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Being Soul Confident

Author: Nicola Tonsager

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The podcast is about everything soul, widening the conversation around what it is, how we experience it and can lean into it so that we can live it, trust it and be it.

Nicola has worked with energy and soul for over 25 years and is passionate about people leaning into it as a conscious, expansive energy - being soul confident in every area and aspect of life.

And yet, we are all different, with varying opinions and a wide variety of experiences. One person's viewpoint doesn't necessarily resonate with everyone else's and so in Being Soul Confident Nicola wants to both share her experiences, insight and understanding but also talk to other people about what soul is to them.

Is it aligned with inner truth, fearlessness or confidence? Does soul make you authentic or does authenticity enable you to be soul-led?

Is courage necessary to enable a confidence within soul? Is soul light, gentle and full of ease or is it fierce and boundary-breaking? - Let's find out!

New episodes will be released each Wednesday.

About Nicola Tonsager:

Nicola is a Soul Mentor & Coach and the Founder of Soul Signatures® - a unique and relatable way to understand the core qualities of soul guiding and supporting you. She is the best-selling author of Being Soul Confident and also the author of the Sacred Soul Guidance Deck.

She has worked with energy for over half her life - from crystals and angels, to reiki, sound and spirit. She has channelled Angelic Signatures and Soul Signatures®, holds a Certificate in Education and is a passionate advocate for you realising all that you can be - Nicola believes that starts within, through a deep yet practical alignment with soul.

'You are the journey - and you matter deeply.'   

63 Episodes
*please note that pregnancy loss is mentioned in this episodeJoin Nic for this gorgeous episode with soul guide and healer, Shelley Hobbs. Shelley shares how a pregnancy loss and its grief was a catalyst for opening her up after being shut down and how that opening connection to herself guided her to Reiki which opened her spiritual journey.She discusses how the natural inquisitive & curiosity of her children has taught her about being present with life and with her own inner child and we...
In this episode, Nicola talks about the difference between the choices we choose to make and the potential we choose to step into, or not and those soul-led moments which are totally choice-less, despite what the mind, friends or family might say or think about them.Nic also shares how she doesn't believe we have a fated end destiny we are meant to reach within life and yet there are destined moments which are absolutely an intrinsic part of our path and which totally change either us, life o...
Join Nic for this fab episode with Creative Business Mentor Paula Burns where Paula shares her journey from shy and nervous to confidently colouring outside the lines and always being willing to break the mould.Paula shares how in performing arts, she learnt individual tools which helped her calm her nerves and show up as herself with confidence and the importance of taking small steps to build confidence and enable more courage.Paula chats about supporting heartfelt businesses who want to ch...
In this episode, Nicola shares why seeking a soul purpose can be limiting rather than liberating.She talks about the purpose of soul and why we can often mistake alignment for a feeling of soul purpose. Nic talks about how we are living soul purpose just by being here and why allowing yourself to view soul as an experience rather than a purpose connects you more fully into who you are right now.Connect with Nicola:
Join Nicola as she shares the energy that soul is asking us to look at in this month of November through the lens of the Transformation Soul Signature.Nic shares the key aspect of Transformation and Freedom, and why we need to step back from change through boredom and frustration and she also shares why this month can give you key insights into what 2025 will ask of you.If you are enjoying the podcast, please do like or follow and rate or review - your support means the world and helps the po...
In this fabulous episode Nicola chats with Coach, Trainer, Business Mentor and all-around Inspirational Woman - Vivienne Joy.Vivienne shares her 'accidental' journey of synchronistic changes and detours which led her to sharing her joy, passion and expertise helping women realise their dreams, from both a business and personal perspective and attracting spiritually-led women to her work. She shares three key questions to ask if you're procrastinating and feeling resistance and talks about the...
Join Nicola for a divine conversation with Intuitive Channel and Spiritual Mentor Anne-Louise Harbutt, as Anne-Louise shares her journey from seeking external validation to connecting deeply with herself, recognising what happiness and success meant to her and how channelling her higher self opened her up to soul living.Anne-Louise chats about recognising disconnect and how taking small steps to put herself first opened her up to expansion, opportunity and trusting her higher self and the Uni...
In this bonus episode, Nicola looks at light as a key aspect of collaboration, identifying how being lit up can highlight the right collaborations at the right time and how working with people toward a goal or purpose supports you to be lighter, sharing the journey and the responsibility.Nic talks about being lit up naturally enabling your light to radiate, drawing opportunity to you and also how noticing your light dimming is a sign of not being aligned in terms of collaboration and partners...
In this bonus episode, Nicola shares the Surrender Soul Signature - the Soul Signature energy for October and which is also the Soul Signature for 2024.She looks at its key qualities of Purpose, Service and Collaboration and shares collaboration as the monthly theme for this month, asking you to consider where you do collaborate and what you need and also whether you allow yourself to be open to collaboration.Connect with Nicola:
Nic chats with the divine Laura Lucas, a coach for business owners with a calling, in this fabulous episode.Join Nic and Laura as Laura shares her journey of unmasking the soul - both externally and internally, her fascination with personal development and how that has supported her to deeply unravel who she truly is and consciously live All That Is.Laura chats about the importance of her connection within her body and understanding its deep, individual wisdom and how that supports her to rec...
Join Nic for this cheeky bonus episode where she looks at flow in conjunction with the Emergence Soul Signatures® energy for this month and its key theme of Growth Mindset.Nic shares that flow doesn't necessarily mean ease and also chats about how easy it is, with energy awareness, to actually step back rather than step forward when you feel as though you are not in flow, or that things aren't flowing.She challenges to you look at the aspect of flow in a slightly different way.As always, your...
Join Nic as she chats with Business Coach, Mentor and Strategist Nicole Louise Winer about her journey with ADHD and how it has enabled her to lean into greater trust and ultimate self acceptance.Nicole chats about the importance of connecting into the body and practising techniques such as mindfulness as a means of support for well-being and intuitive intelligence. She shares how she has learnt when to activate and flow into her hyperfocus and when to step back and lean into the body.Nicole ...
This week's bonus episode is all about Joy as the direct energy to expand and align with soul. As you lean into Joy, you create opportunity for guidance and direction and as a soul inspiration it can help you find the next step you need.Joy can be the difference between batting you head against a brick wall or allowing clarity to rise from that intuitive voice of soul.Connect with Nicola:
Join Nicola as she chats with the absolutely gorgeous Emma Kirkham about leaning into soul for transformational changes and her journey as a Heart Healer, a dynamic modality blending the mind and the heart.Emma shares the deep inner work through her journey into an entirely new field of work and how the soul to soul connection enables magic, impact and deep healing - enabling her to be the best version of herself she can be.She chats about her practice of sitting quietly and purposefully to a...
In this bonus episode, Nicola shares Expansion as the soul inspiration working with Emergence's growth-mindset theme for September.She talks about expansion also bringing contraction as you meet, and move past, your own limitations and boundaries and she shares that the push-pull energy you feel can often be a sign that you are about to expand and breakthrough!Connect with Nicola:
Nicola shares September's Soul Signature which is Emergence, all about stretching beyond current boundaries, and its key theme for this month of growth-mindset!Emergence requires you, in September from a collective soul energy perspective, to look at challenges, obstacles, difficulties - whether personally, professionally or in life - as opportunities to learn, to think or act differently, to reach within yourself for different skills and to know that there is a (positive) reason behind a cha...
Join Nic as she chats about why the soul path will always require you to walk with fear.She talks about holding hands with fear, leaning into allow trust within yourself and being willing to walk with fear as you take the next steps.Nic also shares about understanding fear as a naturally protective instinct which can serve you, rather than disrupt you or hold you back.Let her know who you find this and do subscribe or follow and rate or review! Your support means the world!Connect with Nicola...
This weekend's bonus episode, supporting August's Masculine Soul Signature is about the Soul Inspiration of Expression and Nicola shares that our truth is not just what we say but what we do.Is your truth aligned? Are you doing what you say you'll do? If not why not? Do you believe in your ability to achieve your goal?Connect with Nicola:
Join Nicola for this episode where she shares three things which can limit our connection, allowing and awareness of soul. She'll share why they limit, and how bringing awareness to them and shifting them over a period of time can make all the difference in being more sensitive to the energy of soul and to its intuitive communication!Want to Be Soul Confident? Join Being Soul Confident - The Journey into Everything You Are: with Nicola:...
In this week's bonus episode, Nicola share the soul inspiration of Stillness - the movement into experiencing the divine, and how it can support you in creating a devotional practice or routine.Stillness allows the inner voice to rise and can clarify the next step, the right action, your why and can also pinpoint resistance and limitation, allowing you to move past that into momentum.As always, if you enjoy the podcast please do subscribe or follow and rate or review.Connect with Nicola:https...