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Galion Grace Point Podcast
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Galion Grace Point Podcast

Author: Galion Grace Point Church

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Hi everyone!

I'd like to introduce the Galion Grace Point podcast.

This podcast is an idea I have had for a little while now and I'm super excited to finally be making it a reality.

New episodes will be released weekly on Wednesday mornings.

Each episode will begin with the sermon from the previous Sunday, and following the sermon we will further discuss the message.

I will frequently have guests from the church and the community on, to further get to know people, and to hear some really cool and unique stories.

So I hope you will enjoy the podcast, and maybe even consider coming on as a guest to have a fun conversation!

Please click follow on whatever podcast app you use and you will be notified whenever a new episode drops!

Thank you all, I'm looking forward to sharing this experience with all of you! God Bless!

51 Episodes
This weeks sermon from Pastor Paul focuses on Accountability inside the Church and Grace outside the Church and then Zach and Kim discuss and read through Proverbs Chapters 15 and 16 and go over the new Spring connection groups!
Back from the cold weather with another new episode! We continue our series with another wonderful Sermon delivered by Pastor Paul and then Zach & Kim read and discuss Proverbs Chapters 13 and 14!
Week 2 of our new Series begins and Zach and Kim read through and discuss Proverbs Chapters 11 and 12
Today we kick off the new year with our new series and Kim and Zach discuss Proverbs chapers 9 and 10!
In this sermon from Sunday December 15th, Paul contunues our series on "Christmas in a Word" and we focus on "Joy" as we inch closer to Christmas Day! Have a Blessed week!
This sermon from 12-8-24 Paul continues our series on Christmas in a word and we focus on hope.
Today we start our new series on Christmas in a word, and our reading of the book of Luke
Today we hear another great sermon from Pastor Paul and then Zach and Kim read and discuss Proverbs Chapter 8. There will be another new episode tomorrow evening as we take a break from Proverbs and begin our discussion on the book of Luke for the Christmas season!
Baptism Sunday & Proverbs 7

Baptism Sunday & Proverbs 7


Baptism Sunday! always a great day in the life of the Church! Following the Sermon and Baptism, Kim & Zach read through Proverbs 7. Next week we read through Proverbs 8, then take a break from Proverbs until after the First of the year. Starting December 4th, we will read through the book of Luke through the Christmas season!
Great sermon this week from Pastor Paul! Back next week with another episode of the podcast! I apologize for the audio errors in last weeks episode, we will recap that and continue our study through Proverbs next week! have a Blessed week!
Pledge Sunday results! and we discuss Proverbs 4,5and 6. the audio recorded very quiet and inaudible at times, i apologize and will fix that for next week!
Another great sermon before Pledge Sunday! No bible study this week as we were traveling! Back to regular weekly Bible study episodes next week!
Tech difficulties last week, so TWO sermons this week as we continue in our I am Gracepoint series! October 6ths Sermon, then we continue our Proverbs discussion and then we wrap it up with October 13ths Sermon! Back to normal schedule next week! If you have any questions about Proverbs, please let us know!
Continuing on in our I am Gracepoint series, Paul delivers a fantastic Sermon. Today Zach, Rachelle, Kim & Nate read and discuss Proverbs
Another great sermon from Pastor Paul, no interview this week as we set up for our study through Proverbs which begins next week!
Today Paul's sermon continues our "I am Gracepoint, I am In" series and we speak with Gradey Harding about his experience at Reach out camp and his wrestling future!
We start our new series " I am Gracepoint" and continue to recap summer and talk about fall connection groups!
WE ARE BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! Great Sermon on Daniel in the Lion's den by Pastor Paul and a summer recap with Nate Lovely as we discuss upcoming fall events.
This is a packed episode for the season finale! Teen takeover, and update on the new church construction, summer events, and getting to Dr Stephen Emery of UPMC Magee Women's Hospital See you August 3rd!
Continuing on in Romans, Pastor Paul shares a great sermon on Mother's Day!We also get to talk to Ben Rinehart and learn about his life and future plans!