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Suzanne Kane & PJ Gallagher have teamed up to bring you a weekly Dubland Podcast! Suzanne & PJ give their take on the week which usually includes a rant from PJ, they award their "Hero of the Week" and Animal facts.

182 Episodes
Dubland is back! They talk about the Olympics and the merit of just allowing drug use. The Euros, England's fans and Jack Grealish and Declan Rice. A quick mention of Conor McGregor's ankle and then back to the Euros, Italy took all of their tactics from Dublin football team. Colour therapy and how to be calm and then some Love Island talk where agreement cannot be reached. PJ has a lovely walk up a hill and then is quickly dragged back down to earth. Going on your holidays 20 minutes up the road. Suzanne's friend Jeremy Clarkson and his farming stuff. No holiday in the sun this year for the Dublanders. So you listeners will have to keep them company, you can do that on! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There's lots to enjoy in this episode of Dubland, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be infuriated and you'll be terrorised. What more do you want? Are we reopening on the 5th of July or what's the story? This delta thing sounds like shampoo anyway, not a new variant, so get on with it one way or the other PJ is sick of the positivity, why are we still going through all the numbers? The smart lads out there are putting plans in motion to sell their sperm when all the other lads have dead flutes. Suzanne has a panic attack over a mild tickle in her throat and she rocks up outside her co-host's gaf while he's in bed. They talk about the two different cultures in Dublin, just like Howth seagulls vs. the South William St. youths, then we pop in for a quick skim over PJ's haircut, and then back to seagulls. PJ wants to go Into The Wild and Suzanne has an awful experience on Twitter. Instagram is Badminton. If you're on TikTok over 40 you're a criminal and there's a terrifying deep dive into sleep paralysis and The Man. It's Dubland, just get it #inurears There's a great bonus episode this week which very quickly descends into a ridiculous conversation about how to measure the male bits and pieces - it's for members only and it's the kind of content you definitely want.  Support Dubland by becoming a member here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dubland begins this week with an accusation. PJ has the sort of tan that looks like it has a hint of Spanish sun in its making. PJ defends himself (and his dogs with the same lotion). Suzanne becomes more Irish when she's not in Ireland. PJ also reveals the results of his extremely interesting DNA test, and for the first time ever, Dubland exclusive, reveals who his real dad is. Suzanne gets a very fancy new kettle and toaster, very fancy now. She also talks about her new ASMR fetish, and PJ cannot understand it, he hates noise! Suzanne was on a podcast with Amy Huberman and PJ would not be able to meet her, she's Ireland's Kylie Minogue and his words would fail him. Sunny days mean people want to talk to other people. Suzanne's car breaks down and she immediately sees an opportunistic silver lining. There's a great bonus episode this week which very quickly descends into a ridiculous conversation about how to measure the male bits and pieces - it's for members only and it's the kind of content you definitely want.  Support Dubland by becoming a member here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on Dubland you will learn, in great detail, how to get more pleasure than is strictly legal out of your pet. The Dublanders are all good and vaccinated and PJ has some stuff to say about side effects, and Apple have started to get very invasive with their apps. PJ has dicky feet but finally got a nice looking pair of shoes that also work for his foot shape - it's fascinating stuff. Suzanne has booked flights, so that's it, she's off, or she's not. Either way, she tells us about a horrific flight experience she had in the past. People are out and about, sports stadiums and airports are buzzing again and PJ talks about someone who may or may not be him and may or may not enjoy Xanax on flights. PJ is also on a national poop campaign and there are more animal facts! It's Dubland, get it in to ya! There's a great bonus episode this week which very quickly descends into a ridiculous conversation about how to measure the male bits and pieces - it's for members only and it's the kind of content you definitely want.  Support Dubland by becoming a member here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Young people are very accommodating to old farts like PJ who don't know what they're up to. He's now been vaccinated along with a load of other random people, and he tries to warn Suzanne about the impossibility of breaking up with your GP. She goes postal on her kids over greed. The Brits don't need tickets to anywhere, they just arrive. Suzanne has a movie moment in Arklow and PJ hates sea swimming but he's going to do it this week with Fiona Lambert for a great cause. They both think it's unfortunate that we're living through a pandemic and not a war so we can't send all the young people off on tanks. PJ applies for the job of Dublin Nightmare as he very much sees bins, speed bumps and traffic lights in his future. There are animal facts featuring otters, dogs, pigs, cats and sperm whales. PJ threatens Suzanne over food he makes that she will like even though it isn't beige. Suzanne has complicated feelings about handstands and shite people are like takeaways. Look, it's feckin' Dubland, what do you want from us? There's a great bonus episode this week which very quickly descends into a ridiculous conversation about how to measure the male bits and pieces - it's for members only and it's the kind of content you definitely want.  Support Dubland by becoming a member here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Suzanne is the good 1980s parent in this episode of Dubland as she sends her kids out into nature for a "base" of sunburn. At least she's not lathering them in carrot oil and giving them "tanning pills". PJ browned himself as he cycled out to Howth for a paddle and a beer. Suzanne has been vaccinated and though she's been excited about getting it for months, she now talks about the battle between excitement and nerves over getting it. It takes a while to get the vaccine because loads of Annes are having the chats.  If a bulb goes in PJ's house he just learns to live in the dark. The banks are open, PJ is thinking about mortgages and he talks about falling between two stools being too old or too young for most things. He can't go to singles events but he could go on holidays like a domestic cat.  He also looks like someone drew a face on a balloon. "I don't like the look of that", says his doctor. PJ gives Suzanne a Spanish lesson over her pronunciation of her lendy car. There's also judgy people, calculated risks, half-dead (and then actually dead) pigeons, Suzanne's first visit to a farm, scary dogs and Suzanne grammatically setting up her kids for a lifetime of bullying. It's classic Dubland stuff, get it #inurears There's also loads of great bonus episodes for members now. You'll hear about the ten meals in a day challenge, some listener reviews, the Boxing Story retold, some Would You Rather questions and loads more, support the show by becoming a member here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S2 Ep50: The Queen's Escort

S2 Ep50: The Queen's Escort


This week on Dubland we find out that in PJ's youth, the bank saved the wrong fiver for him. He's also starting to ruin his life with hope in a complete switcharoo with Suzanne. PJ reckons he has ten years of mobility left and Suzanne, who is younger, says he trampolining days are behind her. She then goes on to defend the UK royals, loves all the pomp and circumstance, PJ who cannot comprehend any of it wants a fancy dress funeral, he also gives a radio masterclass (faders and all) before we return to Suzanne's masterclass on royal ceremony. After congratulating Queen Suzie we move back to proper Dubland territory with poos in the park. The government has lost the room and there's plenty of talk about coffee shops and chippers and the likes. PJ's birthday happened so that's a rich topic of conversation and he's a new man - "there are cracks of light everywhere", "the sea will change your life" as opposed to his less good moods when "it's too early for ice cream". Also, we hear about how you shouldn't buy yourself a box of chocolates. The battle of the saints returns from last week because PJ got a bit carried away on this particular issue, but he also has a glorious new theory on idle hands. Look, it's Dubland, we can't solve your life (though we do try near the end of this episode), just enjoy the damn podcast. There's also loads of great bonus episodes for members now. You'll hear about the ten meals in a day challenge, some listener reviews, the Boxing Story retold, some Would You Rather questions and loads more, support the show by becoming a member here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
PJ is now the oldest man in the world. Like everyone else in their 40s, he has given up on life. Then there's the story of the naked burglar. PJ gets whiskey for his birthday and proves he likes it by saying what he would have said if he didn't like it. He then bangs on about the rules of whiskey. The pair of them are hooked on the ibuprofen, mad for it altogether. The red wine isn't doing it for Suzanne anymore, she's on the injectables now. Now, the big question of the week - do you tip your food delivery people? And do you tip your parcel delivery people? A very revealing conversation ensues. Luca the Italian sword-champagne-bottle-opening-Maseratti-driving delivery man (he actually owns his own restaurant but it doesn't sound as good) makes an appearance via PJ's gregarious description of him. There's talk about Skodas and St. Anto finds something Suzanne has been missing. Then St. Chris and St. Raphael go head to head. PJ puts himself inside a dog. There's a nice mental health chat then, phones sent away in the evenings, the ability to change your mind. Hospitals, radiologists, vaccines and tears of joy all make an appearance. It's a great episode of Dubland, get it #InUrEars If you let the ball drop, you'll be grand. There's also loads of great bonus episodes for members now. You'll hear about the ten meals in a day challenge, some listener reviews, the Boxing Story retold, some Would You Rather questions and loads more, support the show by becoming a member here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There is dog excrement everywhere and Mr. Poo, formerly known as PJ Gallagher is ready to talk about it and he might even make the odd complaint about this new excrement covered world we inhabit. He's also done with burgers and both he and Suzanne are too old for spice bags. They talk about the Netflix documentary Seaspiracy, the Artane Boys' Band and the overwhelming desire for a bomb scare when you were in school. It rates highly among the excuses to get out of work, which are listed in this episode. There's the peace process and forgotten Irish hero Alan McLoughlin, it's another episode of Dubland and it's all here! There's also loads of great bonus episodes for members now. You'll hear about the ten meals in a day challenge, some listener reviews, the Boxing Story retold, some Would You Rather questions and loads more, support the show by becoming a member here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on Dubland PJ is starting a new job so obviously everything is terrible. The Dublanders don't want to be negative Nellies, but somehow it might be happening anyway. Suzanne went on the Pat Kenny show to demonstrate the fact. She is joining PJ as a Covid Crank. Anyway, that's all the morbid stuff out of the way. Suzanne and PJ then go on to planning their funerals. The podcast should become a sort of document, which anyone who survives Suzanne and PJ should listen to when it comes to their rites etc. There's talk about organs and "he would have loved this", and of course PJ's unique burial plans. PJ would also like more elbows thank you very much. Oh and he's like to discuss that square flap in the back of old timey pajamas. There's also the inaugural "We Can't Fix Your Life" in which Suzanne and PJ answer your questions! It's Dubland, go and enjoy it. There's also loads of great bonus episodes for members now. You'll hear about the ten meals in a day challenge, some listener reviews, the Boxing Story retold, some Would You Rather questions and loads more, support the show by becoming a member here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dubland drops this week with middle aged men in cycling high heels which isn't enough to lighten PJ's form, he's having a mare of a week. There's more talk of PJ's finances with Eoin McGee and just a touch of light defamation. He's giving up on getting a house, but Suzanne isn't ready to give up on him getting a house, so she starts pitching TV shows based on the topic, and dating shows, and the merging of the two. Which leads to discussion about First Dates and PJ's history of dating dead women. We get the romantic genesis of Suzanne and Joey's relationship, so PJ gives us his break up process and cycles of torment. The burning question of whether he deserves love or should be given an adult orphan rages through the episode, all including a very PJ conclusion. We learn that we're all into weird things and that sex is New Year's Eve. There's the great battle of the toaster steak VS. the pergola. And loads more! There's also loads of great bonus episodes for members now. You'll hear about the ten meals in a day challenge, some listener reviews, the Boxing Story retold, some Would You Rather questions and loads more coming, support the show by becoming a member here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Straight into the action this week on Dubland with pie charts, right angles, pizza and the globally diminishing ability to be able to tell the time. St. Anthony is on the lookout for Suzanne's AirPods and PJ tells us about his waxy ears and burning "water" in a list of pains and grievances that Suzanne, the mother of three, wouldn't understand. PJ is going to get into a helicopter with a pilot who loves golf jumpers and is convinced PJ is someone other than PJ. Suzanne discovers micro-happiness and tells us about it by explaining her anger and making everyone furious in the process. She was, however, giddy with her McDonald's in bed and titillating pornographic Whatsapp chats with her pals. PJ's mortgage woes rear their head again while Suzanne talks about buys spare homes. There's a hero of the week and Suzanne doing some of PJ's life admin. There are golf bats, Bitcoin and loads more. It's Dubland, what do you expect? support the show at HeadStuff+ and get more content just for you lovely members! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dubland begins this week with a slightly more conventional plug for HeadStuff+ (the new membership platform on which you can become a member and support this podcast!) Then it gets down to more conventional Dubland topics, if the word conventional could ever be associated with this podcast. They talk about mass collections and PJ as an altar boy who was in it for the cash. There's Dead Dad Day which is an annual thing for Suzanne. Giving stuff up for Lent and the various cheats people use for those difficult 40 days. A vicious argument over whether UK chocolate and Irish chocolate are the same (results to be announced on a future episode) - Easter Egg chocolate makes an appearance here too. Suzanne breaks down the three possible catalysts for her "hormotional" state and asks the unwilling PJ to help diagnose her. There's some vaccine rollout talk and the return of PJ's victorious Stockdale position. There's a four year old who last week was like an old man, and now has anxiety. There's Valentine's Day talk and (you might want to skip this bit) PJ's potatoey throat hair. Look, it's Dubland, support the show at HeadStuff+ and get more content just for you lovely members! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S2 Ep43: Sponging Ewes

S2 Ep43: Sponging Ewes


Dubland is back! And now you can support the show by becoming a member of HeadStuff+, just go to and choose Dubland as the show to support, this will help us keep making the show and get better and better! In the meantime, this episode is as chaotic as you'd like for a return to Dubland. Prodcuer Alan asks them to plug HeadStuff+ at the top, which leads Suzanne and PJ to talking about Sweet Valley High for about ten minutes. Of course. Then Suzanne gets out of the religious commune she was apparently living in all this time as she discovers there is porn on the internet. There is romantic porn and the revelation that hair is bad manners. Suzanne's family has grown since the last episode and now her life is all minecraft, barbies and her daughter as an old man. Luckily PJ has some homeschooling tips for her. They talk about Covid Christmas - PJ's best Christmas ever. Suzanne's midwife talks about PJ during the main event. There's an Animal Fact and PJ sees a cow for the first time (it surprises him), look it's Dubland, it doesn't always have to make sense - get it #inurears. Remember, become a member of HeadStuff+ to support Dubland! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
PJ cut his own hair. They talk about auditions and never getting a call from your agent, sure don't we all know? We all love Deirdre O'Kane (not Suzanne's aunt). Do you know anything about the Turkmenistan President? We learn a bit more about Suzanne's kids and the differences between them. From temper tantrums to list of gifts to conscription lists. PJ gets two presents, one he's the delighted with, the other invokes a glorious underwhelmed reaction. There's talk about palettes, whiskey, wine and cucumber. Conversation swings back around to talking about nightshirts for men, of course. An update on PJ's learning of Spanish. The vaccines are coming, we're happy about it, even himself, right? PJ the babysitter gives us some tips and tricks on how to make the kids behave. Also, lessons on the polite way to obtain something you want. It's all here, it's all Dubland, and that's your lot for 2020. Herself is off to make a human, and sure then it'll be Christmas, so we'll see you in the New Year! Good luck! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dubland is back with more talk of fancy foods, Branston Pickles and Braxton Hicks. Suzanne's house is a building site and PJ still has a leaky roof (for new listeners this is going on for years).  Suzanne is a crank, but she has good reason, which she lists, and PJ can't believe it, especially the sports related size comparison. He really learns a lot in this episode. He genuinely might be a new man after this episode. So there's a lot of talk about the pregnancy and babies and stuff. But then PJ brings in his big news of the week, it involves Brussel Sprouts. The episode also involves Nighties and Oodies. We have Celtic pig wrestlers to blame for the misery of pants that affects the modern man. We also get some Animal Facts, which is a welcome segment to return to the podcast! Oh and go buy a t-shirt. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Suzanne bursts PJ's bubble at the beginning of this episode by chastising him about the mortgage stuff. PJ is very upset, he's finished all the books so now he's learning Spanish. He's freaked out though because he discovered that the Argentinians are making a TV show about him. Suzanne is freaked out by the new PJ, she's really pregnant and all of this just doesn't feel real to her. He's even teaching people English. Phil the DPD driver makes an appearance and we learn a bit about Dunnes and Penny's. We should be shopping local... but what about Pumpkins? They talk about Halloween, which will be difficult this year, but PJ is excited all the same, even if he doesn't understand what the kids are dressing up as. Suzanne wonders if you should be sexy or scary? She runs through some of the classic costumes of her youth. PJ invokes a friend of his to illustrate how to make a few quid go a long way. Which leads to a conversation about the value around razor blades. The Twilight Zone is back, PJ is watching a lot of horror films, Suzanne isn't convinced. Hocus Pocus aside. There's an email from a listener - look! It's Dubland! Get on it and enjoy the feckin' thing. Oh and go buy a t-shirt. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Suzanne gives PJ a present because he was texting her about the end of the world. He drowned his sorrows in all the whisky. Suzanne is cranky, fed up with people. Phil the DPD driver is the only good one left. PJ was involved in a car crash. We learn about teaspoon fulls of babies. And, related, we learn about vasectomies. PJ's pal gives the doctor the wrong sample. Men are a much simpler system. People are pass-remarkable about Suzanne's belly.  There's talk about family and adoption and all sorts of stuff, sure look, it's Dubland, get it #inurears.  Go buy a t-shirt and enjoy Dubland. This episode is sponsored by The UX Design Institute. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dubland is back and back to talking about poor old Paul Mescal's biology. Suzanne also makes an ethical defence for preventing a portion of society from accessing healthcare. There's the latest turn in Dubland's on point reaction to Covid-19. Suzanne gets a Covid test, it's great fun, although, she must reiterate, she didn't need one. PJ is incredulous at the description of the test. PJ compares pregnancy to a banned extreme sport. There's a ken doll. PJ tells us about the skip he hired and the improvement in the house thereafter. Leaks are literally impossible to fix so PJ has to shower with a plumber. There's some classic PJ about half an hour in. There are new rules for what goodies kids are allowed to eat. It's interesting. Suzanne is bringing her kids up to be Evian drinking Divas, and the grannies are no help. There's a bit about sports books, and running and sore body parts. It's Dubland! Be Grand. Go buy a t-shirt and enjoy Dubland. This episode is sponsored by The UX Design Institute. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dubland meets Doireann Garrihy and quickly delve deep into PJ's bowel movements, or lack thereof. Eventually we get around to Doireann and the talk moves to being busy and how busy we should be and what the pandemic has taught us about taking a breath. They talk about moving in with your fella or missus, especially during a pandemic. Suzanne and PJ starts organising Doireann's wedding, which she quickly puts a stop to, seeing as she's not engaged or getting married. So they talk about comedy, how Doireann got her start, and what else she might do. A few months down the road and we're back to the nudity in Normal People. They talk about Doireann's podcast, The Laughs of Your Life. They get a bit deep about how great and friendly Doireann is but also how difficult it is to be in the public eye and put up with criticisms. Things get emotional and confusing when talking about dogs. Doireann is advised by Suzanne and PJ to just steal a set in RTE and starting making a TV show. We end with an inspirational moment from PJ. Go buy a t-shirt and enjoy Dubland. This episode is sponsored by The UX Design Institute. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (19)

Susan Scott

Different kind of steroids. That said, I too feel invincible and energized with cortosteroids.

Aug 1st

Al Stew


Jan 23rd


funny as chuff . you do crack me up the pair of ya!. keep it up guys . I'd love a mug any clue where to get one . poor fucking pidge ha ha!!

Nov 6th

Ger Melia

What a laugh, great to have ye back

Sep 28th

Tom Hancock


Sep 26th

Peter Vogel

good laugh. greetings from münich

Apr 10th

Robert Riley

Dubai sounds like a blast, but PJ might need to be muzzled; they don't like the sweary words...

Jul 23rd

Calvin Chiu

Love the podcast! But it's a shame of the quality of this episode 😭

Jun 22nd

Robert Riley

Out of 101 podcasts from you guys this is the only one I couldn't get through. A great shame because it sounded like a great gig. and I was needing my Dubland fix. Suzanne you were reasonably clear but you had to be there for PJ to make sense (!).

May 24th

sarah Corcoran

I can't hear anything 😣 the quality is so bad

May 18th


Nice to have you back . your so funny the pair off you. 😁

May 3rd


I'm new to dubland I heard about it though Chris moyles who I like a lot . you are both funny . I loved the Lanzarote chat with pj . I will be listening all the time now as I catch up hope your live London gig goes well guys . laterz.

Apr 20th

Graham Doran

Classic Dublin banter. Love these two. They help me get through the Dublin rush hour traffic.

Dec 14th
Reply (5)

Ricardo Monteiro


Oct 23rd