Ger Can Get It

Ger Can Get It
Author: Strange and Beautiful Network
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© Strange and Beautiful Network 2024
After meeting our favorite actor in September of 2023 and COMPLETELY LOSING OUR MINDS (please send them our way if you find them), we (Meg and Rachel) set out to watch everything Geraint Wyn Davies (Nick in Forever Knight, king of the Stratford Theater Festival, and star of much, much, more) has ever been in— at least everything we can find. This isn’t a podcast; it’s an inoculation (so don’t be a narc— please don’t tell him we’re doing this).
39 Episodes
This week: the conclusion of our three-part series of shows Ger popped up in that have now disappeared from the world. We watched three episodes of The Judge (1982-1985), literally a show about a male judge in the early 1980s so the sexism is laid on EXACTLY as thick as you'd imagine, although it's honestly a better representation of what goes on in and around a courtroom than anything we have on tv today.Check out our YouTube channel to watch the only known episodes remaining, as well as Ger's tight 1982 suit.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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No, not THAT Matrix (although Carrie-Ann Moss is technically in this one too).This show was like Columbo meets Touched by an Angel and we were here for every second of it.Ger was in his element as a fighter pilot with PTSD. #earninghisham
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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This week: we resurrect a forgotten tv show that definitely should have stayed forgotten: the Hidden Room!Think "The Outer Limits" and "The Twilight Zone" BUT FOR WOMEN IN THE 90s.Hard Pass.Also, remember when skull caps were a thing white suburban teen girls wore? Neat.Come for Ger making out with a woman in a garage, stay for.....actually, that's it. That is all there is to recommend this show.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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Finally, a sexy archaeologist episode.PS, It turns out that this is another one that can be found on YouTube, if you're intrepid enough.Happy Hunting.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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This week: finally, a palate-cleanser!No rubber rats, no evil cyborgs, no Russian nuclear plants. Just good old fashioned Ger-brand Gerisma (tm) and an argument about whether or not he's playing a ghost.Just a good, solid, puzzle box mystery.Ya welcome.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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This week, we're covering Bionic Showdown: The Six-Million Dollar Man vs. The Bionic Woman!Sandra Bullock is in it; Ger is in it; Ger gets to call himself handsome and then fall off a roof.Sometimes, you do the job for the paycheck. We get it.The robot-men are the least weird part of this one, folks.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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This is a long one, folks.Tune in to find out what we were up to in Stratford, Ontario, and whether our grand experiment in overdosing on GWD content worked as desired.Did we see His Mighty Gerness in a play? Did our souls leave our bodies? Does Cavan Biggio still play for the Toronto Blue Jays? Did I embarrass us all? Did we eat one single meal the entire time we were in Toronto and the surrounding suburbs?The answers to these questions and more await you, just the other side of the play button.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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This is the movie version of a kid asking his parents for something (Slings & Arrows) and the parents going "we've got that at home" (The Scottish Play).Come for the Geracteristics and the very talented American (!!) actor doing a perfect RP British accent.Don't try to think too hard about the plot, though. You'll get a brain bleed.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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American Psycho II: All-American Girl.This is another "I guess it's legally a movie" movie, you guys.Come for the young Milo Kunis, a younger William Shatner, and the knowledge that the on-set costumer must have really loved ole GWD, because she dressed him beautifully. Tweed jackets POSITIVELY ABOUND.The plot is lacking and the movie actively hates you for watching it, but they did our boy right in the costume department, so... not a total loss? Rachel's currently camping in an undisclosed location, so I'm aware the sound quality could be better.WE DO THIS FOR FREE. YOU GET WHAT YOU GET.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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We finally tackled this monstrosity of utter 90s ninety-ness.Come for hot young home-flipper Ger making Thanksgiving your new favorite holiday; stay for his wife, the world's worst doctor, martyring herself in her quest to ruin her home life and career at the exact same time. Recognize that every character on screen is somehow the worst character you have ever seen.This is another white-knuckle movie experience. You've been warned....There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here:
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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I refuse to believe this movie exists. Whatever dimension this movie exists in, it's not mine.Enjoy 2 solid hours of silence, I guess.NOW WITH SPECIAL SCIENCE GUEST, POD-HUSBAND MATTHEW*!*He was Rachel's husband; he belongs to the podcast now.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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This week, the man finally gets to be in his element as a horny, comedic, Shakespeare character whose only goal is to be the beefy meat in a middle-aged 1950s lady sandwich.Does he succeed?You'll have to listen to find out*!*Or read the play, man-- it's over 400 years old. The embargo on spoilers has ended.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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This one's a doozy, folks (and if you hear any crinkling noises, it's Rachel's new kitten playing with something. I am not smart enough to know how to fix it. Sorry. Just imagine the cute kitten while we struggle through a discussion of yellow-face and brain damage and wondering magical non-white people on television in the 90s).Come for Ger getting to act with Bernie Behrens again; stay for Ger throwing a tiny television at a woman like he's bowling for hotties.This was....legally an episode of television.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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This week, Ger gets second billing to a dog for, like, the THIRD time in the very short history of this podcast, and it's not even a capable dog like The Littlest Hobo.Denise Virieux (German vampire lesbian) and Ron Akayama (murderous yakuza) show back up, which is neat, and the lead of this show, Jesse Collins, will appear as a mad scientist on an episode of Forever Knight. Ger's filmography is literally just a story of one man picking up future guest stars and saving them in his pocket for later. We stan a #friendhoarder over here at GCGI.This tv show is honestly not good-- we somehow landed on a VERY SPECIAL EPISODE aka another dose of EXTREME TRAUMA FOR KIDZ, plus some fun doses of racism and ableism.Don't feel too bad for Ger, though-- he clearly filmed all of his scenes on a lunch break from Dracula, the Series. He was fine, we're fine, and no puppets had sex in this episode, so it is by no means the nadir of his storied career.PS I was wrong-- it's season 3 in North America and season 2 in France.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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This week: the origins of Ger's life as a never-nude! This tv movie from the 70s was hard to watch but so thoughtful and sparked some interesting conversations on police reform (it's not all porn here, folks).Don't worry-- we still discuss his butt.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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This week, Edith Bunker from All in the Family tries to stop Ger from getting laid FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE.The Irish are libeled; the Yakuza show up.Rachel gets mad at improper pottery technique.All in all, a very normal day here in PodLand.If you were feeling sad about the cliffhanger ending of Dracula, the Series, this movie will fix that for you. Otherwise, get a CLEW (see what I did there?) and watch something else, maybe.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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What can we say? Ger continues to play the tormented vampire Klaus, an adorable businessman cum maniac with a penchant for reciting Shakespeare quotes and attempting to murder both his bio-dad and his vampire dad.Watch the grownup episodes; maybe skip the plucky kid ones.If anyone wants to learn more about the efforts to get us more Dracula, the Series (and why would you not?), click the link here.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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This week, Ger continues to be better than he honestly had to be while playing the tormented, smug, Nehru-collar wearing, Snoopy glasses-wearing, Shakespeare-quoting, maybe-secret-boyfriend-of-Dracula, Klaus Helsing.Get ready for some heartrending Shakespearean-level melodrama crammed into your goofy 90s kids' monster-hunting show.It must be seen to be believed.
GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat PodcastLove Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!You can also:Join us on Instagram here: us on Patreon here: us on YouTube here: us here:
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