DiscoverFrom His Word to Our Hearts
From His Word to Our Hearts

From His Word to Our Hearts

Author: Sally Moriarty-Flask

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A journey through the Sunday Scriptures, proclaimed each week in the Catholic Church, that will open our hearts and minds to the many ways God reveals himself to us and how those revelations impact our daily lives, our families, and our communities.

The specific Bible used for this podcast is:
The Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version | Second Catholic Edition
New Testament Copyright 1946; Old Testament Copyright 1952; The Apocrypha Copyright 1957
Revised Standard Version, Ignatius Edition, Copyright 2006, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America
The Second Catholic Edition is published by Thomas Nelson Publishing for Ignatius Press in 2006
Printed in the United States of America

Information regarding additional references used in preparing the exegesis for this podcast is available upon request.
11 Episodes
Jesus taught his disciples that he would not be the Messiah they were hoping for, but rather he would be the Suffering Servant who sacrificed himself for the sake of all. Now we have to ask ourselves, is he the Messiah we want? When people put us on the spot, who do WE say that Jesus is? And do our actions exemplify that belief? Is the faith we show to the world, in everything we say and do, vibrant, alive, and active? This week's readings:Gospel - Mark 8: 27-351st Reading - Isaiah 50: 5-9aPsalm 1162nd Reading - James 2: 14-18 To see the photos mentioned in this week's episode, follow me on Instagram as @fromhiswordtoourhearts.   
Jesus reached out to those on the margins, those neglected by society – widows and orphans, the poor, the outcast, those troubled in body, mind, or spirit. He instructed us to follow his example, so we have to ask ourselves: do we judge by appearances alone? Or do we look deeper to see others the way God sees them – with love and compassion? Are we really willing to listen to what God is telling us? Or do we stop listening when the message becomes uncomfortable or challenging? This week's readings:Gospel - Mark 7: 31-371st Reading – Isaiah 35: 4-7aPsalm 1462nd Reading - James 2: 1-5  
The Scriptures teach us to live as faith-filled people, surround ourselves with those who will nurture our discipleship, and treat others with dignity, respect, and love.  If we are truly honest with ourselves, do we heed those lessons and allow them to guide our actions in the world? This week's readings:Gospel - Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-231st Reading - Deuteronomy 4: 1-2, 6-8Psalm 152nd Reading - James 1: 17-18, 21-22, 27
Jesus’ teachings may appear difficult to accept but they are Spirit-filled and life-giving. Do we listen to him when he speaks to us? When we are asked whom we will serve – do we choose God? When we are told to respect each other – do we?   This week's readings:Gospel - John 6: 60-691st Reading – Joshua 24: 1-2a, 15-17, 18bPsalm 342nd Reading - Ephesians 5: 21-32
God is good and the gifts he offers us are very good… wisdom, joy, peace, understanding, love, faith, nourishment, eternal life. Why are we sometimes reluctant to take God at his word and to accept the wonderful gifts he offers us? This week's readings:Gospel - John 6: 51-581st Reading – Proverbs 9: 1-6Psalm 342nd Reading - Ephesians 5: 15-20
We often complain when we're asked to do things that we feel are difficult or challenging. When God asks us to believe in him, to be kind to one another, and to love each other, why do we sometimes feel that is difficult? Why do we shy away from trying to achieve that level of perfection? This week's readings:Gospel - John 6: 41-511st Reading - 1 Kings 19: 4-8Psalm 342nd Reading - Ephesians 4:30 - 5:2
Jesus tells us that the work we must do is to believe in him, whom the Father sent. That sounds simple and yet it can be so difficult in our everyday lives. Are we striving to believe, to be our best selves, and to grow closer to the person of Jesus? Are we looking at the world, and other people, through the lens of love that belief in Jesus gives us? And if not, how can we change that and become what God intends?   This week's readings:Gospel - John 6: 24-351st Reading - Exodus 16: 2-4, 11-15Psalm 782nd Reading - Ephesians 4: 17, 20-24
In this episode, we will explore the necessity of pursuing authentic faith while at the same time also striving for unity -- unity in our own hearts, our families, our communities, our country, and the Church. God loves each one of us in spite of our weaknesses and shortcomings. If we love him in return... if we open ourselves to his will... if allow him to work through us... amazing things will happen! This week's readings:Gospel - John 6: 1-151st Reading - 2 Kings 4: 42-44Psalm 1452nd Reading - Ephesians 4: 1-6
The Scriptures for this week, the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, are from Jeremiah, Psalms, Ephesians, and Mark. In this week’s episode, entitled Being Good Shepherds, we will explore how all of us are responsible for being good leaders and faithful followers. Those two roles may appear to be mutually exclusive, but in truth, they are two sides of the same coin because a good leader teaches us how to effectively lead others. Scripture tells us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the leader whose voice we must listen to and whose actions we must learn to follow.  As we journey through these passages, we will acknowledge that sometimes we follow bad leaders and listen to the wrong voices. So, we must ask ourselves how can we make prayer a priority in our lives so that we are always listening to the voice of Jesus? This week's readings: Gospel - Mark 6: 30-34 1st Reading - Jeremiah 23: 1-6 Psalm 23 2nd Reading - Ephesians 2: 13-18
The Scriptures for this week, the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, are from Amos, Psalms, Ephesians, and Mark. In this week’s episode, entitled Called to Mission, we will explore how each and every person is chosen to carry the good news of the Gospel out into the world. As we journey through these passages, we will acknowledge that living as authentic disciples can often make our words and actions unwelcome. So, we must ask ourselves the following question: how prepared are we to be unpopular? This week's readings:Gospel - Mark 6: 7-131st Reading - Amos 7: 12-15Psalm 852nd Reading - Ephesians 1: 3-14
This short segment is an introduction to the From His Word to Our Hearts podcast. It explains the format future podcast episodes will follow and provides background about the host.