Beyond the To-Do List - Productivity for Work and Life
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© 2023 Erik Fisher
Conversations with productivity experts, authors, and creatives on how to implement productivity strategies in both your professional and personal life. The goal as you listen is to help you gain perspective, practical knowledge, and productivity insights for living a whole life that goes Beyond The To-Do List.
550 Episodes
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Every episode I've listened to so far is a conversation with a guest who is selling a book or an app or something. There are very few actual tips on productivity, and those are used as a teaser to buy, or sign up for, the thing the guest is peddling. Sadly, this is common for most podcasts on organizing or productivity or ADHD. No real help to the listener, only helping another 'expert' market themselves.
It definitely isn't as simple as introvert or extrovert. It sounds like they are describing an extroverting introvert.
probably one of my least favorite episodes. I had difficulty following the guest speaker to me he seemed to ramble and not finish his thoughts.
Thank you Erik. Very useful information, and if Mike (or any of us) can't be authentic about our own story, that's living a lie or in fear. Don't worry about what people think if you open a platform for being honest - the alternative is much worse.
so wish these apps were not Mac only.
excellent episode
This episode is full of lots of great tips and information! Definitely have to listen to it again.
Hi guys, I listened till the end and took notes 😊😊 thank you for being awesome
Yes! God always seems for have a Solution C!
Perfect title to this episode. I love that quote.
Haha I love this!!! Expectation vs. Reality
yo this is quality content.
funny how I put atomic habits on my list of books to read and then the next day I find this podcast! James brings up that habits essentially form our Identity. it definitely shifted the way I think about my daily actions and inactions and habits and routines. also the 2 min rule is interesting. I am having a bit of difficulty figuring out what is the simplest part of a habit but I'll definitely listen to this podcast a few more times and check out that book 👌 #muchappreciated
Electronic Musicians Podcast
enjoyed this episode very much , it did leave me wondering more about coaching and how to go about finding a coach or mentor in conventional or unconventional ways / professional or unprofessional coaches if that makes sense. I think it'd be great to hear a podcast on this topic. I look forward to what you've got coming next
Went from a broken family to Senior Manager responsible for millions of dollars of infrastructure and 90 + employees, with many success stories/Friends/Community engagement, only to be taken down by Corporate politics, 20 years experience doing the right thing, doing what made me feel valuable. Post two decades of Corporate BS playing the game, to be reduced down to the rubble of my formal self. It's been 9 years of why me? I was so successful? Corporate Sharks why? Has left me empty inside or as the podcast mentioned about addressing the issues in the past, vs the moral inventory of yourself and being able to shed the resentment, getting the truth out and putting the past behind me is where I'm stuck.
hmm, at first, with all that I've read and skimmed over here...In was super excited...but never mind lol
I expected a bit more...this was a lot of talking without a lot of content. I felt like I was eavesdropping on a lunch conversation.
great contents