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ROC Talks: Royal Oak Church Messages
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ROC Talks: Royal Oak Church Messages

Author: Royal Oak Church

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At ROC, we aim to offer a relatable approach to scripture without compromising God's Word. Listen to Pastor Bill Barnwell as he takes you on a journey of wisdom and encouragement from the Bible in a way in which you can apply to your daily life.
55 Episodes
How should we respond to the birth of the King? I. We are called to be in the center of God's will (vs. 8) II. We are called to fear not (vv. 9) III. We are called to rejoice (vv. 10-13) IV. We are called to praise (vv. 14-19) V. We are called to experience and know the King (vv. 16-21) Conclusion: Has the King's birth changed your life?
God keeps and honors His promises to His people I. God fulfilled His promised miracle to preserve His people. (Isaiah 7)a. Preserve them from destructionb. Preserve them from hopelessness II. God fulfilled His promised miracle to deliver His people (Isaiah 7)a. The "miracle" of Judah's deliveranceb. The miracle of humanity's deliverance in Christ III. God fulfilled his promised miracle to rule His People (Isaiah 9) IV. God fulfilled His promised miracle to save His p...
The First Coming is part of an eternal plan that we do not deserve but are a part of anyway. I. The First Coming occurred even though God knew our rebellion.a. He knew before creation.b. He knew in the garden. II. The First Coming occurred, in part, because of us and in spite of us.a. Because of humanity's rebellion.b. Because He doesn't give up on His children.c. Because of His life for His children. III. The First Coming occurred to crush the head of Satan. Conclus...
I. Christ the Eternal. (John 1)a. He pre-existed creation. (John 1:1)b. He was the agent of creation (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16).c. He is the Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8, 22:13). II. Christ the God-Man. (John 1:1, 14).A. What doesn't this mean?1. He was NOT half-man and half-God.2. He was NOT just a man.3. He was NOT just divine.4. He did not “become” divine.B. What DOES this mean?1. He has two eternal and distinct natures (Colossians 2:9).2. He became flesh ...
Theme: In order for us to raise up this generation in Christ, we must be a reflection of Christ. Point 1- We must be unleashed for Christ. Verse 5.Point 2: We must commit ourselves to the lord every day. Verse 6.Point 3: We need to give this generation a firm foundation on Christ verses 6-9.Point 4: We must then continue to train ourselves so we can then train and raise up this generation verses 6-9. Conclusion: Are we living every day for Christ and are we being a reflection of Chr...
Because we are a church seeking truth by embracing an authentic relationship with Jesus, we share the gospel locally and abroad. I. We are called to be a spiritual "preservative" locally and abroad. (vs. 13)a. We must retain our flavorb. We must avoid pollution II. We are called to be a light in the darkness locally and abroad (vs. 14) III. We are called to be unashamed of our love for Christ locally and abroad (vv. 15-16)a. Let others know who you serveb. Show others who...
God is drawing the most unlikely of people into serving for His Kingdom, including you. I. We are called to minister to the most unlikely of people, even when others will criticize us. (vv. 1-3)a. Loving others will get people talking.b. Loving others will bring you criticism. II. We are called to minister to the most unlikely of people, especially when God will direct us. (vv. 4-10)a. Like Peter, we must challenge our presuppositions of others.b. Like Peter, we must make sure our v...
What right do we have to be angry at God's justice and mercy? I. Just as His thoughts are not our thoughts, His justice and mercy are not our justice and mercy.a. Jonah wanted vigilante justiceb. Jonah wanted vindictive retribution II. Just as Jonah would rather die than truly live, humanity chooses resentment over reconciliation.a. Resenting othersb. Resenting Godc. Resenting grace III. Just as Jonah thought he had a right to bitterness, humanity chooses weight over bitterness...
Theme: God can raise us up from self-inflicted ruin I. Repentance precedes restoration (vv. 1-4)a. Jonah reached a literal and figurative bottomb. Jonah brought about his decent c. Jonah was lifted up by God through repentance II. Dead-ends precede new directions (vv. 5-6)a. Jonah was facing literal and metaphorical deathb. Jonah found hope from hopelessness III. Rebirth precedes resurrection (vv. 7-10)a. Jonah was born-againb. Jonah was delivered from de...
When We Run (Jonah 1)

When We Run (Jonah 1)


Theme: Embrace God's leading for your life. I. God's leading for our life sometimes will clash with our plans (vv. 1-3)a. His thoughts are not our thoughtsb. His ways are always better than our ways II. God's leading for our life will sometimes initially bring conflict (vv. 4-10)a. Storms of our own creatingb. Rebellion of our own creating III. God's leading for our life will sometimes lead us to bottom out (vv. 11-17)a. God's permissive will allows us to runb. God's dire...
Theme: Justice is in store for enemies of the Cross I. God vindicated His people Israel in the past and His people the Church today (vv. 1-11)a. Ancient Israel was vindicatedb. Church history martyrs were/are vindicatedc. This points to an ultimate vindication in Christian eschatology  II. God has and will Judge nations and its people according to how they treated His covenant (vv. 1-11)a. Old Covenant judgement of days oldb. New Covenant judgement in the present age III.  God has humbled enemies of Israel/Judah and will humble enemies of the Cross (vv. 12-16)a. Persecutorsb. Scoffersc. The indifferent  IV. God's justice will lead to blessing, redemption and rest for His people in Christ. (vv. 17-21)a. God preserved the line of Judahb. God preserves His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it Conclusion: Despair not! God's redemption draws near. 
Theme: Remembering the lessons of our forefathers. What lessons do Christ-followers learn from the Book of Joel? I. Calling on the name of Jesus is not a license to sin. II. Calling on the name of Jesus does not give the Church a free pass from judgement. III. Calling on the name of Jesus calls us to higher, not lower standards. IV. Calling on the name of Jesus brings God’s people to a place of humility and repentance.  V. Calling on the name of Jesus reminds us of our perpetual dependence upon God. Conclusion: Repent!
When times are troubling and there are seemingly no answers, the answer is Christ. I. When times are troubling, we can stand in frustration toward God or stand in awe of God.a. In awe of who He isb. In awe of what he has already done II. When times are troubling, remember that God will bring down the wicked and prouda. Remember God's deliveranceb. Remember God's vengeancec. Remember God's forgivenessd. Remember to overcome evil with good  III. When times are troubling, remember who and what is the source of your strength a. Christ our living hopeb. Christ the redeemer  Conclusion: Christ has overcome the world and these troubling times.  
The time is coming for judgement and redemption I. We must wait on God's appointed timing (vs. 1)a. For our prayers and petitionsb. For Judgement and grace II. We must trust his righteous judgement (vv. 2-20)a. Trust he will deal with the wickedb. Trust as the righteous are justified by faith III. We must let God avenge on our behalf (vv. 2-20)a. Avenge arrogance (vv. 4-5)b. Avenge the shedding of innocent blood (vv. 6-8, 12-14, 17)c. Avenge dishonest gain over others (vv. 6-11)d. Avenge injustice (vv. 12-14)e. Avenge exploitation (vv. 15-16)f. Avenge idolatry and false teaching (vv. 17-19) IV. We must celebrate the goodness of God in His Holy judgement and Holy redemption (vs. 20) Conclusion: Trust in His timing 
Like Habakkuk, we don't always understand God I. When examining surrounding events, we must distinguish God's direct will from God's permissive will.a. God directly causes many events large and smallb. God permissively allows other events large and smallc. God is sovereign and all-knowing in each circumstance II. Like Habakkuk, we will face frustration with God. (vv. 1-4)a. Frustration with what he ordains and allowsb. Frustration that He seems distant or silent at times.c. Frustration that He does not no things our way III. Like Habakkuk, we will find ourselves standing amazed before God. (vv. 5-11)a. Amazed at His plansb. Amazed at His justice IV. Like Habakkuk, we must find a tension between frustration and faith (vv. 12-17)a. Part of faith is working through questionsb. Part of faith is working through hurtsc. Part of faith is perseverance  Conclusion: Like Habakkuk, when our questions mount, our faith will endure and even strengthen
Giving is a Godly response to those we owe. a.                   Taxesb.                   Revenuec.                   Respect d.                   Honore:                  Love:  Love one another as Christ has loved and loves you
Through Biblical principles, we can find freedom from financial bondage. I. Freedom from financial bondage by not being in anybody's debt bondage II. Freedom from financial bondage by only paying for what we can afford.  III. Freedom from financial bondage by rejecting consumerism and materialism.  IV. Freedom from financial bondage by making wise financial decisions. a. Tithingb. Investingc. Savingd. Productivity e. Strategically paying down existing debts Conclusion: Time for a better return on your expenses and investments
Because the time is short, we must make service a priority I. Serving with our time II. Serving with our love III. Serving with an attitude of gratitude IV. Serving with spiritual gifts and natural abilities V. Serving through His Strength Conclusion: What service to others can you make a priority this week? This summer? This year? Beyond?
To reach our spiritual potential, we must be good stewards of the spiritual gifts God has given us. I. We are all differently gifted, but all necessary in the Body of Christ II. We are all immensely blessed to be gifted and equipped by God III. We are all called to put our gifts into practice on a regular basis. What are the gifts described in this passage?  a. Prophesy b. Servingc. Teachingd. Encouragemente. Givingf. Leadershipg. Mercy Conclusion: We are called to stewardship, not squandering of our gifts
Theme: To reach our spiritual potential, we must be good stewards of the spiritual gifts God has given us.  I. We must have an informed theology of the gifts (vv. 1-3)a. Left to the flesh, we will be controlled by the flesh (vs. 2)b. Guided by the Spirit, the impossible becomes possible (vs. 3) II. We must recognize that God grants every believer at least one spiritual gift for the Kingdom (vv. 4-7).  III. We must embrace the gifts God has given us and use them.Some gifts mentioned in this passage...a. Wisdomb. Knowledgec. Faithd. Healinge. Miraclesf. Discernmentg. Tongues/InterpretationConclusion: Have you discovered your spiritual gifts? How are you using your gifts to build up the Kingdom of God? 