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The Parallel Christian Society Podcast

Author: Andrew Torba

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Welcome to "The Parallel Christian Society Podcast," where we dive deep into the world of alternative digital economies, free speech, and the decentralization of information. I'm your host, Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab—a social media platform dedicated to preserving your freedom of speech in the digital age. In this podcast series, we explore the rapidly evolving landscape of the building a parallel Christian society and parallel economy, where individuals and communities are forging new paths away from mainstream society. 

Join us as we engage in thought-provoking conversations with experts, innovators, and pioneers who are reshaping the way we interact with the digital world. 

Subscribe now to stay informed, inspired, and connected in the age of the Parallel Christian Society. Together, we'll navigate the digital frontier and explore the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

21 Episodes
As the fortress of Gab stands resilient against bot invasions, especially during the frenzy of election seasons, we've been on the frontlines, crafting defenses that secure the integrity of our online community. Today, I'm here to share the trenches' tales and triumphs—we've innovated robust systems to filter out the chaff, ensuring our users revel in a meaningful and respectful digital experience. Join me, Andrew Torba, Gab CEO, as we discuss the latest developments including media upload li...
Discover how is safeguarding genuine human interaction in the face of AI's relentless march into social media on the latest Parallel Christian Society podcast. As bots craft an illusion of community, we tackle the urgent need for authentic connection and unveil Gab's strategic deployment of a paywall to shield real conversation from artificial interference. With this bold move, we confront the twin specters of bot manipulation and the instability of ad revenue, ensuring that when you ...
Andrew gives us a rare glimpse into the driving forces behind GAB's bold move to a subscription model, revealing the intense struggle to fend off botnet attacks and the necessity to innovate amidst the unpredictable advertising landscape and activist scrutiny. He paints a vivid picture of the operational costs and the relentless commitment to free speech that steers GAB, all while offering a straightforward account of why GAB Pro is more than just a service—it's the lifeline for the platform'...
In this episode I address the recent success of Gab AI and the controversy surrounding our decision to make media uploads a GabPRO features on Gab Social. Go GabPRO: Support the Show.
I recently caught myself on the brink of burnout, which led to an epiphany about the overlooked power of rest. Stepping away from the whirlwind of work, I found rejuvenation amidst the festivity with family, and now, I'm eager to share both my journey and an audacious vision for AI's future. Our latest episode is brimming with personal insights and a blueprint for an uncensored AI platform that fosters creative freedom, daring to defy the restrictive algorithms of big tech. It's a call to ref...
Imagine your daily life intertwined with AI technology, yet, this AI reflects your Christian values. This isn't some far-off dystopia, but rather a reality that we're actively shaping. We'll peel back the layers of sensationalism and fear to reveal the reality that AI is simply a tool, a machine that is not only already woven into our everyday lives but can be harnessed to echo our values too. We'll transition from the broader landscape of AI to the more specific realms of free speech an...
Michael Cassidy, a resolute Christian ex-military officer, has ignited a nationwide religious debate. He took it upon himself to dismantle a Satanic statue stationed at the Iowa Capitol. Why? To uphold the biblical principles he swore to live by. Join us as we put his act under the spotlight and explore the significance of such unwavering faith in a world ridden with moral relativism. We'll dig deep into his faith-driven motivation, his adherence to Ephesians 6:10-18, and the spiritual arsena...
As we journey through the labyrinth of AI, we unveil startling truths and stubborn misconceptions that might just transform your perspective. We, at, believe it's high time Christians stepped up to the plate to counterbalance a largely liberal-driven AI narrative. We're not talking about making AI religious, but ensuring a fair representation of values and perspectives. After all, AI is not a sentient being, but a machine that sorts data - its outcomes and interpretations are heavily ...
Ready to face an unseen enemy? It's time to arm yourself for the spiritual battles that rage around us every day. Drawing from my own experiences, this episode sheds a light on the spiritual struggle that all Christians face - not against physical entities, but against the unseen forces of evil. Feel an echo in your life, a surge in temptations, or a vague restlessness? Join me as we navigate this spiritual turbulence by equipping ourselves with the armor of God as detailed in the script...
We're pushing the frontiers of conventional viewpoints today by challenging the norm and provoking conversation. Join us as we dissect the US-Israel relationship, the power of free speech, and the beliefs of modern Judaism. We shed new light on Congressman Thomas Massey's controversial vote, which has sparked a nationwide debate. We also discuss the somewhat paradoxical unity of Congress when it comes to supporting Israel, and more importantly, we put the spotlight on the overwhelming influen...
Have you ever pondered over how to activate the Holy Spirit's power in your daily life? Our candid chat in this episode offers insights into these questions and much more. We walk you through the importance of daily prayer, regular Bible reading, church attendance and fellowship with fellow believers, which we believe can fuel the Holy Spirit within us. We also focus on the crucial role of parents in discipling their children, urging them not to outsource this monumental task to worldly influ...
What if we told you that the low bar for success in our society opens up a surprising opportunity for Christians to construct a parallel society? It's an alarming truth that over half of Americans haven't picked up a book in the past year. In this state of zombie-like stupor, brought on by factors like prescription drugs and unhealthy diets, we see not just a societal problem, but a chance for future success. In this episode, we urge you to take note of the situation, inspire your children wi...
Are we truly safe in the eyes of the law or do we fall prey to overreaching authorities? This episode brings to light a gripping narrative of a humble Christian family whose lives were turned upside down over a teenage boy's involvement in a private group chat. Aggressive FBI investigations, home raids, and exorbitant legal fees pushed this working-class family into a financial abyss. As we examine this trend of disproportionately targeting traditionalist Catholics, we call attention to the p...
Are you tired of the relentless societal pressures to silence your voice? Tired of the fear of being labeled as racist or anti-Semitic for speaking the truth? This episode of our podcast is for you. Join us on a journey through recent events, including the Dublin riots and MMA athlete Conor McGregor's fearless response, embodying a shift in mentality that courageously surfaced during the Trump era. Forget the fear of labels. In this shifting landscape, we challenge Christians to boldly stand ...
Just imagine a moment when you felt utterly lost, only to find yourself back on track with a renewed sense of purpose. That's my journey with faith, a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, with the constant struggle to keep faith as my guiding light. Let's get real about something that most millennials experience, losing and rediscovering faith. In this episode, I share my personal journey, how I managed to escape a doomer mindset, found blessings in life's trials, and how my faith helped me o...
Ever wondered about the origins of the Christmas music that's become a staple in most households during the festive season? This episode of the Parallel Christian Society podcast promises to be an enlightening foray into the evolution and impact of Christmas tunes. In this episode we trace the journey of Christmas music from its religious roots through to its modern secular incarnations. We'll also delve into the influence of Jewish songwriters on Christmas music, using Irving Berlin's c...
Are we not called to be the salt and the light of the world? As followers of Christ and advocates for truth, we have the responsibility to harness the tools of our time to advance God's kingdom. In our latest episode, we're tackling a topic that's been wrapped in misconceptions and fear - Artificial Intelligence. Uncover the essence of AI and how it's not a self-thinking entity, but a tool created by us, manipulated by us.We're also peeling back the layers of potential risks and the transform...
Hold onto your hats - we're smashing the Overton window as we tackle the storm triggered by Elon Musk's tweet and the ripple effect on Tesla's stock. We're not afraid to explore the controversial societal narratives that brand the utterance "Christ is King" as anti-Semitic. We dissect these allegations of anti-white hatred from certain Jewish quarters on social media and voiced in books such as "Angry White Men", "White Trash", and "Seeing White". Our priority? To speak the truth in love.Vent...
What would it look like if we built a parallel Christian society, an alternative to our current post-war, Judaic, Zionist, neoliberal society? Let's rip away the veil and take a hard look at the power dynamics at play. Yes, this means addressing the elephants in the room - the media, governments, banking systems, Hollywood, and tech companies and who controls them. This isn't about spreading hate, but about shining a light on the realities often swept under the rug. We'll explore the opportun...
What if there was an economic system that prioritized our shared Christian values? Imagine a world where businesses, banks, and social networks all defy the 'woke mob' and choose to uphold principles that align with our faith. That's what the parallel economy is all about. This episode delves into this fascinating concept, shedding light on how it operates alongside mainstream economies, and why it's gaining popularity among conservative circles. We discuss the importance of connecting with o...