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After The Master: A Musician's Guide
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After The Master: A Musician's Guide

Author: Matt Ebso / Cloverleaf Audio-Visual

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Far too often, musicians finish making a song or album in the studio and find themselves faced with the daunting question, "Now what?" This podcast is focused on helping independent, emerging artists to solve that problem and navigate the business side of the arts by providing insights from experts across the music industry.

6 Episodes
The music industry labyrinth can be daunting, but fear not—Laura Catana, the luminary in artist relations at IndieFlow and marketing maven at Symphonic Distribution, joins us to illuminate the path for independent artists. Our conversation is a treasure trove of insights, as Laura draws from her eclectic background, including her work with an Afro-Cuban electronic music legend and her role in launching Cuba's pioneering urban indie music label. Together, we dissect the after-studio battles ar...
Ever wondered how the gritty charm of a talented musician gets polished into the gleam of a rock star? Join me as I sit down with the dynamic Jason Spiewak, whose career arc from touring with Blue Suede Groove to helming Rock Ridge Music has been a masterclass in the art of artist management. Prepare to be swept up in tales of mentorship from music moguls, the careful choreography of managing talents like Constantine Maroulis, and the candid insights on the collaborative heartbeat of the indu...
Unlock the secrets of the music industry with our distinguished guest Lou Plaia, the visionary behind ReverbNation, as we navigate the treacherous waters of artist development, financial management, and career sustainability in this dynamic episode. Lou brings his extensive experience to the table, providing an insider’s perspective that demystifies the industry's most perplexing aspects. We tear down the myths surrounding record labels, illuminate the path for emerging talent, and discuss th...
Experience a revelation in music entrepreneurship as I sit down with the indomitable Latoya Cooper, a guiding light for women of color carving their paths in the music industry. Her personal metamorphosis from artist to CEO is a compelling narrative that reshapes the conversation around well-being and strategic thinking in a cutthroat business. Explore the delicate art of working smarter not harder, and the crucial ability to say no, which Latoya champions for longevity and success in the mus...
Unlock the mysteries of music branding and marketing with the visionary Patrice K. Cokely, founder of the Bassline Group, as she joins me, your host Matt Ebso, for a conversation that bridges the gap between artists' creativity and the business acumen needed in today's music industry. Our discussion takes you behind the scenes of text message campaigns that revolutionize fan engagement, offers insights into the emotional backing artists crave, and presents strategies that turn casual listener...
Embark on a transformative journey with me, Matt Ebso, and the Rock Star Advocate, Suzanne "Suz" Paulinksi, as we conquer the daunting 'now what' that plagues artists at production's end. We're peeling back the curtain on the less glamorous, yet crucial side of music: the business and strategic planning necessary for a sustainable career. From my real-world experiences and Suzanne's psychological prowess, we offer up a treasure trove of insights for musicians who are ready to turn their creat...