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Bernie: The Podcast
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Bernie: The Podcast

Author: Bernie Sanders

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Want to know why there is very little coverage of working class issues?

Or why the media is generally pro-war?

Want to know why we never hear about the ruling class?

Maybe it's the fact that just a handful of multinational corporations control 90% of the media in America. 

I created this podcast to hold in-depth conversations about topics not usually covered by the mainstream media, including oligarchy, the class divide, corporate consolidation of the media, the healthcare crisis, the growing labor movement, the military-industrial complex, the failed bipartisan foreign policy consensus and more.

10 Episodes
Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben


On the latest episode of Bernie: The Podcast I speak to environmentalist Bill McKibben. Bill is an activist and writer who is one of the leading voices on the impact of climate change and a dear friend of mine. He is the founder of the climate campaign group and Third Act. He has authored a dozen books about the environment, including his first, The End of Nature (1989. We discuss the record heatwaves sweeping the globe as we speak, the growth of renewable energy and how much time we ...
Shawn Fain

Shawn Fain


In this episode, I am joined by someone who I greatly admire. He’s not the flashiest leader. He doesn't make headlines every day, but in my opinion, he is a modern-day hero, and one of the brightest leaders in the labor movement. His name is Shawn Fain and he is the President of the United Auto Workers. The UAW, under Shawn’s leadership, recently secured a historic contract with huge pay and benefit increases for workers at the Big Three automakers–GM, Ford and Stellantis. But ...
Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein


In this episode, I talk to Naomi Klein, a professor, author, social activist, and filmmaker known for her criticism of the climate crisis, uber-capitalism and war, and for books like the Shock Doctrine, No Logo and most recently, Doppelganger. Naomi has also been an outspoken critic of the ongoing war in Gaza.We discuss the intersecting crises of oligarchy, militarism and climate change, how the left can best combat right-wing extremism, and how a Donald Trump presidency would be a disaster f...
Rep. Ilhan Omar

Rep. Ilhan Omar


I spoke with Congresswoman Ilhan Omar about her personal story, living through war as a child, how it informed her outlook on the world and how we can create a more humane world. We also discussed our work together to make school meals universal and cancel all student debt and what keeps us up at night.
Hear my full conversation with @AOC on growing up working class in America and the experiences that shaped us.
In this episode, we talk about the war in Gaza, decades of failed foreign policy and how the U.S. compares to the rest of the world on fundamental issues.As always, if you'd like a copy of my book, you can make a contribution today — of $12 any amount you can afford —at and we'll send it to you in the mail.
The Media Crisis

The Media Crisis


In episode, we look at the media. As we speak, mainstream media is increasingly controlled by a tiny handful of corporate media conglomerates—many of which are controlled by billionaires. And local journalism—the lifeblood of democracy—is an increasingly endangered species Along with The Nation journalist John Nichols, I discuss why this is and how we construct a healthy media environment not beholden to billionaires.As always, if you'd like a copy of my book, you can make a contributio...
This episode is about work, from artificial intelligence and what it means for the future of labor to the growing surge of union organizing and how to build an economy that works for all.If you'd like a copy of my book, you can make a contribution today — of $12 any amount you can afford —at and we'll send it to you in the mail.



This episode is about what, in my view, is the central issue of our time—and that is the enormous concentration of wealth in the hands of a few billionaires, and the fact that every day we are sliding further away from democracy into an oligarchic form of government. We talk about how these billionaires are able to stash much of their wealth in tax havens and how they exert enormous influence over our political system.If you'd like a copy of my book, you can make a contribution today — of $12...
The Political Revolution

The Political Revolution


I am excited to announce that, this week, I am launching a new podcast. In it, we discuss my recent book, It's Ok to Be Angry about Capitalism.If you'd like a copy of the book, you can make a contribution today — of $12 any amount you can afford —at and we'll send it to you in the mail.
Comments (2)

Steven Michaels

It seems to me that the way people view the society they live in is affected by these things you speak of. For example, some society's view how old people are treated here are treated. I have seen someone originally from another country aghast that some poor old woman was late one month on her rent and was kicked out. Since they had a guaranteed minimum income, it was totally foreign to them, that someone could be so cruel to someone who needed help over money.

Apr 3rd

Teresa Wilkinson

👋 from Australia, many of us support you & admire your strength & reasoning in the USA 🫂

Mar 22nd