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Scaling With Intent

Author: Quantum Scaling - Peggy Niles

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"Scaling with Intent" is a thought-provoking podcast that delves into the nitty gritty of purposeful growth in business and life. Join Quantum Scaling’s owner Peggy Niles every other week for a 20-minute or less episode to explore strategies and insights for everything business and scaling with clear intent and vision. From practical tips on leveraging resources and challenging the status quo to deep dives into leadership and culture, this podcast provides a roadmap for overwhelmed, seasoned entrepreneurs seeking sustainable growth while positioning themselves for a Profitable Exit. In addition to solo episodes every other week, we will surprise you with inspiring interviews and real-world examples from special guests (and even hope to occasionally bring our listeners to the mic to discuss their specific challenges and encourage you along the way). "Scaling with Intent" empowers listeners to navigate the complexities of scaling up while staying true to their purpose and living life on their terms.  Our goal is to be no bs, but a whole lot of substance; more importantly we want you to experience Profitable Growth Now AND a Profitable Exit Later!!!

17 Episodes
Do you have a bookkeeper and/or accountant, but feel like something's missing?We've heard it before and in this episode we'll fill you in on the missing piece.There's a gap between your historical data, your current data and your company's future. It's probably not even what you think and it doesn't only revolve around the numbers game.Listen in and discover the key to ensure the long-term success and stability of your business. Book your hassle-free connection call here and we'll help ...
You Can Do Anything!

You Can Do Anything!


You started your business for a reason...maybe it was for more control over your schedule or your life, flexibility, or more time to spend with your family, whatever your reason, it somehow got lost in the shuffle.As you grow that same business you're finding you've lost your ambition; you're feeling stuck in the status quo and can't even remember how you ever thought you'd have more freedom.The overwhelm is holding you back, but you can still do anything you set your mind to - It's you...
If you had an option of expanding your business without starting over and eliminating the overwhelm of handling capacity, would you take it?Buying a business can be a great option to scaling your business and boosting your company value.There are a couple things to consider first:> Why you want to purchase another business?> What type of business will you purchase?But once you get past the basics, a common question is "how do I determine the value"?We go into this and more so listen in ...
Do you find yourself stalled out in your business?You know what you "should" do, but when you hear yourself say it in your head, or worse - out loud, you get this dreaded feeling of more obligation or responsibility.It's a vicious circle because that can lead to procrastination and guilt.What words can you replace "should" with to inspire you to carry through and achieve what you want? Book your hassle-free connection call here and we'll help you get clear on the gaps in your business. Go to:...
Taking Care of You

Taking Care of You


Did you know that 72% of entrepreneurs struggle with mental health issues?We often feel alone in the challenges of running our businesses, pressured to manage cash flow, and overwhelmed with responsibilities. So who do we talk to?How do relieve some of the pressure?What can we do in our business to lessen the overwhelm?To hop on a no-pressure call and identify a few gaps in your company making you feel underwater, click here and set up a call.Don't let things get out of control, if you ...
If you had an early warning system of operational deficiencies and a continuous process for identifying positive improvements, would you use it?As business owners, you might already have such a system at your fingertips, but you're not using the right data or you don't know how to interpret it for the best use in your company.Dive in and listen to this episode. Book your hassle-free connection call here and we'll help you get clear on the gaps in your business. Go to:
There are four stages of exit based on both your financial readiness and mental readiness to exit your business.Most fall in the "stay and grow" phase and unfortunately most get to the "get me out at the highest price" phase. The latter is the desperate phase when you have to get out even when you're not financially ready. This is the phase you want to avoid!We want to move you from the "stay and grow" stage to the "Rich and Ready To Go" phase. This is where you'll get to ch...
What If...?

What If...?


The unsettling uncertainty or the anxious anticipation...which do you feel when you ask yourself or are asked, "What If"?Your response can determine whether or not you play small or go big...and how that may affect your bottom-line profits.Discover key takeaways to make "What If" work for you and your business! Book your hassle-free connection call here and we'll help you get clear on the gaps in your business. Go to: you have a question you'd like answer...
Leader OR Bosszilla

Leader OR Bosszilla


Leader OR BossZilla - which are you?Did you know how your employees characterize you can have a definite impact on your bottom line profits?Think about the best boss you ever had AND the worst boss you ever had....before starting your own company?Did you vow to never be like that awful boss?You may be a great leader! You may have the best of intentions to be a good leader, but also it's the PERCEPTION that matters and a negative perception drags down your profits.Do you have a question ...
In this episode, we're exploring the concept of being "ALL IN" in your business. What does it mean to truly commit? How do business owners who have reached seven figures continue to approach this level of dedication?It's all about the risk. When we're starting out we jump right in and take the gamble, but as we grow the stakes are higher and we become more risk-averse.It's about:balancing your innovation and growth with your stability and consistency;implementing strategic p...
Lost profits? Cash Flow Problems? Employee Turnover?The chances of this happening to you can be reduced when you take a holistic approach to running your business.Too many businesses operate in silos, with team members off doing their own thing, and lack of coordination, but look at it from the perspective of putting pieces of a puzzle together.An IT Consulting company was great with their technical expertise but fell short when it came to relationship management and business development.A Ma...
Rebel in Disguise

Rebel in Disguise


We're not talking about rule breakers or law offenders, but creating a rebel in disguise mentality within your company can help you get out of the day-to-day funk you might be in from dealing with "all of your business and responsibility" for so long.It can also motivate your team and increase creativity, build a solutions-based internal environment and boost your company profits. Book your hassle-free connection call here and we'll help you get clear on the gaps in your business. Go to...
As you continue to grow your company it's vital to not only manage your cash flow and increase profits, but it's vital to create the overall company value.No matter if you intend to sell, merge or leave your legacy to a family member, value becomes a key factor.A company of great value is profitable, scalable and sustainable. During this episode, we discuss the 3 P's that will get you there.Remember the value not only affects whether you'll find a successor, but how much they'll be will...
What a hot topic! I hear this so often when I'm attending networking or mastermind events.I'll admit it's not ALL about the money, but if you have a business, it is about the money; if you don't think so, I call B.S.In this episode, we tell you why it IS about the money!We also share three aspects, and real-life examples, surrounding the "it's not about the money" mentality.Do you have a question regarding today's episode topic? Perhaps you have another question you'd like answered, or ...
The longest part of a buy/sell transaction, and often the killer of the deal....Due Diligence.When should due diligence be done:When you want to purchase another company to expand your current business;When you want to exit your business; andWhen you're looking to create new offers, enter new markets, or making major changes to your company.The most common part of due diligence is the financial aspect, but you want to dig deeper to make sure what you’re doing is in line with your current plan...
I have witnessed so many business owners run themselves to the ground over the years. We all know running a business is hard work and takes a lot of your energy and time, even when you have a team. We often struggle to get by now and enjoy life, so we don’t necessarily put much away for that rainy day. You give a lot; you miss a lot. And when it comes to the end of the day, we either have little to show for it or what we think our business is worth isn’t what others th...
Are you looking to grow and scale your company so you can increase your profits and live life on your terms now while positioning yourself for a Profitable Exit? Then you're in the right place!Welcome to Quantum Scaling's "Scaling With Intent (Profitable Growth Now to Profitable Exit Later)", the podcast hosted by Peggy Niles - Scaling & Profits Strategist, Fractional CFO, and Certified Business Exit Consultant.Join us in listening to our introductory episode where you'll find out m...