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Hot Mess Mil MomS

Hot Mess Mil MomS

Author: Hot Mess Mil Mom

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Bringing you the drama and comedy of being a military spouse and parent! Navigating the Army life with all it rogers, dependas, and f$ckery. We are here to make YOU feel normal. Check us out every week as I laugh it up with my co-host Veronica aka Ms. Biteyofaceoff!
10 Episodes
I Don't Speak Hooah

I Don't Speak Hooah


Army is a language all in it's own! You wanna be supportive, and listen. What do you do when you have no clue what they are talking about? Just nod and wave. Smile and look pretty haha! There are things we have to know, such as unit or phone numbers, but there are things we really do not need to have to have stored in our brains. How many tanks are running. Why they need to have QRS's to get the LMN's to the color numbers, and have the accountability to the dude in the AM. If none of that made sense to you, you are not alone because that is how it all sounds to us!
Not So Secret Lives

Not So Secret Lives


It's the not so secret lives of dependa wives today! Reviews and reactions are important. There are many sites out there with business reviews. We look, read, and make judgements based on these reviews. Whether you are researching the next base to move to, because you are delusional or fresh and think we actually get to choose, or trying to choose a realtor (that is not full of drama). There is one other source that many do not think about, and that is social media. How you present yourself on a personal level, reflects your professional side as well. Join us as we dive into the fresh hell brewing around businesses spiraling, because owners and employees just can't stop commenting.
It's been a rough week for us hot mess moms! This week's episode was one of no scripts, and just chatting about life! Our highs and lows in the military, some laughable screenshots of the week, and just random giggles about the fuckery of life. Enjoy our laid back time, and much needed R & R!
Scrubs, PJs, or Pantsuits?

Scrubs, PJs, or Pantsuits?


When we were kids, we hated being told what to do. Teachers, coaches, parents, and all adults had rules, lessons, advice, and guidance instructing us on how to live life. They gave us this instruction from the moment we woke to the time we ended our day. Now as adults, we have no clue what to do half of the time...... unless you're a soldier! Lucky assholes! As spouses, some of us have careers and know exactly what path to travel every time we move. Some of us just find the next McDonalds to apply to. Some just search for the couch to buy with his/her star card for our bonbon munching while we build our MLM. Those that are left are trying to better our paths, and grow. Whether you're navigating education, improving or figuring out the clusterfuck of federal resumes, or decipher the USAJobs, we are chatting about it today!
On Tuesdays We Wear Green!

On Tuesdays We Wear Green!


Volunteering in the military ie the FRG’s, much like democracy, spandex, and the Facebook, things began with good intentions, and then it’s just spiraled downhill and ended with Kamala/ Trump, one size fits all, and spouse groups. Whether you watched Army Wives or watched Mean Girls, you are gonna relate and pretty much know what it’s like to volunteer in the army. Trying to make friends in the military can be touch and go, but volunteering in the right program is a much better avenue than making a friends post! Join us today as we serve up a fresh hell not just in parenting, but also in friendship and serving your military community!
We most definitely aren't within the animal limits on post. If I was to jump on this bandwagon, my furbabies would identify as humans. Petey believes he popped from my meatbox as every night he tries climbing up into my uteral region. Snuggles way too close. Not sure about yours, but our pets cost way too much joyfully, and if we could, we'd write them off on our taxes! We gladly use our entitlement, and take those military discounts at Petsmart, but our dependa-ness stops there. Not for many though. We get the dependapotamus nickname because of many spouses screaming self pity and me me me everywhere! Cue the pteredactyl sounds!
Ain't Banboozlin' Ya! We had a hog killin' time making this episode just chewing the fat about the clusterfuck of why everybody wants to be in charge of the most meaningless of haberdasheries, the dangers of addle headed postal workers, and why people get so ackocked when their identities are stolen! Let's not forget about those ajeed neighbors who take advantage of these barkin' at the knot sicheeatchions! I know I'm just all the caboose right now, but as you can tell, we have a bit of a wild west theme this week!
This week was definitely proof that we are hot mess moms! From family busting in, to shit face Disney time, to the houses falling down around us. That's just part of life though not just as military spouses, but as parents in general. Join us as we bullsh!t about handling the bills, how we track the kids, why our housing company needs to step it up, and why we didn't keep the ho clothes. Don't forget to subscribe, and click for notifications. Share if you know someone who needs a good laugh, cuz we are here to make YOU feel normal.
Hurricanes And Hustles

Hurricanes And Hustles


Mayday Mayday! You must panic, but there's no emergency! This is only a test! Welcome back to another week of our hot mess military life of parenting, trolling, spousing, and fuckery. We picked our favorite posts. We wanna know why Zuckerberg won't let us cuss. We are praying for those affected by the hurricane. See!?! We are sensitive!
Just Marry A Soldier!

Just Marry A Soldier!


Things are always a little different in the military whether you're grocery shopping, in the PTO, or scrolling through social media. Today I return to the podcast world with a fabulous co-host to discuss the drama and funny side of being a milspouse with all its fuckery!