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Builders of the Mystic Circle
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Builders of the Mystic Circle

Author: Podcraftr

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Who are the Builders of the Mystic Circle?

A gathering of individuals exploring spiritual, mystical, and esoteric knowledge.


● Shared spiritual goals, such as seeking enlightenment or personal growth
● Rituals and practices, like meditation or discussion of spiritual texts
● Learning and knowledge sharing
● Supportive community
● Symbolic significance of unity and wholeness


● Group meditations
● Ritual ceremonies
● Study groups
● Creative expression (writing, art, music,)


To provide a sacred space for individuals to deepen their understanding of mystical aspects of life, support each other in their spiritual journeys, and honor the interconnectedness of all life.

Interested in joining a community of like-minded individuals on a journey of spiritual growth and exploration? Want to connect with others who share your passion for the mystical and esoteric? Email us at to learn more about joining The Builders of the Mystic Circle or to inquire about starting a Circle in your area. We'd love to hear from you and support your spiritual endeavors!
8 Episodes
In this eighth episode of Builders of the Mystic Circle, Mark A. Short leads listeners on a journey through various mystical orders, revealing their unique teachings and unifying elements. Starting with the Ancient Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis, he discusses their secrets of the Rose Cross and mystical principles. He then delves into the teachings of the Traditional Martinist Order, highlighting insights into Christian Mysticism and the Kabbalah. Orders such as the Free and Accepted Masons, Builders of the Adytum, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids each offer distinct lessons on spiritual growth, self-improvement, and the interconnectedness of all things. He rounds off by bringing in Le Droit Humain Freemasonry and the Builders of the Mystic Circle, exemplifying the principles of equality, fraternity, and the pursuit of esoteric wisdom. His journey underscores the common goal of these mystical orders—to awaken the human spirit and promote a deeper understanding of the universe.
In the seventh episode of the Builders of the Mystic Circle, Mark A. Short explores the concept of engagement with ignorance and the power of choosing not to engage. He makes a distinction between a lack of knowledge and willful ignorance, warning listeners about the futility of engaging with the latter. Mark discusses the importance of non-engagement, discernment, empathy, and the power of silence during interactions with ignorance to conserve energy and maintain dignity. He also highlights the role of community in our spiritual journey and the need to support each other. The episode serves as a reminder to respect our values, seek wisdom, and avoid wrestling with the metaphorical pig of willful ignorance, maintaining the pursuit of enlightenment throughout. A recommended book related to this episode is "The Art of Possibility" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander. You can find it at the following links: (Audiobook) (Kindle) (Hardcover) (Paperback)
This episode of the Builders of the Mystic Circle podcast, hosted by Mark A. Short, delves into the profound wisdom of Marcus Aurelius, and the emerging importance of consciousness, the power of love, and the mystical journey of life. Shedding light on the enriching beauty in everyday existence and deeply exploring consciousness, Mark emphasizes the interconnected nature of the universe. Drawing on the immense power of love, he encourages listeners to unlock spiritual barriers and connect with the divine. He expounds the mystical journey as an ongoing process of discovery and growth, guiding listeners to venture into this journey with humility, curiosity, and open hearts. Concluding on a positive note, he enjoins listeners to appreciate each moment of being alive, to cherish every thought and opportunity for love, and to explore the universe's mysteries together. POINTS TO PONDER Here are 10 points to ponder based on the article "The Privilege of Life: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe": 1. What does it mean to truly appreciate the privilege of being alive? How can I cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude for life? 2. How often do I take my thoughts and consciousness for granted? What can I do to become more mindful of my thoughts and their impact on the world? 3. In what ways can I use my thoughts and actions to positively impact the universe? What ripple effects can I create? 4. What does it mean to love without boundaries or conditions? How can I practice unconditional love in my daily life? 5. How can I balance the desire for knowledge and understanding with the humility to accept the mysteries of the universe? 6. What are the ways in which I am connected to the universe and its inhabitants? How can I nurture these connections? 7. How can I approach life with a sense of reverence and awe? What practices can help me cultivate a sense of wonder? 8. What are the ways in which I can use my life to serve a higher purpose? How can I align my actions with my values and passions? 9. How can I embrace the unknown and find comfort in the mystery? What can I learn from the unknown? 10. What does it mean to truly embody the mystical experience? How can I integrate the insights and principles from the article into my daily life? These points to ponder invite readers to reflect on their relationship with life, the universe, and themselves, encouraging a deeper exploration of the themes and ideas presented in the article.
In this fifth episode of "Builders of the Mystic Circle," Mark A. Short explores the teachings of contemporary mystic Mooji, focusing on deep insights related to thoughts, identity, inner truth, silence, awareness, ego, and self-discovery. The podcast encourages listeners to challenge their confrontations with thoughts and attributes of identities beyond labels, promoting self-reflection on intrinsic nature beyond transient layers. Mark underscores the significance of inner silence and awareness, stressing on transcending ego boundaries to embrace one's infinite nature. He then reflects on embracing the present moment, encouraging tranquility and acceptance of reality in its fullest splendor. He concludes with Mooji's advice on observing and accepting our true nature without judgment, thus discovering reality's secret. Based on the podcast themes of spiritual growth, self-inquiry, and transcending thought limitations, I would highly recommend the bestselling book: "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle This spiritual guidebook helps readers cultivate mindfulness, live in the present moment, and transcend ego-based thinking. Tolle's insights align with the article's emphasis on: Recognizing thought patterns that create barriers to reality Letting go of false identities and ego boundaries Embracing inner silence and awareness Aligning with one's true nature Tolle's book offers practical advice and spiritual practices to help readers embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation, making it a great companion to the article's themes. Other recommended books that might interest you: "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle "The Untethered Soul" by Michael A. Singer "The Miracle of Mindfulness" by Thich Nhat Hanh "The Wisdom of Insecurity" by Alan Watts These books offer insights and practices to help you deepen your understanding of yourself and the world, aligning with the article's themes of spiritual growth and self-inquiry. To get one of these books for FREE with your FREE 30 day trial with Audiable go to:
The Builders of the Mystic Circle podcast, hosted by Mark A. Short, is a series that brings together a community of individuals with a common passion for spiritual growth, enlightenment, and mystical knowledge. The podcast delves into the nature of this community, describing the various activities it engages in, such as group meditations, ritual ceremonies, study groups and creative expressions, all aimed at nourishing the mind, body, and spirit. The focus of the episode is on unity, wholeness, and interconnectedness, suggesting that this Circle provides a safe space for individuals to learn, grow, and connect. The host invites listeners interested in exploring spiritual paths and seeking like-minded individuals to join or start a Circle of their own.
In the third episode of Builders of the Mystic Circle, hosted by Mark A. Short, listeners go on a spiritual journey exploring the idea of harnessing energy and strength from one's Higher Power. Mark emphasizes the importance of envisioning one's Higher Power as the life-giving sun that imbues us with limitless energy and vitality. He discusses how positive thinking and affirmative affirmations can help tap into this divine energy, additionally underscoring the crucial role of both prayer and meditation in nurturing a connection to the Higher Power. Mark also stresses the value of letting go of burdens to fully experience life with enthusiasm and joy. At the heart of this episode, Mark guides his listeners in acknowledging and embracing their divine connections to infuse their lives with energy, strength, and joy drawn from their Higher Powers. 10 POINTS TO PONDER 1. Connection to Divine Energy: How can you feel more connected to the infinite energy of Your Higher Power in your daily life? 2. Positive Outlook: How does having a positive and enthusiastic outlook affect your energy levels and overall well-being? 3. Affirmative Thinking: What positive affirmations can you use to remind yourself of Your Higher Powers strength within you? 4. Prayer and Meditation: How can regular prayer and meditation help you stay connected to Your Higher Powers energy? 5. Daily Practices: What daily practices can you incorporate to keep the stream of Divine Energy flowing through you? 6. Letting Go of Burdens: What are some thoughts or feelings that weigh you down, and how can you let go of them? 7. Living with Joy: How can you cultivate more joy and enthusiasm in your life? 8. Your Higher Powers Presence: How can you remind yourself that Your Higher Powers energy is always available to you, just like the sun shines every day? 9. Strength in Challenges: How can the belief in your Higher Power's strength help you face and overcome challenges in your life? 10. Gratitude: How does expressing gratitude help you feel more energized and connected to Your Higher Powers vitality?
In the second episode of the 'Builders of the Mystic Circle' podcast, host Mark A. Short introduces listeners to the profound teachings of John Amos Comenius, a visionary advocate for freedom, reform, and alignment with divine principles in all aspects of life—philosophical, religious, and political. While discussing philosophical freedom, Mark emphasizes the importance of seeking truth and the courage to question norms. Religious freedom is touched upon as a space where spirituality should exist without any sectarian boundaries. Discussion on political freedom centers on individual's rights to partake in society's governance. Mark further elaborates Comenius's call for reform and explains how embracing the divine principles of truth, love, and justice can lead to societal transformation, starting with personal change. Mark invites listeners to contribute to a more equitable world by aligning their lives with these divine principles, thereby continuing Comenius's legacy.
In the first episode of Builders of the Mystic Circle, host Mark A. Short takes listeners on a journey of self-discovery and transformation inspired by the wisdom of Carl Jung. Illustrated through various metaphors such as a seed's growth, an explorer's voyage, and a lighthouse amidst darkness, he emphasizes the importance of personal growth by facing inner fears and nurturing self-knowledge. This episode emphasizes on understanding one's unconscious mind to bring light to personal darkness and create personal transformation. Mark encourages reflection as a tool for understanding emotions and actions and fostering transformation. He highlights the essence of community support in our shared journey towards self-growth and understanding ourselves as part of the macrocosm. Mark ends the podcast with an inspirational quote from Carl Jung, encouraging listeners to embrace their inner journey, face their fears, and evolve the best from within themselves.