Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel
Author: Esther Perel Global Media
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Every Monday morning step into the office of iconic psychotherapist Esther Perel and listen in as real people in search of insight bare the raw, intimate, and profound details of their stories. From breakups and open relationships to workplace conflicts and fractures in the family, it’s a place to hear our own stories reflected in the lives of others. So…where should we begin? Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.
94 Episodes
Sexual preferences demand a lot of trust, intimacy, and vulnerability in relationships. This week, Esther talks with a couple who are refreshingly open and honest about their fantasies. But after 15 years of marriage, his fetish is no longer her pleasure. Esther helps them uncover the underlying emotional needs driving their fantasies and encourages them to seek a broader and more emotionally connected sexual repertoire.
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They had a whirlwind romance, and he spun a tale of their future to come—marriage, kids, a life together. He's in his mid-forties, and she is in her late thirties, and so after only three months together, she is pregnant, and they have broken up. Now, Esther meets her the month after their breakup and tries to help her illuminate a path forward.
Esther Callings are a one time, 45-60 minute interventional phone call with Esther. They are edited for time, clarity, and anonymity. If you have a question you would like to talk through with Esther, send a voice memo to
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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Should we have tried harder to make this work? What if you're the one who got away? These are the questions that keep us up at night. This week, Esther helps a couple who were together for eight years and broke up a year ago. They've recently reconnected and wonder if they should give it another try. If they do, can they avoid falling into their old dynamics and truly learn to listen to each other?
For the month of January, Esther is offering 20% off to join her Office Hours on Apple Podcasts. It's a place to continue conversations on important topics like sexlessness, infidelity or the perils of modern dating. It's also a place to follow up with couples and find out where their stories went. You'll also get an ad free version of all the episodes.
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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For the first time in an Esther Calling, Esther speaks to the partner of the caller from last week to hear his perspective on the story. Then, she does a session with the two of them as they detail how they feel stuck in their sexual pattern, where he always initiates, but when he initiates, she freezes. They try to figure out where they can go from here.
For the month of January, Esther is offering 20% off to join her Office Hours on Apple Podcasts. It's a place to continue conversations on important topics like sexlessness, infidelity or the perils of modern dating. It's also a place to follow up with couples and find out where their stories went. You'll also get an ad-free version of all the episodes.
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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This week, a caller wonders if she’s sexually compatible with her partner or if they’ve just become too adherent to their sexual patterns. Esther helps her untangle the traumatic pieces from her past before her current relationship that are informing the anxiety she feels when her partner initiates sex. This episode contains references to a sexual assault. Please take care listening.
For the month of January, Esther is offering 20% off to join her Office Hours on Apple Podcasts. It's a place to continue conversations on important topics like sexlessness, infidelity, or the perils of modern dating. It's also a place to follow up with couples and find out where their stories went. You'll also get an ad-free version of all the episodes.
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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A young woman notices a pattern in her life of frequently being ghosted. And the last time this happened, it really stung. Not only did she lose a lover but she lost an important friend. Did this friend with benefits ghost her or did she miss something?
For the month of January, Esther is offering 20% off to join her Office Hours on Apple Podcasts. It's a place to continue conversations on important topics like sexlessness, infidelity, or the perils of modern dating. It's also a place to follow up with couples and find out where their stories went. You'll also get an ad free version of all the episodes.
Esther Callings are a one time, 45-60 minute interventional phone call with Esther. They are edited for time, clarity, and anonymity. If you have a question you would like to talk through with Esther, send a voice memo to
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After becoming a mother for the first time, a young woman reflects on the complicated relationship with her own mother. Esther guides her through establishing boundaries with grace, breaking generational cycles, and the importance of self-acceptance.
If you have an individual question you would like to talk through with Esther, please send a voice memo to If you would like to apply for a couples session with Esther, please click here:
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:"
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This episode contains discussions of a death by suicide. Please take care listening.
Recently, on Where Should We Begin, we've been focusing on the things we sweep under the rug in our relationships—conversations that we have a hard time having with ourselves let alone with others. This week, Esther talks to a woman stricken with grief--one year ago, her sister and father died in quick succession. Her remaining family was torn apart and she feels left to pick up the pieces on her own. Esther walks her through how to make space for the immeasurable grief.
If you have an individual question you would like to talk through with Esther, please send a voice memo to If you would like to apply for a couples session with Esther, please click here:
Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire.
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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Recently, on Where Should We Begin, we've been focusing on the things we sweep under the rug in our relationships—conversations that we have a hard time having with ourselves let alone with others. Oftentimes, our sexual fantasies exist in this space and reveal us at our most bare, showing us not just what we want sexually, but what we want emotionally and psychologically. Even with a loving partner, it can be difficult to share our most personal sexual fantasies. There's often shame, stigma, and a fear of being judged. Award-winning actress, Gillian Anderson, joins Esther to discuss Want, her collection of women's anonymous fantasies from around the world.
To purchase Gillian Anderson's new book, Want:
If you have an individual question you would like to talk through with Esther, please send a voice memo to If you would like to apply for a couples session with Esther, please click here:
Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire.
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:"
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A year after explosive revelations of cheating and the existence of a 14 year old son her partner never told her about, a woman receives a call about a fresh round of betrayal. She is humiliated and in crisis, while her partner’s ability to compartmentalize has rendered him a ghost in his own life. They love each other and parent two boys but may not be able to find a shared reality in which to move forward.
If you have an individual question you would like to talk through with Esther, please send a voice memo to If you would like to apply for a couples session with Esther, please click here:
Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire.
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:"
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He's been searching for someone for so long that he questions if he's actually looking for a unicorn. He wants someone who holds the same religious values as he does. As is often the case with Esther, the conversation that unfolds breaks down what's really underneath his seemingly high demands. This episode contains references to sexual abuse, please take care while listening.
If you have an individual question you would like to talk through with Esther, please send a voice memo to If you would like to apply for a couples session with Esther, please click here:
Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire.
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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Imagine meeting the love of your life at work. And a few months in, you want to keep the guy but ditch the job. Which is fine—until your fiancé wants to invite your evil ex-boss to the wedding. In this Esther Calling a young woman seeks advice from Esther on how to handle the conflict arising with her fiancé and his decision to invite her former abusive boss to their wedding.
Esther Callings are a one time, 45-60 minute interventional phone call with Esther. They are edited for time, clarity, and anonymity. If you have a question you would like to talk through with Esther, send a voice memo to
Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire.
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:"
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Theirs is an accelerated love story. They moved in, decided to have a baby, and are now struggling to weather the hardships of parenting together. She feels unsupported and like she's the only adult in the room. He is overwhelmed and constantly feels put down by her. They have split up emotionally but not yet physically. Esther helps them sort through the power, gender, and trust issues that so often arise with new parents to see if it's enough to help them find their way back.
Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire.
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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They have been best friends for years. He opened a book store and she was his first employee. Things were great until they weren't. She left to preserve the friendship- but a year later they still haven’t talked about what went wrong with them professionally. Esther talks to her about how to start a different kind of business relationship if they were willing to give this another go.
This is a special episode of How's Work?, a one-time, 45-60 minute interventional phone call with Esther. It was edited for time, clarity, and anonymity. If you have a question you would like to talk through with Esther, send a voice memo to
Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire.
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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This week, Esther is in a borrowed bedroom in Los Angeles, the perfect place to talk about desire and the novel on every bedside table, All Fours. The writer, director, and artist, Miranda July, joins Esther to examine the erotic and to explore how love and desire relate and how they conflict in modern relationships. They discuss the tension between the domestic and erotic through the lens of Esther's new desire course, which Miranda had a sneak peek at.
For more details on Miranda July's book, All Fours, visit
If you are interested in Bringing Back Desire or Playing With Desire in your relationships, then click the link below for more on Esther's course The Desire Bundle:
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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Esther speaks to a woman who feels frustrated and stuck in her dating patterns. She loves going on dates, regularly meets people out and about, and feels open to having multiple forms of a relationship. And still…she gets to one or two or three dates before the relationship fizzles out. Esther gives her a new way to think about it and reframes her frustrations.
Esther's has two new courses out. If you are interested in Bringing Desire Back or Playing With Desire in your relationships, then click the link below for more.
For more go to:
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They were in a consensual, non-monogamous relationship and happily growing their family. But he broke the first rule of their relationship, and it resulted in a major crisis—an unplanned pregnancy involving another woman. They are committed to each other, but this unforeseen transformation of their family has many unexpected consequences that involve their entire world—family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Will their relationship be able to survive all of these upheavals?
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They're amicably divorced divorce lawyers, carving out a new kind of relationship after the end of their marriage. Esther reframes their situation and proposes a radical solution.
What you are about to hear is a series Esther calls The Arc of Love. Each session centers around a couple’s story. Whether it’s issues of trust and betrayal, care and aggression, closeness and distance, repair and rupture, polyamory or monogamy. The episodes can be listened to in any order you want but were curated with a beginning, middle, and end.
For the first time on the U.S. stage, Esther invites you to an evening unlike any other. Join her as she shines a light on the cultural shifts transforming relationships and helps us rethink how we connect, how we desire – and even how we love. To find a city near you, go to
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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Often when a relationship ends, we're left with regrets, questions, and conversations we wish we could have had. Esther helps a woman process the things she left unsaid including the sexual grief and loss she feels after her husband unexpectedly died.
What you are about to hear is a series Esther calls The Arc of Love. Each session centers around a couple’s story. Whether it’s issues of trust and betrayal, care and aggression, closeness and distance, repair and rupture, polyamory or monogamy. The episodes can be listened to in any order you want but were curated with a beginning, middle, and end.
For the first time on the U.S. stage, Esther invites you to an evening unlike any other. Join her as she shines a light on the cultural shifts transforming relationships and helps us rethink how we connect, how we desire – and even how we love. To find a city near you, go to
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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This episode contains discussions of a death by suicide. Please take care listening. The suicide of his first wife left four traumatized children in its wake; she's spent six years putting the pieces back together. They're both ready to experience joy in their marriage, but can't quite figure out how. Esther coaches them through the difference between survival vs. revival, and how to live after loss.
What you are about to hear is a series Esther calls The Arc of Love. Each session centers around a couple’s story. Whether it’s issues of trust and betrayal, care and aggression, closeness and distance, repair and rupture, polyamory or monogamy. The episodes can be listened to in any order you want but were curated with a beginning, middle, and end.
For the first time on the U.S. stage, Esther invites you to an evening unlike any other. Join her as she shines a light on the cultural shifts transforming relationships and helps us rethink how we connect, how we desire – and even how we love. To find a city near you, go to
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:
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Wow, I have a similar mother and I have been no contact with her. This makes me reconsider if I will one day be able to navigate conversations with her without the big arguments.
this is amazing. I am American and was also raised with similar concepts of what it is to be a woman and have very similar perceptions as the caller. I feel like it can be difficult to navigate "normal" American society with these views. I feel for you girl, yet it's nice to know there are others out there like us.
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why did this session feel like a nothing burger?
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this episode found me on the anniversary of my father's death and I was afraid to listen but I'm glad I did.Esther does not have answers as much as she has perspectives. extremely respectful of the losses discussed and the feelings. There is of course no magic wand, bit there are ways of understanding your own feelings around the loss, and that's both hard to accept and also extremely helpful to the person at the center. A hard listen, and a powerful one.