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Set Free Journeys: Lifestyles of the Saved and Dangerous
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Set Free Journeys: Lifestyles of the Saved and Dangerous

Author: Phil Aguilar

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Set Free Journeys is a interview show on testimonies and stories about some of the most interesting people you've ever seen!
8 Episodes
It's the late 80's and Set Free Anaheim is blowing up! And the amount of ministries that are birthed may make you dizzy! Pastor Phil is remembering just a few and the impact those ministries had on the growth of the church.
TFTG: Revival

TFTG: Revival


The small church of Set Free is about to get a God boost and a revival is breaking out!
Pastor Phil continues the journey through the beginning stages of Set Free Anaheim! From a humble 10 people in a home church to 100 people occupying a giant warehouse. It's a lot of movement happening for a young believer.
On this episode of Tales From The Godfather (TFTG), Phil "The Chief" Aguilar remembers what it was like when he was released from prison as a new Christian facing the world.
Sundays Crazy

Sundays Crazy


Find out more juicy secrets you don't know
Rumble in the Jungle

Rumble in the Jungle


Find out what happens next...
Strange Days Ahead

Strange Days Ahead


Skipping Consequences
Time for Chief to interview Sunday! She's an interesting character who has quite the story that is just down and dangerous.