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Managing Vendors

Author: Jim Everett - Think180™

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Think180 expert Jim Everett advises you how to get the best from vendors and contractors. Based on the successful Think180 workshops, this handy guide is for employees and others who engage and manage external resources. Outsourcing situations range from a single contractor working on a project team, to a program outsourced to a large vendor company. Most corporate training programs teach how to manage employees. Few address day-to-day issues and skills for managing outside resources. This is where Think180 comes to your rescue!
10 Episodes
Basics for what a vendor manager needs to know about creating, interpreting and working with agreements, for managing vendors and keeping performance and delivery on track. For even more information and depth, visit podcast page, where you can request the extended article
Once proposals are in, be sure you make the best decision for the right provider.
Before inviting proposals, be clear on what makes the right vendor for the job.
Client ego can hinder smooth delivery and quality of work from vendors
What are the differences when managing contractors and vendors from managing employees? (shortened version)
Before you choose a vendor, get the process in place so it goes smoothly
Before engaging a vendor, define the job to be done.
Some clients use tactics and games, thinking they will squeeze better results.
Be aware of ways that some vendors may try to gain advantage through indirect tactics.
How vendors and contractors are used and managed.