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Fencing Update

Author: Danny Torres and Josh Butler

Subscribed: 14Played: 39


Danny and Josh give you news, tips and opinions on the Olympic sport of fencing. The have a combined 28 years fencing experience.
12 Episodes
It's been a long time since the last episode. We hope you enjoy this one as much as we did in making it.
Hello fencers,Danny and Josh interview Sam Signorelli at a fencing tournament. We ask Sam what new products he is selling, and what to do to help maintain your weapons.Let us know what you think by leaving a comment.Thank you,Josh
Hello Fencers,Josh and Danny review for ease of use, content, and design.Enjoy,
Danny and Josh discuss covering target in foil. Let us know about your experiences with covering target. Post your comments.Enjoy.
Danny and I discuss and article from American Fencing Magazine. Let us know what you think of the topic.
Check out the interview with Sam Signorelli. He gives tips on how to keep your epee and foil in working condition.Enjoy,Josh
Hello Fencers,Danny and Josh interview Leslie Taft about the Palm Desert Open tournament.Learn about how it started, and where it is heading from here.Also, listen carefully for the delirium driven nuggets. First person to post all the nuggets on a comment will be the nugget king!Enjoy!Palm Desert Open
Josh and Danny discuss the screamers, yellers, and bellowers of the piste. The article reviewed is from American Fencing Magazine. They discuss a letter to the editor from the winter 2006 issue.If you don't have the magazine, check out the USFA. They don't have winter on their website yet, but if you become a USFA member, you can request one.Let us know what you think after you listen, and post a comment. (look for the comment link below)Enjoy!
Hello Fencers,Josh provides an idea for the tournaments: ONIGIRI!Danny gives his opinion on this idea.Enjoy!RecipiesOnigiri 1Onigiri 2Onigiri 3
Hello Fencers,Danny and Josh review the flick and how the flick is interpreted by directors at tournaments. Danny reviews the rulebook definition of an attack.Let us know what you think about the flick, do you love it or hate it?Thanks for stopping by...New FIE rules reviewed at
Click on the title above to download Episode 2.Danny and Josh discuss the importance of observing your opponent.Listen to this episode and let us know what you think by adding your comment. Just click on the comment link below this posting.Here is the link mentioned in this episode:Link
Click on the title or on the link below to download our first episode.Episode 01We review Desert Fencing Academy's website and provide constructive critism. Your site may be next!Enjoy,Josh and DannyReviewed Site