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The Rebuilt Man

Author: Coach Frank Rich

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Welcome to The Rebuilt Man, I’m Coach Frank, founder of Rebuilt Recovery and we exist here to help you become a better man, by quitting porn, and rebuilding your life. My life changed in 2019 when I finally found freedom from a 20+ year addiction to pornography, and I’ve made it my mission since that day to help other men, just like me & you, find the freedom you deserve.

Join us and jump onboard as we provide daily tips and insights to build the necessary mindset to achieve greatness, as well as practical steps to get to the root of our addiction and build a life where pornography is no longer an option.

I believe men are called to greatness in this life, and it starts with learning to control our sexual desires.

Gentlemen, let’s get ready to Rebuild Your LIfe and become the man God has called you to be.

Welcome to The Rebuilt Man

Let’s get in to today’s episode
101 Episodes
Access the FREE training -   In episode 102 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich shares the first five steps he would take to overcome a pornography addiction. He emphasizes the importance of getting radically honest with oneself and understanding the negative impact of the addiction. He also highlights the need for support and accountability, fasting from food to practice self-denial, creating a clear vision for a life without pornography, and cultivating gratitude. These steps provide a framework for men to begin their journey towards freedom from addiction.   Takeaways Getting radically honest with oneself is the first step in overcoming a pornography addiction.   Seeking support and accountability from mentors, pastors, or friends is crucial in the recovery process.   Practicing self-denial, such as fasting from food, helps develop discipline and control over addictive behaviors.   Creating a clear vision for a life without pornography helps motivate and guide the recovery journey.   Cultivating gratitude for the present and future can shift the mindset and inspire positive change.   Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 101 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank explores the link between porn addiction and ADHD, focusing on the role of dopamine in the brain. He discusses how compulsive use of pornography can lead to dopamine deficiency, resulting in symptoms similar to ADHD. Frank provides practical tips for overcoming porn addiction and improving focus and attention. The main takeaway is that ADHD is not a disease, but a byproduct of constant exposure to super normal stimuli like pornography. Quitting porn and creating a meaningful and purposeful life can help alleviate ADHD symptoms.   Takeaways Porn addiction can lead to symptoms similar to ADHD due to dopamine deficiency.   Quitting porn and setting meaningful goals can help improve focus and attention.   ADHD is not a disease, but a result of constant exposure to super normal stimuli.   Creating a purposeful life can alleviate ADHD symptoms and improve overall well-being.   Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
In episode 100 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, we're sharing a special re-air of an interview Coach Frank did on The Josh Ditmer Podcast show. During this conversation, both Coach Frank and Josh discuss their journey to overcoming porn addiction. They touch on the importance of fatherhood and male relationships, and explain how finding strength in vulnerability is the key to creating lasting freedom.   Coach Frank discusses how opening up and sharing his story led to the creation of Rebuilt Recovery and shifted his purpose and direction in life to helping thousands of men break free from the chains of porn addiction.   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -    YouTube -    Website -    
Access the FREE training -   In episode 99 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the seven universal laws of success that can help individuals overcome pornography addiction and create a life of freedom. He emphasizes the importance of envisioning a life free of pornography, creating structure in habits and routines, focusing on progress rather than perfection, learning from mistakes, surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals, practicing discipline, and taking care of one's body. These principles are derived from Frank's experiences in bodybuilding, entrepreneurship, and personal development.     Takeaways Envisioning a life free of pornography is crucial for success in overcoming addiction.   Creating structure in habits and routines is essential for achieving freedom.   Focusing on progress rather than perfection leads to real success.   Learning from mistakes is an opportunity for growth.   Surrounding oneself with people who are already living the desired life is important.   Discipline is an act of self-love and key to overcoming addiction.   Taking care of one's body and challenging oneself physically are necessary for success. Access the FREE training - – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 98 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the formula for overcoming pornography addiction. He emphasizes that simply removing pornography from one's life is not enough to find freedom. The key is to become a new person with new beliefs, habits, and tools for self-regulation. The formula involves adding new elements to one's life, such as new belief systems, thought patterns, habits, friends, and pursuits. Coach Frank offers a 12-step framework to help men quit porn and rebuild their lives.   Takeaways Overcoming pornography addiction requires more than just removing pornography from one's life.   The formula for success involves becoming a new person with new beliefs, habits, and tools for self-regulation.   It is important to fill the holes in one's life that pornography is currently filling.   Coach Frank offers a 12-step framework to help men quit porn and rebuild their lives.   Access the FREE training - – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 97 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the 12 steps to help overcome pornography addiction and reboot one's life. He shares his personal experience and the gaps he noticed in existing programs for addiction recovery. Frank introduces the Rebuild Recovery framework, which takes a holistic and integrated approach to help men transcend their addiction and create a life of freedom. He explains each step in detail, including identifying the problem, mapping out a plan, finding support and accountability, practicing fasting and daily rituals, serving others, sharing one's story, seeking adversity, learning new skills, keeping promises, and becoming a mentor. Frank emphasizes the importance of implementing these steps and offers a free training for a more in-depth understanding.   Takeaways The Rebuilt Recovery framework offers a holistic and integrated approach to overcoming pornography addiction and creating a life of freedom.   Identifying and admitting the addiction is the first step towards transcending it.   Mapping out a plan and finding support and accountability are crucial for success.   Practicing fasting, daily rituals, and serving others can aid in the recovery process.   Sharing one's story, seeking adversity, learning new skills, keeping promises, and becoming a mentor are important steps towards long-term recovery. Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 96 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of belief and confidence in overcoming pornography addiction. He emphasizes that true freedom from addiction starts with the internal belief that it is possible to break free. Lack of belief or confidence is the number one thing that holds most men back from overcoming their addiction. Coach Frank Rich also explores the concept of confidence and how it is rooted in keeping the promises we make to ourselves. He provides practical steps for building confidence and creating a routine for overcoming addiction.   Takeaways Belief and confidence are crucial in overcoming pornography addiction.   Lack of belief or confidence is the main obstacle for most men in breaking free from addiction.   Confidence is built by keeping the promises we make to ourselves.   Creating a routine and structure in our lives helps in overcoming addiction.   Stop negotiating with yourself and start walking in integrity.     Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -  
Access the FREE training -   In episode 95 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the possibility of eliminating triggers and urges to pornography forever. He challenges the misconception that urges will always be a part of a man's life even after achieving freedom from addiction. Frank emphasizes the importance of a successful identity change in recovery and how it affects thoughts, actions, habits, and ultimately, success in quitting porn. He shares examples of individuals who have shifted their identity and no longer struggle with addiction. Coach Frank also introduces his new approach to breaking the chains of pornography addiction and offers a free training on the 12 steps to recovery.   Takeaways Eliminating triggers and urges to pornography is possible with a successful identity change.   Thought patterns, actions, and habits are influenced by our identity.   Changing our identity is key to breaking free from addiction.   Quitting porn starts with eliminating it as an option in our lives. Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Book a call with Coach Frank -   In episode 94 of The Rebuilt Man, CoachFrank Rich shares his journey of overcoming a 20-year porn addiction and how it led him to create Rebuilt Recovery. He emphasizes the importance of having the necessary conversations and support to prevent addiction. Frank provides six questions to help identify the advice that your younger self needed, including the conversations you needed to have before and after seeing porn, who you needed to have those conversations with, and how they would have made you feel. He encourages healing past traumas and becoming the person that you needed in your own life.   Takeaways Having the necessary conversations and support can help prevent addiction.   Identifying the advice that your younger self needed can aid in healing past traumas.   Becoming the person that you needed in your own life can lead to personal growth and the ability to help others. Book a call with Coach Frank -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Book a call with Coach Frank -   In episode 93 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich shares his journey through bodybuilding and the five key lessons that helped him overcome a 20-year pornography addiction. He emphasizes that bodybuilding is not just about physical development but also about personal growth and character development. The five lessons he learned from bodybuilding are: creating a new identity, seeking help and asking for it, setting clearly defined goals, breaking goals down into actionable plans, and embracing discomfort for growth. These lessons are applicable not only to overcoming addiction but also to achieving success in various areas of life.   Takeaways Bodybuilding can be a powerful tool for personal development and character growth.   Creating a new identity is possible through bodybuilding and can lead to success in various areas of life.   It is important to seek help and ask for it when pursuing goals and overcoming challenges.   Setting clearly defined goals with a specific time frame and breaking them down into actionable plans is crucial for success.   Embracing discomfort and using it as an opportunity for growth is necessary for personal transformation. Book a call with Coach Frank - – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 92 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the process of overcoming a pornography addiction. He emphasizes that while the journey to recovery may take time and effort, the decision to become a porn-free man and the belief in one's ability to achieve freedom from addiction are crucial first steps. Frank shares his own experience of breaking free from addiction and highlights the importance of creating a new identity and envisioning the man one wants to become. He concludes by encouraging listeners to take action and offers a five-step training to help them create a vision for their lives.   Takeaways Overcoming a pornography addiction starts with a choice and decision to become a porn-free man.   Real freedom from addiction begins in the mind and is rooted in the belief that one can achieve the desired freedom.   Creating a new identity and envisioning the man one wants to become are crucial steps in breaking free from addiction.   Taking action and executing the plan based on the envisioned life can lead to overcoming addiction in one day.   Access the FREE training -   –   Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Book a call with Coach Frank -   In this episode, Coach Frank Rich discusses the misunderstandings surrounding porn addiction recovery. He emphasizes that the addiction is not rooted in sexual behavior but rather in the inability to regulate thoughts, feelings, emotions, and the nervous system. The key to breaking free from the addiction is developing the necessary tools and skill sets to manage these states. He also highlights the importance of changing the mindset and belief system from that of an addict to that of a porn-free man. The ultimate goal is to create a life of freedom where porn is no longer an option.   Takeaways Porn addiction recovery is often misunderstood, leading to millions of men being stuck in the addiction.   The addiction is not rooted in sexual behavior but in the inability to regulate thoughts, feelings, emotions, and the nervous system.   Breaking free from the addiction requires developing tools and skill sets to manage these states.   Changing the mindset and belief system from that of an addict to that of a porn-free man is crucial.   The ultimate goal is to create a life of freedom where porn is no longer an option. Book a call with Coach Frank -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Book a call with Coach Frank - In episode 90 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the five stages of porn addiction. He emphasizes the importance of understanding these stages to gain insight into the roots of the addiction and to empower individuals to take necessary actions to regain control of their lives. The five stages are exposure, habituation, addiction, escalation, and destruction. Rich explains how each stage leads to the next and highlights the negative consequences that can arise from a porn addiction. He also offers a money-back guarantee for his coaching program to help men overcome their addiction.   Takeaways Understanding the stages of porn addiction can provide insight into the roots of the behavior and empower individuals to take control of their lives.   The five stages of porn addiction are exposure, habituation, addiction, escalation, and destruction.   Porn addiction can lead to negative consequences such as relationship issues, erectile dysfunction, and a loss of motivation.   Escalation of porn addiction can lead to engaging in more extreme sexual behaviors.   Coach Frank Rich offers a money-back guarantee for his coaching program to help men overcome their addiction.   Book a call with Coach Frank -     – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
This episode is a repost of Coach Frank's appearance on the Dropping Bombs podcast with Brad Lea. At the end of 2023, I had the opportunity to fly to Las Vegas and sit down with entrepreneur, author, and podcast host, Brad Lea.   During the conversation, we talked all things porn addiction, including but not limited to: why men get addicted to porn   the difference in internet streaming pornography versus every other form on porn previously    the difference between porn addicts and sex addicts    steps to recovery for men struggling    and much, much more    Connect with Brad online: IG -   YouTube -  
Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today - In episode 88 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of focusing on personal development and success in other areas of life as a strategy to overcome pornography addiction. He emphasizes the need to build confidence, self-discipline, and a sense of self-worth through physical fitness, financial success, and goal achievement. Coach Frank believes that by becoming a better man in all aspects of life, the addiction to pornography will naturally diminish. He encourages men to prioritize their self-love and self-discipline.   Takeaways Pornography addiction can drain motivation and passion for other areas of life.   Focusing on personal development and success in other areas can help overcome pornography addiction.   Building confidence and self-discipline through physical fitness, financial success, and goal achievement is key.   Prioritizing self-love and self-discipline is essential for breaking free from pornography addiction. Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today -   –   Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -     In episode 87 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the impact of inner thoughts and dialogue on struggling with a pornography addiction. He emphasizes the importance of changing the inner dialogue to overcome the addiction and achieve lasting transformation. The key steps discussed include having a vision, changing behavior, becoming one's own cheerleader, surrounding oneself with supportive people, and killing off the old self. Coach Frank also mentions the importance of gratitude and offers a free training program to help men break free from their addiction.   Takeaways The inner thoughts and dialogue play a significant role in struggling with a pornography addiction.   Changing the inner dialogue is crucial for overcoming the addiction and achieving lasting transformation.   Having a vision and breaking it down into actionable steps is essential for changing behavior.   Becoming one's own cheerleader and surrounding oneself with supportive people are important for success.   Killing off the old self is necessary for lasting transformation.   Practicing gratitude and participating in a training program can aid in breaking free from the addiction.       Access the FREE training -     – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 86 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the challenges faced by young men in a hypersexualized culture and shares six ways to regain control of the brain and overcome pornography addiction. The six steps include: stopping the consumption of pornography, taking a digital detox from social media, eliminating oneself from triggering environments, practicing gratitude, engaging in daily reflection journaling, and focusing on personal growth to attract an ideal mate. These steps are crucial in desexualizing the brain and finding joy, meaning, and purpose in life.   Takeaways Navigating the hypersexualized culture can be challenging for young men, but it is their responsibility to take control of their brains.   Pornography addiction makes finding freedom more difficult, as it enslaves the brain and triggers sexual desires in everyday environments.   Six steps to regain control of the brain and desexualize it include: stopping pornography consumption, taking a digital detox from social media, avoiding triggering environments, practicing gratitude, engaging in daily reflection journaling, and focusing on personal growth.   Desexualizing the brain is a cheat code to unlocking greatness, joy, meaning, and purpose in life.   By focusing on personal growth and becoming the ideal version of oneself, young men can attract the right partner and live a fulfilling life.   Making these small changes in life can lead to significant improvements in mental health and overall well-being. Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 85 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the five rules from Jordan Peterson's book, '12 Rules for Life,' that have played a fundamental role in his personal growth and journey to finding freedom from pornography addiction. The rules include treating oneself as someone responsible for helping, making friends with people who want the best for you, comparing oneself to who they were yesterday, pursuing what is meaningful rather than expedient, and telling the truth or at least not lying. Frank emphasizes the importance of embracing these rules to unlock freedom and fulfill one's potential.   Takeaways Treating oneself as someone responsible for helping is crucial in overcoming addiction and achieving personal growth.   Surrounding oneself with people who want the best for them is essential for support and encouragement.   Comparing oneself to who they were yesterday, rather than comparing to others, is key to progress and self-acceptance.   Pursuing what is meaningful and purposeful, rather than seeking short-term pleasure, leads to fulfillment and success.   Being honest with oneself and others is vital for identifying the root causes of addiction and finding freedom. Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In episode 84 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the idea that addiction to pornography is working because it solves a problem in the addict's life. He explores the concept that all addictions work until they stop working, often leading to rock bottom moments. Coach Frank emphasizes the importance of being radically honest with oneself and identifying the problem that pornography is solving. Frank also touches on the negative effects of pornography addiction and the need to take responsibility and break free from it.    Takeaways Addiction to pornography is working because it solves a problem in the addict's life   All addictions work until they stop working, often leading to rock bottom moments.   Being radically honest with oneself is crucial in overcoming pornography addiction.   Identifying the problem that pornography is solving is essential for finding better solutions.   Pornography addiction has negative effects on relationships, mental health, and physical health.   Taking responsibility and breaking free from pornography addiction is necessary for personal growth. Access the FREE training -   – Follow Coach Frank: IG -   YouTube -   Website -
Access the FREE training -   In this episode of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich provides five steps to help men manage and overcome their addiction to porn and masturbation. The first step is to have a predetermined plan and know what to do when the urges arise. The second step is to identify triggers and be honest about what drives them to pornography. The third step is to build necessary tools to self-regulate in those moments. The fourth step is to change the environment to shift the physiology and state of mind. And the fifth step is to take deep breaths and relax, knowing that the urge will pass. These steps, when followed consistently, can help men gain victory over their addiction and create a porn-free life.   Takeaways Having a predetermined plan is crucial in managing and overcoming addiction to porn and masturbation.   Identifying triggers and being honest about what drives the urge to pornography is essential for self-awareness.   Building necessary tools to self-regulate in moments of temptation is key to gaining control over the addiction.   Changing the environment can help shift the physiology and state of mind, making it easier to resist the urge.   Taking deep breaths and relaxing can help regain rational thinking and overcome the urge.     Access the FREE training -     – Follow Coach Frank: IG -     YouTube -   Website -