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All In The Mind

Author: ABC listen

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All In The Mind is ABC RN's weekly podcast looking into the mental universe, the mind, brain and behaviour — everything from addiction to artificial intelligence.
348 Episodes
Trans non-binary performer Dax has spent most of her life not loving who she sees in the mirror. That is, until earlier this year.A few months ago, Dax finally experienced a particular kind of joy — gender euphoria. And it's transformed the way she sees herself.So what is gender euphoria? Why is it so powerful for trans and non-binary people? And why are researchers keen to flip the script and talk about trans joy?If you're looking for something to listen to next, check out our episode Taking back control of your time. 
Patric Gagne is a sociopath, but she doesn’t fit the stereotype.From a violent kid, to now a PhD and author - we track the unusual story of a sociopath who learned to be 'good'.Plus, there's been some controversy and questions about the veracity of her PhD - so, we fact checked it.Need something to listen to next? Check out our episode Why heartbreak hurts so bad.Guest:Patric Gagne, Author, Sociopath: A Memoir.Credits:Presenter/Producer: Sana QadarProducer: Rose KerrSound engineers: Tegan Nicholls and Ann-Marie de Bettencor
Madi's had 25 rental applications rejected. Seen absolute horror houses while searching for a rental. It's all driving her to despair.Today, how housing insecurity can alter our sense of agency and how we perceive the world around us.If you're looking for something to listen to next, check out our episode, Is life coaching legit?
Have you ever experienced the feeling of awe?Maybe it was sparked by an awesome view, a moving artwork or witnessing the birth of a child.Today we follow one person's attempt at finding awe when she's never felt it before.What does awe do to us? What benefits can it offer?If you'd like to listen to more of All in the Mind, check out our episode Does guilt have a silver lining?
So you've got a loved one who's fallen deep down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Are they destined to stay there forever?Today, we hear from a former conspiracy theorist and a social psychologist on what fuels these beliefs, how likely people are to change their minds, and what you can (and can't) do to help.Want to listen to more All in the Mind? Check out our episode, The Certainty Myth. 
Over the last couple of weeks, schizophrenia has been appearing in headlines across the country as details of the Bondi Junction attack unfold.Coverage of mental health conditions, especially one as complex as schizophrenia, can be shrouded in stigma.So today, we revisit our conversation with journalist Elfy Scott, sharing the one thing her family never spoke about - her mother's schizophrenia. This episode was first broadcast in April 2023. If you're looking for what to listen to next, check out our episode ADHD, TikTok, Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria — meet Matilda's brain
The AI revolution is coming. Your mind isn't ready for it.Cognitive Neuroscientist Joel Pearson walks us through the many ways artificial intelligence is messing — and will mess — with our psychology.From falling in love with AI to unforgettable deep fakes, we dive into an uncertain future and what you can do to prepare for it.If you'd like to hear more from Joel, he featured on our episode about intuition called When to trust your gut instinct, and when to ignore it.And if you want to hear more about artificial intelligence, check out the latest season of Science Friction, Hello AI Overlords.
Researchers knew Susannah better than her own parents.They may have even known her better than herself.Today, how spending thirty years in a psychological study warped journalist Susannah Breslin's life.If you enjoyed this episode and want to check out another, take a listen to Trauma, OCD and a PhD. 
Whether it's shaking hands or which side of the road to drive on, social norms dominate the way we behave.But when norms change suddenly, you get chaos.Just ask Sweden.If you'd like to hear more from today's expert, Matt featured in an episode in 2021 called Neuromarketing — how brands target your brain. Check it out!
Are animals conscious?

Are animals conscious?


Have you ever looked at your pet and thought, what is going on inside your brain?Today, we're heading to the World Science Festival Brisbane for All in the Mind live to discuss animal consciousness.If you enjoyed this episode and are keen to listen to another, check out How our brain chemicals drive our behaviour. This episode was recorded live at the World Science Festival Brisbane. 
Popular culture is endlessly fascinated with cults, and they have the capacity to make ordinary people do unthinkable things.Today - how cults reel people in, how coercive control keeps them there and what it takes to get out.This episode was first broadcast in October 2022. And if you enjoyed listening, you should check out our episode The History of Brainwashing.
That voice inside your head - where does it come from? We bring back a topic that was one of our most popular for a long awaited part two. Today, what shapes your internal chatter.Our original episode on chatter is called Controlling the chatter in your head, if you liked this episode you'll love that one!
If you could manifest anything into your life, what would it be? A perfect partner, your dream house, winning the lottery?Manifesting promises a limitless potential of dreams to achieve — through methods like vision boards and affirmations.But does manifesting actually help us realise our goals? Is it harmless fun? Healthy positive thinking? Or can manifestation lead the brain down some dark alleys that you might not expect?In this episode we mention another episode called Visualisation and values — goal setting like a winner. It's part two of our two part series on the athlete's mindset. Part one is called A winning mindset — how top athletes think.  If you have a topic idea for All in the Mind, reach out to us via email at 
NASA wants to send humans to Mars in the next decade or so. But can our minds handle it?We talk to a NASA psychologist and retired astronaut about the psychological challenges people already face on long-duration space missions — and find out what it will take to get to Mars.If you liked this episode, you might like one of our past episodes about the isolation we all experienced during the pandemic. It's called The brain in isolation. 
What does working for the CIA, navigating hot button topics and talking to teenagers all have in common? They're situations that supercommunicators excel at.Today, we explore how you can become a supercommunicator too. In this episode we touch on a previous story, Introversion vs Extroversion. If you enjoyed this episode, you'll love that one too. 
Parasocial relationships can be intense — and we all have them to some degree. Whether you're a Swiftie, a fan of the Matildas or just watch the local news every night.But what its like to be on the receiving end of millions of parasocial relationships?For Blair Joscelyne AKA Moog, one half of Mighty Car Mods, it took some unexpected steps to cope.If you're interested in what it's like to be famous, you'll love our episode The dark side of fame and what it does to the brain.
We all have moments in our lives when we feel an unconscious pull towards a certain decision.Should you walk down that dark alley? Does that person seem a bit off? Why is that giving me the heebie-jeebies?For Isla Lucas, a gut feeling while on holiday saved her life… Or did it?We take a look at the science and fantasy of intuition.If you liked this episode, you'll love our episode on The Pleasure Of Pain
Now that we're more comfortable talking about mental health, it's time to address some misconceptions.Is depression REALLY a chemical imbalance in the brain? What's the difference between being depressed and distressed? And are psychedelics the solution we've been waiting for?Today, Professor Ian Hickie breaks it all down and reveals the biggest myths about depression.
What does it take to go from second place, to first? Good, to great?This episode was first broadcast in July 2023. It's part one of our two parter on performance psychology. Part two is called Visualisation and values — goal setting like a winner.
A founding member of the band Gang of Youths. A single mum from Adelaide. A dad of two in Brisbane. What do all these people have in common?They all have young kids, and they all sing to them constantly!This week we ask: why do babies turn us into non-stop singing machines? Where does this instinct come from and what purpose does it serve?This episode was first broadcast in August 2023.
Comments (99)

Hosein Nasrollahi


Jun 2nd

Afra Tanzeem


Jan 29th

علي هادي حميد

how can i find the transcript

Nov 12th

nazanin hematzadeh


Sep 5th

Hiwa Majidi

Thank you so much for your helpful podcasts 🙏🙏🙏 l really love your a kind of one program.

Aug 8th

Сергей Кальянов

88 доброе Генеральный 8-903-129-07-74 гщщ9щ 7788чшшрш88

Jun 4th



May 11th

Teresa Wilkinson

do you realise you have a scam link attached to the podcast in Castbox?

Apr 28th

Teresa Wilkinson

he lost me at the point where he decided it was ok (TOXIC masculinity alert), to make himself feel superior by humiliating a female teacher who has been subjected to white male power, privilege & toxic masculinity all her life & in that small moment he doesn't see what 'TOXIC masculinity' really is, hundreds of covert & overt aggressions directed to women everyday, from assuming superior positions, no matter where they are, classroom, boardroom etc, intimidating with appearance, raising voices & relentlessly speaking over women, not returning a handshake instead giving a bullying grip, only addressing the men in a group, humiliating women with snide/sarcastic asides not directed at them, so they can't reply because there designed to humiliate them, pushwalking in front of us on footpaths/escalators, standing in a woman's personal space to intimidate, gaslighting, manipulating, especially young women ... & men want to tell us we shouldn't be angry & it wasn't their fault?, if you didn't

Mar 12th

امین کرمی


Mar 4th

Megan Prowse

Good one, Sana!! - #notallyoungmen - shame he missed it... #eyeroll

Feb 19th


I’ve never listened to such an interesting and useful episode before. Thanks 🌺

Sep 26th

Juliana Beltrán

Extremely necessary. I've been dealing with this for more than 2 years. Doctors seem to loose hopes on me.

Sep 20th



Aug 19th

Angéline Galvin

Really interesting. Could it be possible to have the references of mentionned articles?

May 14th

Patrick Grady

first time I've ever commented, but all this is a lie. listen to it and remind yourself to look it up. from episode 1 it is all explained the wrong way. garbage. unsubscribe immediately before your brainwashed

Feb 15th

Hamidreza Esmaeili

Simply amazing.

Feb 12th


how useful and informative this episode is, thanks a lot.

Feb 12th

Abdulrahman Al-Saggaf

Is there an episode about sociopathy and sociopaths? If yes, please tell me the name. If not, I'd really love it if you could make an episode talking about this topic... Thank you for the great show.

Feb 9th


very very fantastic interview!!!! I learned alot from just this alone.

Feb 8th
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