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Glucose Riot

Author: Erin Phillips & Kelly Six

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Glucose Riot features stories about people living joyful and peaceful lives with diabetes without restrictive eating. Hosted by two dietitians and diabetes educators, Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES and Kelly Six, MS, RDN, CDCES.
Our philosophy is that there's no magical *One Right Way* to manage diabetes, and there are a lot of different experiences when it comes to living with diabetes (surprise! we are human and show up in lots of different ways!). We are not here to prescribe or push a particular strategy. We want to highlight how sooo many different strategies are valid and valuable and how absolutely beautiful that is.

We value body autonomy. What you do with your body is entirely up to you. And thank goodness -- we couldn't live with that kind of responsibility if what you did was up to us! This means that If you decide to diet or pursue intentional weight loss, we're not mad at you and we never want to shame you for your own choices.

Our aim is to show that there are many ways to approach diabetes that do not center weight loss that can support happy and healthy humans. That being said, there are already a lot of diet-y diabetes podcasts already -- if that is something you're looking for, we aren't your gals.

Want to be on the pod?

We are always looking for more people with diabetes to interview on the pod! If you're interested, apply here:
13 Episodes
In this episode we talk with Chelsea Levy about:Experiencing the world as a straight sized person and a person in a larger bodyGoing against the grain of the weight centric health model- as a human and as a dietitian Chelsea's experience with diabetes and prediabetes both personally and professionallyHow the intuitive eating and HAES spaces talk about (pre)diabetes and food choices and how you can explore self care in a way that doesn't trigger disordered eatingIs "prediabetes" a thing we should be thinking about? What's the deal with the controversy around this?Talking about diabetes as a "theoretical" concept vs "individual" lived experience and how do you make choices that align with your own values. How to consider your health risks without spiraling into perfectionism and urgencyBuilding in safe touch points into your care team and communityResourcesFollow Chelsea on Instagram: IG: @Chelsealevynutrition,Find Chelsea on Facebook: Chelsea's website: www.chelsealevynutrition.comErin's blog on Prediabetes: to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. 
In this episode we discuss:Having a family history of diabetes and being diagnosed as a younger personAdvocating for yourself and finding information when medical providers are not addressing your concernsDealing with and noticing signs of diabetes burn out Diabetes tech and medications Diagnostic tests including auto-antibodies and c-peptide tests Types of diabetes and considering a "spectrum" of diabetes diagnoses Talking to your kids and family about diabetes, your self care, and the genetic component of diabetesAddressing medication stigma and preventing complications with medication useResources:Follow Jacquean on Instagram: @sugarandspice.t2dTaking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. 
10. Season 1 Wrap Up

10. Season 1 Wrap Up


We are wrapping up season 1! So grateful for y'all who have joined us this season. In this episode, we talk about:What we learned, how this went for us, what we loved. What we are planning for SEASON 2! We have a couple requests and changes that we are making for next season. If you're wanting to share part of your story or want to speak to something you hear on an episode, we would LOVE for you to call in ((364) 999-5759‬) or email us ( to share :) We'd love feedback about the kinds of stories that you're wanting to hear next season. If you're curious about being a guest for our next season, please reach out and/or fill out our application here: so much gratitude for this community and the excitement and support we've gotten.LINKS:Apply to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. 
Part 2 of our interviews with Jenn Jackson! Feel free to listen to this episode as a stand alone, but if you're wanting to hear more from Jenn, go back to our previous episode to hear more. In this episode we cover:Diabetes management philosophies and technology that can be the most disordered to the most flexibleWhy restriction is not a good idea with diabetesProtein! What it does and why it's helpfulLiving with a stigmatized condition as a health care providerUsing nutrition along with meds to get the best supportBeing OK with not knowing the exact right answer (as a diabetes "expert" and as a person with diabetes)How a sense of urgency is normalized in diabetes care and diet culture, and how to slow down the instinct and get to authentic choice and careUsing informed consent, self compassion, and professional support as part of your diabetes strategy. We mention several resources including: Students for Size Inclusivity document on Informed consent in diabetes care to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. 
Jenn joins us in this episode to talk about their diagnosis with type 2 diabetes. Jenn is a dietitian and future diabetes educator and explores the idea of learning about diabetes as a clinician vs learning to have diabetes as a human. This is the first of a two part series with Jenn. We focus in this episode on her personal experience. Join us next episode for part 2 were we talk more in depth about diabetes management and nutrition. Here we cover:How values, identities, and privileges play into experiences as a person with diabetesLearning and unlearning messages and shame about what diabetes "should" look like and what being a professional "should" look likeThe message of "I should know better" when it comes to getting diabetes as a health professionalHow a diabetes diagnosis can re-trigger old eating disorder behaviors and thoughtsHow anti-fatness can show up in diabetes care How and why food groups (especially carbs) have been vilified over timeLINKS:Apply to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. 
Amelia, mom of two toddlers, shares the reality, joys, and challenges of navigating pregnancy and motherhood as a person with diabetes. We talk about how shame, misinformation, and the fantasy of of an unmedicated pregnancy can contribute to being unprepared for the reality- and openly talking about it breaks down a lot of these barriers. Resources we mentioned or that are related to the topic of diabetes and pregnancy:Insulin needs during pregnancy - see Figure 1 (TW for weight stigmatizing language)Fat & Fertile by Nicola Salmon - a super comprehensive book on pregnancy for fat folksBig Fat Pregnancy - fat positive mentoring, birth and postpartum doula servicesResources recommended byy Amelia!Dr. Ali Lewis - OBGYN Katie Rohs, doula Negin Ebrahimifard, dietitian specializing in diabetes and pregnancyABOUT US: We are two dietitians who specialize in diabetes care and eating disorders:Kelly Six, MS, RD, CDCES, who really likes working in diabetes care because we get to have one foot in the nerdy side of diabetes and the other foot in the emotional side of living in the world with diabetes.Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES, who really agrees with Kelly and couldn't have said it better herself. We both love cats, snacks, and laughing too loud in Seattle coffee shops.Learn more about us and the podcast here!LINKS:Apply to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment.
Rachel, a fellow diabetes educator and diabetic, spends some time with us to share her take on the diabetes management world. We talk about real-life diabetes management, how ableism shows up in standardized recommendations, and diabetes tech!Resources mentioned: "How to Keep House While Drowning" by KC Davis. KC also has amazing resources on her website: "How to Be Sick" by Toni Bernhard ABOUT US: We are two dietitians who specialize in diabetes care and eating disorders:Kelly Six, MS, RD, CDCES, who really likes working in diabetes care because we get to have one foot in the nerdy side of diabetes and the other foot in the emotional side of living in the world with diabetes.Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES, who really agrees with Kelly and couldn't have said it better herself. We both love cats, snacks, and laughing too loud in Seattle coffee shops.Learn more about us and the podcast here!LINKS:Apply to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment.
On this episode, we sit with Diane who talks us through mobility devices, staying strong in the decision to only accept weight inclusive care, and how to build a self care plan that authentically works for your own personal needs.Some things we referenced in this episode:More info about the term "superfat" and other "fategories"Studies about epigenetics: US: We are two dietitians who specialize in diabetes care and eating disorders:Kelly Six, MS, RD, CDCES, who really likes working in diabetes care because we get to have one foot in the nerdy side of diabetes and the other foot in the emotional side of living in the world with diabetes.Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES, who really agrees with Kelly and couldn't have said it better herself. We both love cats, snacks, and laughing too loud in Seattle coffee shops.Learn more about us and the podcast here!LINKS:Apply to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment.
Meet Isabel! In today's episode we interview Isabel, who shares about growing up as a fat kid, diabetes being used as a future threat, and coming to peace with her body and diagnosis. Isabel's experience and passion have led her to pursue social work as a fat positive therapist. Links to resources mentioned in the episode:“Fat Talk” by Virginia Sole SmithMila Clark @thehangrywoman's Instagram post"In the Dream House" by Carmen Maria Machado (TW for abuse)LINKS:Apply to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. 
Today's episode is an interview of our very own podcast co-host, Kelly Six. We talk about using personal values to guide the balancing act of managing diabetes and food, how diabetes and your relationship to food can get easily entangled, and what makes a space safe when it comes to diabetes (and what makes it less helpful). ABOUT US: We are two dietitians who specialize in diabetes care and eating disorders:Kelly Six, MS, RD, CDCES, who really likes working in diabetes care because we get to have one foot in the nerdy side of diabetes and the other foot in the emotional side of living in the world with diabetes.Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES, who really agrees with Kelly and couldn't have said it better herself. We both love cats, snacks, and laughing too loud in Seattle coffee shops.Learn more about us and the podcast here!LINKS:Apply to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. 
Brittney shares her story of her own eating disorder recovery has shifted from before her diabetes diagnosis until now. She talks about how caring for her body has meant acceptance of all of it's pieces- eating disorder, diabetes, and all. ABOUT US: We are two dietitians who specialize in diabetes care and eating disorders:Kelly Six, MS, RD, CDCES, who really likes working in diabetes care because we get to have one foot in the nerdy side of diabetes and the other foot in the emotional side of living in the world with diabetes.Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES, who really agrees with Kelly and couldn't have said it better herself. We both love cats, snacks, and laughing too loud in Seattle coffee shops.Learn more about us and the podcast here!LINKS:Apply to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment.
In this episode we talk to Molly who helps us break down some diabetes myths and science, and explains how anti-fat bias plays into how research is conducted and interpreted. We also talk though her own relationship with diabetes, how it played into the development of her ed, and how she has learned to thrive ("lol mostly!" -Molly) in recovery and life despite the diagnosis.ABOUT US: We are two dietitians who specialize in diabetes care and eating disorders:Kelly Six, MS, RD, CDCES, who really likes working in diabetes care because we get to have one foot in the nerdy side of diabetes and the other foot in the emotional side of living in the world with diabetes.Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES, who really agrees with Kelly and couldn't have said it better herself. We both love cats, snacks, and laughing too loud in Seattle coffee shops.Learn more about us and the podcast here!STUFF WE MENTIONED ON THE EPISODE: Find Molly on Instagram: @drmollyinprogressDr. Gregory Dodell, a size-inclusive endocrinologist in NYC: (and on IG @everything_endocrine)Articles about the "social contagion of o**sity" (HUUUGE content warnings for weight stigmatizing language). to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. 
Hosted by dietitians and diabetes experts Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES and Kelly Six, MS, RD, CDCES Glucose Riot features stories of ordinary humans living joyful and peaceful lives with diabetes without restrictive eating, dieting or intentional weight loss. If you've been feeling alone living with diabetes, we hope these interviews bring you that feeling of "I'm not alone after all." In this trailer, you get to meet us, hear more about our values and our why, and laugh along a little if you want. ABOUT US: We are two dietitians who specialize in diabetes care and eating disorders:Kelly Six, MS, RD, CDCES, who really likes working in diabetes care because we get to have one foot in the nerdy side of diabetes and the other foot in the emotional side of living in the world with diabetes.Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES, who really agrees with Kelly and couldn't have said it better herself. We both love cats, snacks, and laughing too loud in Seattle coffee shops.Learn more about us and the podcast here!LINKS:Apply to be on the podcast! Find out more about Kelly hereFind out more about Erin hereDISCLAIMER: We are dietitians and diabetes educators but we are not YOUR dietitians and diabetes educators. The information provided in this podcast is not intended as individualized medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, go to your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment.