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Thirty Seconds or Less

Author: Jim Kast-Keat

Subscribed: 7Played: 20


Thirty seconds or less is the world’s shortest podcast, a flash mob of ideas, hundreds of voices exploring the at of elimination. If you can’t say it in thirty seconds, you’re probably not ready to say it at all.

So go ahead, take a few minutes and listen to a dozen or more episodes. And then take a few more minutes and join the conversation by recording your own. Because Thirty Seconds or Less is sharing ideas and amplifying voices every day.
30 Episodes
Setting the Frog Free

Setting the Frog Free


The truth is simple: only love will give our lives any meaning at all, any substance, love as service, love as justice, love as grace and forgiveness, love that is living in the world for others.  Download the full episode The post Setting the Frog Free appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
The Day After

The Day After


The truth is simple: only love will give our lives any meaning at all, any substance, love as service, love as justice, love as grace and forgiveness, love that is living in the world for others.  Download the full episode The post The Day After appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
A part of what we remember on Good Friday is that God suffers with us even to the point where God feels the absence of God, when Jesus says, “My father, why have you forsaken me?”  Download the full episode The post God Knows what it Feels Like appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
By Example

By Example


On that night long ago, Jesus knew this was the last time he would be surrounded by his closest friends. These were his final hours as a free man. Soon he would be arrested, tried, and hung on a cross. In the glow of the candlelight he knelt and showed us once more how to... The post By Example appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
I Am Thirsty

I Am Thirsty


Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.  Download the full episode The post I Am Thirsty appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
Changed for Good

Changed for Good


And if there is a God and God is not finished with us, if there is a God then the human word is not the last word. God is.  Download the full episode The post Changed for Good appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
You may not hear God speaking but can you feel God moving?  Download the full episode The post Finding God in the Silence appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
The Rejects

The Rejects


We need the Jesus of Holy Week to teach us that you can never be perfect enough to avoid rejection.  Download the full episode The post The Rejects appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
The Space to Feel

The Space to Feel


Anger is the joyful noise that makes the ears of the powerful perk up because it is a sign that the new life is not yet here but maybe it’s just around the corner.  Download the full episode The post The Space to Feel appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
Ever Before Me

Ever Before Me


It’s easy to deny reality when you don’t look below the surface.  Download the full episode The post Ever Before Me appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
You are a child of God and by nature of being a child of God, you are a priest.  Download the full episode The post The Order of Melchizedek appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
Broken hearts don’t get fixed. They become the soil for a new heart to grow.  Download the full episode The post A Meditation for the Brokenhearted appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
I Love Compost

I Love Compost


Like a grain of wheat falls into a compost pile, Jesus falls into the earth. The damp and still and timeless earth. The quiet earth, accept for the faint percussion of the blind critters who tiptoe over the beads of transforming matter.  Download the full episode The post I Love Compost appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
Holy Moments

Holy Moments


God is inclining us as new covenant keepers to look for these holy moments all around us.  Download the full episode The post Holy Moments appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
The transformation of our spiritual lives during Lent or at any other season of the year is not focused on us. God is at the center of the story. And the healing justice, the lavish generosity, and unfettered welcome is always the gift God has for us.  Download the full episode The post Climbing with Zacchaeus appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
Lenten Time in America

Lenten Time in America


Even as we go through this trial and suffering and our nation’s life is laid down, I invite you to look for new signs of life inspired by divine minds that are emerging. Take a moment in your own life and within the news, not just to see the crucifixion, but to recognize and commit... The post Lenten Time in America appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
A Beloved Child of God

A Beloved Child of God


What kind of discipline or habit could you live into for the rest of Lent and beyond that empowers you to dig deep into your identity as a beloved child of God?  Download the full episode The post A Beloved Child of God appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
“Life of the ages” and “life abundant” are two ways of saying the same thing. One isn’t after you die and the other before you die. Both are ways of describing a whole, healthy, overflowing, liberated life in this life.  Download the full episode The post For God so Loved the World appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
Wake Up

Wake Up


The night is over and it is time to meet the day. It is time to know the deep rhythms of our soul’s distinct time, to tune into the tempos and patterns of our own communities, to pay attention to the timbre of our political moment, and to arise and respond with faith and courage.... The post Wake Up appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.
Praise the Lord?

Praise the Lord?


If I’m going to attribute every stroke of luck, every gratuitous offering of grace, every open parking space divine intervention, then don’t I also have to assume that the same hand is at work, or choosing not to work, in every illness, every natural disaster, every delay on the 1 train?  Download the full... The post Praise the Lord? appeared first on Thirty Seconds or Less.