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Podcasts for Profit with Morgan Franklin

Author: Morgan Franklin Media

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If you’re ready to create a podcast that will align you with experts in your industry, position yourself as a trusted leader and create another source of revenue for your business you’re in the right place. Podcasts for Profit will help you create and grow a podcast that cuts through the noise of social media and speak directly to your target audience. Stop letting the algorithm determine your social marketing strategy. Stop letting trends dictate the kind of content you’re able to create. Hosted by expert podcast strategist, producer and educator: Morgan Franklin, Podcasts for Profit is your step-by-step guide to creating a podcast that will transform your business, opportunities and life.
22 Episodes
If I could give one piece of advice to EVERY podcaster it’d be this: the difference between a good and a great podcast is storytelling. The more engaging, relevant and relatable your stories are, the more quickly you’ll grow your podcast and brand. If you’re struggling to find new listeners, if you're constantly feeling burnt out from publishing and promoting new episodes, if you can’t figure out what sets your podcast apart, this episode is for you. In this episode:(0:00) Storytelling: the most important skill every podcaster must master to grow their audience.(3:57) These are the stories that turn first-time listeners into lifelong fans. (4:35) How to use storytelling in your podcast when you're feeling podcast burnout. (6:37) My key to viral storytelling and the best tip to use when telling stories.  (9:40) Setting up your guests to tell better stories during their interview. Links in this episode:👩🏻‍💻 Shop MY Podcast Templates✨ Podcast Rescourses: Equipment, Software and Everything You Need to Start🎧 Work with Me 1:1💛 Free Download: Pre-Interview Cheatsheet (10 Questions I Ask Every Guest!)
What do podcasters that make millions of dollars through sponsorships doing differently than the rest of us?Podcasting is a 25-billion dollar industry, and this goes without saying, but there are plenty of advertising dollars to go around. The question is, is your podcast setup to get any of this money? Would a potential sponsor listen to your podcast and think it’s a good investment?In this episode we’re talking about what sponsors are looking for, what the most successfully monetized podcasts are doing to make money with their podcast and how you can make a podcast that’s monetizable.In this episode:(1:34) Does your audience size really matter?(4:16) How building a strong niche audience can improve your chances of monetization.(5:25) What does a successfully monetized podcast look like? (And how can we replicate that success.)(6:30) The two most important questions to ask yourself before monetizing your podcast.(7:15) What are million dollar podcasts doing differently than the rest of us? Links in this episode:👩🏻‍💻 Shop MY Podcast Templates✨ Podcast Rescourses: Equipment, Software and Everything You Need to Start🎧 Work with Me 1:1💛 Free Download: Pre-Interview Cheatsheet (10 Questions I Ask Every Guest!)
A few weeks ago I saw someone on Threads asking why none of the podcast gurus ever talk about SEO for podcasts.As someone that works professionally in podcasting and digital marketing that made me laugh, because most of the podcast educators I follow are constantly talking about SEO for podcasting.But I get it! SEO is confusing, and boring and honestly kind of a pain in the neck to explain and implement. However, that doesn’t take away from its importance to help your podcast grow and reach new listeners across the internet. Once you get the hang of SEO and how to optimize your podcast, it’s a skill that will pay off forever.In this episode I’m breaking down what SEO is, how you can use it for your podcast and a few easy ways to start optimizing your own podcast episodes today. Links in this episode:👩🏻‍💻 Shop MY Podcast Templates✨ Podcast Rescourses: Equipment, Software and Everything You Need to Start🎧 Work with Me 1:1💛 Free Download: Pre-Interview Cheatsheet (10 Questions I Ask Every Guest!)
Over the past 2 months I’ve gone into the trenches of digital marketing research for my podcasts to figure out what will actually bring more downloads and listeners to each episode.Like so many business owners, brands and podcasters I knew the power of email marketing but it sounded like a major pain in the neck. Could it really help that much?? The marketing gurus aren’t lying to us about this one - sending a weekly email has more than doubled my downloads in the past 2 months and in this episode I’m going to break down for you exactly how I did it.In this episode:(2:18) The guest email that got my episode 30,000 downloads.(5:02) How to find the best place to host your emails and contacts.(6:47) How to start building an email list of listeners who actually want to open your messages.(10:25) The strategy I’ve used to grow my list since my first subscriber.(11:26) Why listeners are more likely to listen and buy from an email than social media.Want to check out my lead magnets?ChatGPT Prompt to Start a PodcastPodcast Launch ChecklistSelf-Audit Podcast ChecklistMonthly Podcast Progress Tracker10 Guest Questions for Pre-InterviewsStart Sending Emails with ConvertKitYour first 10,000 subscribers free plus:Unlimited landing pagesUnlimited opt-in formsSend unlimited emails and newslettersAudience tagging and segmentationSell digital productsNewsletter feed and website
Having a podcast is one of the easiest ways to get your professional brand off the bleachers and starting on the varsity team. The truth is, anyone who has a podcast and an engaged professional audience is only a couple steps away from being a keynote speaker and not only a keynote speaker - a paid keynote speaker. 😁 In this episode, I’ll share my step-by-step strategies for booking speaking engagements from your podcasting experience and of course - getting paid!In this episode:(1:00) The simple networking strategy I use to book paid speaking gigs for myself and clients.(3:55) How to create and optimize a "one-sheet" that's working to get you keynote opportunities.(4:35) One thing you can do to seperate yourself from all other speakers in your niche. (6:24) Making money from a keynote when you aren't paid from the event. (8:03) How to build your brand locally to drive global interest. Links in this episode:👩🏻‍💻 Shop My One-Sheet Template🥳 Get 15% OFF Now Until 7/1/2024 with code LAUNCH15✨ Podcast Rescourses: Equipment, Software and Everything You Need to Start🎧 Work with Me 1:1💛 Free Download: Pre-Interview Cheatsheet (10 Questions I Ask Every Guest!)
It's really hard to sell something when you aren't sure what it should cost. 🤷🏻‍♀️Pricing podcast ads is one of the biggest hurdles that keeps podcasters from making money from sponsorships on their podcast. We want to monetize our podcast and sell advertisements, but how much should we sell them for? What is an advertisement on our podcast really worth? In this episode:(1:15) The industry standard for podcast ad pricing and how CPM works.  (3:24) Understanding podcast ad terminology and different ad types. (7:29) How to calculate podcast ad pricing based on your podcast's expenses.(12:28) Creating a rate card and media kit to send prospective sponsors. (13:18) The two things every podcast sponsor wants to close the deal.  Note: If you've recently listened to Ep. #014: How to Get Your First  Podcast Sponsor, there are a few overlapping topics between episodes including the breakdown of expense based pricing strategies and the explination of some ad types. The current episode provides more details to both, and other context that's necessary to pricing podcast ads. 🫶🏼  Links in this episode:👩🏻‍💻 Shop My Podcast Media Kit and Rate Card Template✨ Podcast Rescourses: Equipment, Software and Everything You Need to Start🎧 Work with Me 1:1 💛 Free Download: Pre-Interview Cheatsheet (10 Questions I Ask Every Guest!)
Do you know how many listeners actually listen to your entire podcast? For most podcasters, it's not very many. Which is sad! We want people to listen to the entire episode. Not just the first 2 minutes. 😩 This episode will walk you through how to create a podcast episodes your audience will actually listen to from start to finish. In this episode:(1:19) How to turn first time listeners into lasting audience and engaged community. (3:20) The easy changes you can make to episode descriptions to get listeners to stay until the end of the episode. (This can be done for past episodes, too!) (5:28) The small mistake podcasters make that impact listener retention long-term.(7:30) Why you should start speaking to one person instead of the genaric audience and how this builds your connection and community.  (15:16) How to review retention and consumtion rates and what they mean for your podcast.  Links in this episode:Free Download: Pre-Interview Cheatsheet (10 Questions I Ask Every Guest!)Podcast Rescourses: Equipment, Software and Everything You Need to StartBook a 1:1 Coaching Call with meShop my EXACT Podcast SetupRead this Episode's Show Notes
So you're ready to monetize your podcast? Who are we kidding, you were ready before this thing even launched!Since 2021 I've helped close over $200,000 in direct sponsorships and partnerships for my own podcasts and clients. Just a friendly reminder: advertisers will spend $2.37 billion on podcasts in 2024 and you deserve to get a slice of that pie. 😬In this episode:(2:02) The audience size you need before starting the monetization process. (4:43) One thing you must know before reaching out to potential sponsors. (6:13) Your formula to calculate what your ads or partnerships should cost! (9:28) Standard podcast ad placements and how long they normally air. (13:05) What your pitch deck and outreach message(s) should include. Links in this episode:Free Download: Pre-Interview Cheatsheet (10 Questions I Ask Every Guest!)Podcast Rescourses: Equipment, Software and Everything You Need to StartBook a 1:1 Coaching Call with meShop my EXACT Podcast SetupRead this Episode's Show Notes
One of the most frustrating parts of having a podcast (and trying to grow a podcast) is trying to figure out if you're actually making any progress or not. Is it "working"? How do you know when it is "working"?If you're constantly questioning if your podcast is doing well or how you can actually tell if the work you're putting in is worth the effort - this episode is for you.Get your free monthly podcast progress report here! (This report is the exact report I use every month for all of my podcasts and clients. I've also includes a printable black and white version.) In this episode: (1:20) What 50 podcasters told me their biggest podcast goals for 2024 are! (3:04) One of the most important tools to keeping your podcast (and you) on track.(5:14) How to self-audit your podcast progress every month. (10:29) Making S.M.A.R.T. goals for your podcast.(12:13) Why you MUST be SPECIFIC about what you want for your podcast. Links in this episode:Download your free monthly podcast progress report here!Book a 1:1 Coaching Call with mePodcast Rescourses: Equipment, Software and Everything You Need to StartShop my EXACT Podcast Setup
We all want to do our best. Well, most of the time.. 😀😀 But what about all those times we want to do our best but we don't know how? What about all those times we want to do our best so badly we do nothing at all? What about all those times we think other people will judge us for not doing our best? What about when we start to confuse our best with perfect? What if we can't be perfect?  In this episode:(1:46) The (biggest) struggle I see almost 100% of podcasters have (4:09) What I WISH someone had told me before I launched my first podcast (6:17) My best advice for podcasters at any stage(7:28) How people actually feel about your podcast (10:20) How many episodes you should air before judging the numbers Links in this episode:Free Download: 10 Questions I Ask EVERY GuestBook a 1:1 Coaching Call with mePodcast Rescourses: Equipment, Software and Everything You Need to StartShop my EXACT Podcast Setup
Since 2020 I’ve produced and published over 400 episodes. During that time I’ve learned a thing or two about consistently creating content and the real struggle of creator’s block. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 This week I’m sharing my tested systems to make sure you never run out of episode ideas again. No matter your podcasting goals, consistency is the most important tool in any podcaster's tool belt. In this episode:(2:04) The simple trick that's completely changed the way I create episode topics. (2:48) How to actually get episode ideas from your audience. (4:28) How to use keyword research (correctly) to find episode topics. (8:48) Using ChatGPT and AI for podcast topic ideas. (11:05) The most important metrics podcasters need to understand when creating new episodes. 🤖 Get your free ChatGPT prompt for 10 episodes here (It's the exact one I use, and it's incredible!) Links in this episode:Free Download: 10 Questions I Ask EVERY GuestBook a 1:1 Coaching Call with meShop my EXACT Podcast Setup
Bad reviews suck. Whether you just got one or you’re still ruminating over the one you got 4 years ago, getting a bad review on your podcast is never a fun experience.You’ve put so much time, energy, and money into this podcast and now someone who listened to 3 minutes of 1 episode is giving you a 2 star review because “your voice is unbearable and there’s too many ads”.Over the years I’ve had more than my share of bad reviews, trolls, bots, haters and downright rude people commenting on my podcasts. This episode is about bad podcast reviews: how to deal with them, what you can learn and finding peace in the truth not everyone will like your podcast. In this episode:(1:34) One inevitable truth of podcasting.  (2:08) The different kinds of bad reviews. (4:34) The first thing you need to look for in a bad review. (6:11) How to identify actionable feedback from bad reviews (and avoid more bad reviews)..(8:26) What to do after you get a bad review. Links in this episode:Free Download: 10 Questions I Ask EVERY GuestBook a 1:1 Coaching Call with meShop my EXACT Podcast SetupWant a review? Send me a message with a link to your podcast!review(at)morganfranklin(dot)media
Having a podcast is hard work. Why does everyone always conveniently forget to mention that part? Podcasting is hard. It's even harder when you aren't growing, or getting closer to the goals you set in the beginning. This episode is dedicated to diagnosing and addressing 3 of the most common reasons podcast aren't growing. Download your free podcast audit here! In this episode:(1:38) Why your audience is slowly losing interest in your podcast. 😢(3:21) How to engage and keep your listener’s attention with every episode. (4:58) What you aren’t doing, but you MUST do to get new listeners. (8:52) The biggest hurdle most podcasters are facing when it comes to consistent growth.Links in this episode:Get your free podcast auditBook a 1:1 Coaching Call with meShop my EXACT Podcast Setup
The human attention span is 8.25 seconds. That means when someone ask you about your podcast you have roughly 8 seconds to hook their attention and start your podcast elevator pitch in a meaningful way.  In this episode we'll break down how to answer what your podcast is about, the most important elements of any podcast pitch and how to guarantee the person you're talking to will not only remember your show, but listen after you walk away. In this episode:(1:26) How to create a pitch hook for your podcast that will speak directly to your future listener and quickly explain your podcast. (3:05) What to do when someone isn't interested in your podcast after you deliver the first hook of your pitch. (4:41) How to construct the second phase of your podcast pitch to give credibility, background and explain why you're uniquely equipped to host this show. (6:46) Closing the deal. How to get someone to subscribe to your podcast without fail. (9:43) Steps to further define your pitch hook and simplify your podcast messaging. (11:38) How to ACTUALLY start networking with people who want to hear about your podcast and how to meet people both online and in person. If you enjoy the show and you want to help more business owners and podcasters make money with their podcast will you give me a 5-star review? It helps the show rankings and gives more listeners an opportunity to find the show. Thank you!Links in this episode:Free Download: 10 Questions I Ask EVERY Guest Book a 1:1 Coaching Call with meShop my EXACT Podcast Setup
Do you want people to listen to your podcast? Of course you do! 😀 But do you actually know where your future listeners are going to find new podcasts? 👀 If I’m being totally honest, I’ve spent years trying to promote podcasts on platforms and with strategies that no one cared about (and the numbers were showing it)!At the beginning of this year I completely started over on social media for this podcast and I had a giant aha moment. My instagram followers aren’t looking for a new podcast to listen to.. they were looking for funny reels and pictures of cats to scroll through.That’s when I discovered how quickly my Pinterest content was gaining attention. On Instagram where I struggled to get 1k views a month I had 21k on Pinterest with no problem at all.If you enjoy the show and you want to help more business owners and podcasters make money with their podcast will you give me a 5-star review? It helps the show rankings and gives more listeners an opportunity to find the show. Thank you!Listen to my favorite podcast about Pinterest (and the podcast that's taught me everything I know about Pinterest): Simple Pin PodcastFind out more:Work with Morgan: Book a 1:1 Coaching CallShop the EXACT Podcast Equipment We UseSign up for Buzzsprout Podcast Hosting
Do you want to host podcast interviews people ACTUALLY want to listen to? This week I'll walk you through the 4 interview strategies every host should use to have listeners sneaking an AirPod in at work to listen to your podcast.Whether you're thinking about starting a podcast, you have a solo show, interview-style show or you're not really sure what you're doing, this episode is for you. Download your free pre-interview questionnaire here!In this episode: (1:30) What qualities actually make a guest worth hosting on your podcast. (3:05) The biggest mistake most podcasters (including me) make when they first start having interviews on their show. (5:45) How to get the best questions that your guest wants to answer and your audiences wants to hear!(8:40) Set your guest up for success to have the best interview from both you and them. (11:05) The unforgivable interview question that will ruin your episode before it even starts. (14:00) How to properly promote interview episodes.If you enjoy the show and you want to help more business owners and podcasters make money from podcasting will you give me a 5-star review? It helps the show rankings and gives more listeners an opportunity to find the show. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Free Download: 10 Questions I Ask Every Guest in Their Pre-InterviewFollow Morgan on InstagramRead the Show Notes
Do you know what'll be the hardest episode you ever record? The first. Do you know what'll be the most important episode you record is? Also the first. This week I'm walking you through the exact steps I took to launch my podcast in a month and exactly how you're going to launch a podcast by next month. In this episode:(0:00) How to stop procrastinating and make a solid goal and structured plan to FINALLY launch your podcast!   (1:41) Week One: Getting crystal clear on what this podcast will be about, who it's for, and how to use your competition to help build your podcast. (4:30) Week Two: Finding the right equipment for your podcast and learning how to outline an episode for recording.(7:45) Week Three: How to find the best hosting platform, optimizing your podcast title, description and episodes, and recording your first episode! (11:43) Week Four: Exporting, editing and preparing for how you'll launch your podcast. If you enjoy the show and you want to help more business owners and podcasters make money with their podcast will you give me a 5-star review? It helps the show rankings and gives more listeners an opportunity to find the show. Thank you!Links mentioned in this episode:Get Your FREE Podcast Launch Checklist!Start Your Podcast with Hosting from Transistor.FMTotal Podcast Setup Under $500Complete Professional Podcast Setup $2,500
What if you never had to think of another content idea again? That sounds like a dream, right?! My friend, that's the magic and power of podcasting.Every episode you publish creates an endless opportunity for content. In this episode I'll walk you through a few of my favorite ways to repurpose podcast episodes both on and off social media. In this episode:(0:49) The crazy simple (and easy) way to reach out to customers and listeners you’ve probably never thought of! (3:09) Why you should stop focusing on podcast marketing and start focusing on audience connection. (4:28) Repurposing your podcast on LinkedIn and how to properly optimize these posts. (5:10) Repurposing on Meta (Facebook and Instagram), using video and making video from audio only. (7:50) The best FREE tools you can use for repurposing podcast content. (9:45) Using Reddit to repurpose your podcast and when it will actually make sense to post on Reddit. (10:20) Pinterest for podcasters and why you need to repurpose your podcast on Pinterest. (11:20) How to make the most out of blogs for your podcast and why you should blog every week for you website's SEO. (12:43) Using podcast episodes for email marketing and to revitalize old email lists . If you enjoy the show and you want to help more business owners and podcasters make money from podcasting will you give me a 5-star review? It helps the show rankings and gives more listeners an opportunity to find the show. Thank you!Links mentioned in this episode:Get Your FREE Podcast Launch Checklist!Episode Show NotesFollow Morgan on Instagram
Some podcasters obsess over it.Some podcasters never give it a second thought.This week we’re talking about one of the most vulnerable questions in podcasting - who’s going to listen to your podcast? In this episode:  (0:54) How you can build listener trust from your first episode.(1:48) These are the podcast ideas that make great podcast. (3:11) Why podcasting is going to be your secret tool for digital marketing success.(5:10) How you’re going to create a podcast with clear messaging that engages your audience and grows your business. (7:00) What you can learn from your favorite podcast about your podcast.If you enjoy the show and you want to help more business owners and podcasters make money with their podcast will you give me a 5-star review? It helps the show rankings and gives more listeners an opportunity to find the show. Thank you!Links mentioned in this episode:Start Your Podcast with Hosting from Transistor.FMGet Your FREE Podcast Launch Checklist!Episode Show NotesFollow Morgan on Instagram
Like so many new podcasters, in the beginning I was relying on my most *trusted* mentors – Google and YouTube for all my advice on podcasting.  The funny thing is, today the first result when I Google “How much does it cost to start a podcast?” is a Forbes article that says starting a podcast could cost anywhere from $20 to $5,000?! That a huge range, and while it’s fairly accurate, that's probably not  the answer you were hoping for. My best advice is to remember it's okay to grow with your podcast and invest more as your audience and opportunities grow. Don't let the cost stop you from starting. After all, some of the most successful podcasts start with nothing but a great idea and a passion for sharing it!In this episode:(0:02) Exploring the varied costs and equipment for different types of podcasters.(4:35) The critical step you should take before buying equipment.(8:29)  Equipment recommendations for beginners and professionals.(14:48) Podcasting equipment and setup. (16:00) How I almost ruined one of my biggest podcast opportunities by not having the right equipment. (20:00) Podcast hosting, editing and virtual recording costs.(23:12) What actually matters when you start podcasting. If you enjoy the show and you want to help more business owners and podcasters make money with their podcast will you give me a 5-star review? It helps the show rankings and gives more listeners an opportunity to find the show. Thank you!Links mentioned in this episode:Start Your Podcast with Hosting from Transistor.FMGer Riverside.FM Virtual Recording ProgramTotal Podcast Setup Under $500 Complete Professional Podcast Setup $2,500Follow Morgan on Instagram