage it effectively.In this episode, you’ll hear:-Identifying Stress Impact: How to recognize if stress is affecting your body and the signs and symptom...
Today's episode we're diving into your questions about endometriosis in another exciting Q&A session. I love answering your questions, so if you have anything you'd like to ask, feel free to message me on Instagram for our next Q&A episode!In this episode, I answer:-Will endometriosis cause weight gain?-Is soy bad for endometriosis? -Do supplements really help endometriosis? -Are eggs bad for endometriosis?-What is the best water source for endometriosis?Navigating endometri...
Welcome back to the Endo Belly Girl Podcast! In today’s episode, I dive into the inspiration behind starting the Endo Warrior Circle, my new membership for endo warriors opening this week. I’m passionate about the importance of having a support system for endometriosis. While friends and loved ones can be incredibly supportive, they often don’t fully grasp what it’s like to live with endometriosis. This is why I felt the need to create a dedicated endometriosis community where we c...
This week’s episode is all about the four foundations of endo health. I’m super excited about the upcoming launch of the Endo Warrior Circle, a subscription-based program where everything is broken down into these four essential foundations. Today, I want to give you a sneak preview of the overarching topics we'll be covering, and help you figure out what you need to support right now.In today’s episode, you’ll hear:-The foundations are what you need to build a solid base to help you create a...
In today’s episode, I’m talking about a common symptom for us endo warriors: fatigue. Often, we don’t realize how tired we are until we start addressing other symptoms of endometriosis and experience more energy throughout the day. We don’t always recognize the signs of fatigue or understand why we have it. Today, I unpack some underlying imbalances and how to start managing them.In this episode, you’ll hear:-Feeling tired at the end of a full day is normal. What’s not normal is feeling compl...
Welcome back to the Endo Belly Girl Podcast! Today, I am excited to dive into exercise for endometriosis with Amy Grace. Amy is a fitness trainer specializing in women’s fitness and a hormonal health coach. We also discuss Amy’s journey with endo and how she aims to empower women through their fitness journeys despite endo symptoms.In this episode, you’ll hear:-Endometriosis doesn’t end your life; it’s about learning how to work with your body.-Everyone’s starting point is very different. You...
This week’s episode dives into red flags to look for when choosing doctors or practitioners to help you through your endo journey. The journey is hard enough, and we need practitioners who are on our side 100%.In this episode, you’ll hear:1. Your goals are not aligning with their methods: if you want to focus on fertility, but they suggest birth control to manage your symptoms, it’s a sign they might not be the right fit.2. You don’t feel comfortable or get a good vibe from them: Trust your g...
In today’s episode, I dive into my favorite topic: gut health, focusing on foundational practices that often get overlooked. I have my top 10 tips on how to support your gut health. While many of these tips may seem simple, I promise they are incredibly beneficial and can make a huge difference.In today’s episode, you’ll hear:-1. Stop eating on the go, when you eat while working or driving, your brain can't properly engage in the digestion process. Your body needs to be in a restful sta...
Welcome back to the Endo Belly Girl Podcast! Today I dive into understanding supplements with my friend and mentor Kate Mahoney, a functional practitioner dietary supplement expert. Kate and I share a passion for bioindividuality, and educating people that not all supplements are created equally. In this episode, you’ll hear:-Quality is crucial because many supplement nutrients originate from sources like corn, soy, and grains, and are often genetically modified. Since these...
In today’s episode, I delve into the holistic approach to the endometriosis healing journey. Endometriosis is a full-body disease, and healing endo goes beyond just our diet. It is about healing the mind, body, and the spirit. In this episode, you’ll hear:-Ways to heal the physical body are looking at your diet and nutrients, pelvic floor physical therapy, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, and most importantly movement.-Movement doesn’t have to be hard core exercise, it can ...
Welcome back to the Endo Belly Girl Podcast! In this week’s episode, I discuss “the endometriosis diet.” Contrary to popular belief, there isn't one specific diet to follow. There is no one diet because everyone is bio-individual, meaning we all have different bodies and we do not process foods the exact same way. In this episode, you’ll hear:-Why there isn’t a singular diet for endometriosis, and why there is so much confusion out there.-The key is your unique b...
This week is our final episode of the infertility awareness series. I am excited to talk with Deidre Bloomquist. She is a functional nutritionist, and her specialty is reversing infertility through restoring health by reducing toxicity. In today’s episode we dive into how toxicity impacts the body and fertility. In today’s episode, you’ll hear:-Endocrine disruptors like phthalates and fragrances impact hormones, which affects fertility.-Toxins are everywhere, especially in p...
In today’s episode, we continue our Infertility Awareness series by diving into the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Allison Locke, an Acupuncturist and integrative health practitioner. Allison, who is also an endo warrior, offers valuable insights into how TCM can provide an alternative approach to addressing infertility and endometriosis.In this episode, you’ll hear: -Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine values balance and living in accordance with nature, and i...
Today’s episode is the second of this month-long series about infertility awareness. I'm thrilled to have Jessica Sorensen, a reproductive and perinatal therapist, joining us to delve into the mental health aspect of this journey. Jessica, having endometriosis herself, brings firsthand insight into what this journey entails. Both Jessica and I strongly believe in taking care of our whole selves through mind, body, and spirit. In this episode, you’ll hear:-How infertility can be ph...
Welcome back to the Endo Belly Girl Podcast! This month, in honor of National Infertility Awareness Week, we're diving deep into a series of discussions about infertility and our personal journeys with it. If this topic hits close to home and feels overwhelming for you, it's totally okay to take a breather and join us again in May when I'll be covering different topics.For the first episode in this series, I wanted to open up about my own fertility journey. My hope is that sharing my story wi...
Welcome back to the Endo Belly Girl Podcast! In today’s episode I talk with my dear friend, Lindsay Little, about my favorite topic: gut health. Lindsay is a holistic nutritionist who helps women with embarrassing digestive issues. We're total nerds when it comes to gut health, and I thought it'd be super beneficial to bring Lindsay on board to get another expert perspective.In this episode, you’ll hear:-The difference between what is common with digestion, and what is normal; just beca...
In today’s episode I'm thrilled to be joined by Crystal Felice, a former Pharmacist who's now a functional practitioner. Today, we're delving into a crucial topic: birth control. So many of us are introduced to the pill at a young age as a solution to our hormonal issues, and we aren’t told what it is actually doing to our bodies. We both feel very passionate that we should be educated about the medication we use daily.In this episode, you’ll hear:-Birth control isn't a hormone re...
In this week’s episode, I'm delving into an exciting addition to my nutrition practice: functional blood chemistry. Functional testing is a powerful tool for uncovering potential imbalances in the body, especially when it comes to understanding symptoms like those associated with endometriosis. By combining functional blood chemistry with dietary interventions, I can pinpoint specific issues and tailor my approach to each client's needs. This testing provides a deeper understanding of th...