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Eloquence Echoes with Tanuja
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Eloquence Echoes with Tanuja

Author: Tanuja Khanduja

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Welcome to Eloquence Echoes with Tanuja, hosted by Tanuja Khanduja. Join us as we delve into Communication and Conversation Intelligence, bringing you invaluable insights and strategies to help you excel in networking, building connections that last, collaborations that impact and creating an environment of trust and harmony in your personal and professional life. 

The episodes of 'Eloquence Echoes with Tanuja’ are packed with actionable advice, inspiring stories, and expert interviews that will empower you to transform the 'Way you Speak,' 'What you Speak' and 'How you Listen'. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, this podcast is your go-to resource for mastering verbal language, body language and tone of speaking.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to level up your skills and knowledge in this # 1 skill-in-demand in the world. Subscribe to 'Eloquence Echoes with Tanuja' on Bingepods and your favorite podcast platforms to stay updated with the latest episodes. We're here to empower you on your journey to add brilliance to your communication and conversations.
19 Episodes
Episode 19_Halo Effect

Episode 19_Halo Effect


Why do first impressions matter? Why do we assume all good qualities about a person after a good first impression about them? Welcome to this episode that answers these questions in detail.
Has the generation gap ever come in your way to convey effectively? As times change, so do the ways of communication. This episode guides you to deal with communication challenges between a baby boomer, gen. X, a millenial and a gen.Z.
Have you ever been in a conversation which you left feeling more confused than when you started? Or maybe you sent a text that was completely misunderstood?  Welcome to the world of incomplete communication – the hidden culprit behind countless mix-ups in our daily life. From misunderstood wedding invitations to confusing office memos, this podcast will unravel the mystery of why we often say one thing but mean another.
Using judging and blaming language in communication is like throwing stones at a glass house. Each harsh word and critical remark shatters the trust and openness between people, making it challenging to repair the relationship and build a safe space for honest dialogue.  They are rightly termed as 'Communication Stoppers'. Know more about these and other communication stoppers in this episode.
Apart from verbal and Nonverbal language, what else hinders effective interaction and collaboration - The Communication Barriers. Recognizing these barriers helps identify and address misunderstandings, ensuring clear and efficient communication. This awareness fosters better relationships, enhances productivity, and promotes a more inclusive and supportive environment. Ultimately, overcoming communication barriers is key to achieving successful and meaningful exchanges in both personal and professional settings.
You like apples, I like peaches. That's fine! People have not just different tastes but different opinions. This episode talks about how to handle different opinions gracefully. It is a matter of Professional Etiquette.
This episode is   Must Listen For You  if in your office meetings you are a passive participant, most of the times don't know what to say in it don't know how to contribute to it don't know how to prepare for it want to speak assertively, without fear in it
Relationship between partners is fragile...needs to be handled with care. This episode talks about four different everyday situations that can spark a conflict between partners if not handled assertively. Four situations and four tips, one for each, to handle them easily and maintain amicable relations. Power of Assertive Communication at play again!Not to be missed!
In this you will learn 6 strategies to build your self-esteem and self-belief that will result in enhancing your self-confidence. This is needed to stand up for yourself and be assertive in your communication with others.   
This Episode tells about the signs, impact and the healthier alternatives to Passive and Passive-Aggressive Styles of Communication. Also learn about the situations when these, otherwise 'not recommended' styles, can be used. 
This Episode talks about the 'Aggressive Style of Communication' - How to identify it, what is its impact on relationships and what are its healthier alternatives. You will also learn about certain situations when this style is warranted.  
In this episode you will learn about the Assertive Style of Communication, which is most suitable if you want higher self-esteem, increased confidence and reduced stress. Mastering assertive communication is key to healthy relationships, both personal and professional. This style focuses on open and honest dialogue from a stance of mutual understanding.
Trust is the glue to hold Personal Relationships together. This episode details a 5-step, simple and powerful formula to build it effectively because the quality of life depends on the quality of relationships you have.
After 'Networking and building a relationship" with someone, how do you nurture it and sustain it to develop it into a long-lasting relationship that enriches you and your career? Learn the T.R.U.T.H. of such professional relationships in this Episode.  My Insta handle:
This Episode gives you a M.A.P. to sail smoothly through the turbulence of Networking Anxieties in your mind to calmness of Networking Mastery. The M.A.P. tells you 3 secret steps to be confident in every networking event, make a connection and turn it into a strong relationship overtime. A 'must listen' for young professionals and entrepreneurs for professional growth.You wouldn't like to miss it. Would you?
This episode, the last in the three-series episode on how you communicate, tells the significance of 'Active Listening' - the third step to transform your perspective on the way you communicate. It tells 4 ways to listen 'Actively' and also highlights 6 benefits of 'Active Listening' that can have the power to turn your professional and personal relationships around.
This episode is the 2nd in a 3-episode series on 'Transforming Perspectives on Communication'. It talks about: 'Respect' as the second step to transform one's viewpoint on communication 9 ways to show respect to anyone 3 ways of disrespectful behaviour Effect of 'Respect' on Effective Communication
In this episode you will learn a 3rd element to communication, besides verbal and non-verbal language. This element is the differentiator between Effective and Ineffective communication. You will also learn why a major shift in the perspective on communication is needed before we can have an 'Effective Communication'. This episode starts the three-episode series on 'Transforming Perspectives on Communication'.

