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Pardes from Jerusalem

Author: Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies

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Join Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield and guests each week for a thoughtful and engaging podcast discussion of the weekly Torah portion. Each week, Zvi will be joined by a guest for a deep dive into the text, unraveling the wisdom nestled within each Torah portion, exploring its timeless relevance, and uncovering contemporary insights. Whether you’re a seasoned Torah scholar, an inquisitive seeker of knowledge, or simply someone looking for inspiration and wisdom, Pardes from Jerusalem provides you with thought-provoking conversations, invaluable lessons for personal growth, and deeper insight into Jewish texts. Tune into this Pardes podcast for a creative, personal and brave journey as Zvi and guests leave no stone unturned in seeking to bring out meaning and significance from each Torah portion.
598 Episodes
How do our perceptions, whether clear or confused, impact our understanding of Torah and our relationships? In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Brent Chaim Spodek explore Parshat Re’eh, focusing on the intriguing and often perplexing laws of kashrut. They … Read the rest The post Re’eh 5784: Kashrut and Spiritual Clarity first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Re’eh 5784: Kashrut and Spiritual Clarity at Elmad Online Learning.
How can a single word in the Torah guide us toward deeper spiritual understanding? In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Yizcah Smith dive into Parshat Ekev, exploring the profound spiritual insights hidden within the word “Ekev.” They discuss how the … Read the rest The post Ekev 5784: The Light in Every Mitzvah first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Ekev 5784: The Light in Every Mitzvah at Elmad Online Learning.
Why does Moshe mix harsh rebuke with a profound sense of hope in his final speech? In this episode, Tzvi Hirschfield and Tovah Leah Nachmani delve into Parashat Va’etchanan and into the complex layers of Moshe’s final message, where deep … Read the rest The post V’etchanan 5784: A Legacy of Fire and Hope first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading V’etchanan 5784: A Legacy of Fire and Hope at Elmad Online Learning.
What can a giant teach us about overcoming obstacles and building a better society? In this episode, Tzvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Haim Shalom delve into the Parsha of Devarim, highlighting the significance of Moshe’s speeches as the Jewish people stand … Read the rest The post Devarim 5784: Facing Giants first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Devarim 5784: Facing Giants at Elmad Online Learning.
What happens when a collective seeks fulfillment outside the promised land? In this episode, Rabbi Tzvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Leon Morris delve into the intriguing narrative of the two and a half tribes—Reuven, Gad, and half of Menashe—who choose to … Read the rest The post Matot Masei 5784: Choosing the East first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Matot Masei 5784: Choosing the East at Elmad Online Learning.
What drives someone to take extreme action in the name of faith? In this week’s episode Rabbi Dr. Howard Markose and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield unravel the gripping narrative of Parsha Pinchas. Join them as they dive into a tale where … Read the rest The post Pinchas 5784: Passion and Faith first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Pinchas 5784: Passion and Faith at Elmad Online Learning.
How do we navigate the complexities of being a unique people while integrating into the modern world? In this week’s episode, Rabbi Avi Spodek and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield delve into Parsha Balak, highlighting the themes of identity, isolation, and the … Read the rest The post Balak 5784: Finding Identity in Solitude first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Balak 5784: Finding Identity in Solitude at Elmad Online Learning.
Why does a ritual meant to purify others render the priest impure? In this week’s episode, join Rabbanit Nechama Goldman Barash and Dr. Daniel Reifman  as they delve into the perplexing ritual of the red heifer, emphasizing the paradox where … Read the rest The post Chukat 5784: The Paradox of the Red Heifer first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Chukat 5784: The Paradox of the Red Heifer at Elmad Online Learning.
How do we navigate leadership challenges and personal ambition in times of crisis? In this week’s episode, Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield and Aviva Lauer delve into Parsha Korach, exploring leadership and rebellion within the context of the Jewish people’s journey through … Read the rest The post Korach 5784: Leadership and Rebellion first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Korach 5784: Leadership and Rebellion at Elmad Online Learning.
What do you do when reality falls short of high expectations? In this episode, Rabbi Tzvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy delve into the Parsha of Shlach, highlighting the challenges and disappointments faced by the Jewish people on the … Read the rest The post Shlach 5784: Unexpected Twists first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Shlach 5784: Unexpected Twists at Elmad Online Learning.
How do ancient trumpets teach us about modern journeys and transitions? In this episode, Rabbi Tzvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Rafael Polisuk delve into Parshat Behalotcha, highlighting the themes of journey and transition within the Torah portion. They discuss the creation … Read the rest The post Beha’alotcha 5784: Trumpets and Transitions first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Beha’alotcha 5784: Trumpets and Transitions at Elmad Online Learning.
How does our unique role strengthen the Jewish communities?  In this episode, Rabbi Tzvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Michael Hatton delve into Parshat Naso, highlighting the importance of each person’s contributions to the community. They discuss how the counting of the … Read the rest The post Naso 5784: Counting on Each Other first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Naso 5784: Counting on Each Other at Elmad Online Learning.
How does the Jewish people’s journey through the desert shape our approach to Torah? In this week’s episode, Rabbi Leon Morris and Rabbi Tzvi Hirschfield explore the theme of openness in Torah study, using the wilderness in the Midbar as … Read the rest The post Bamidbar 5784: Embracing the Wilderness first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Bamidbar 5784: Embracing the Wilderness at Elmad Online Learning.
Can we approach the Torah as a rational guide for living wisely while allowing space for genuine emotional and spiritual experiences? In this week’s episode, Rabbi Dr. Elisha Ancselovits and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield delve into the concept of reward and … Read the rest The post Bechukotai 5784: Between Philosophy and Spirituality first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Bechukotai 5784: Between Philosophy and Spirituality at Elmad Online Learning.
Why is Mount Sinai mentioned in connection with the laws of Shmitta (Sabbatical year) and Yovel (Jubilee year)? In this thought-provoking episode, Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield and Rachel Friedrichs delve into the profound significance of this week’s Torah portion of Behar … Read the rest The post Behar 5784: Feet on the Ground, Eyes on the Mountain first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Behar 5784: Feet on the Ground, Eyes on the Mountain at Elmad Online Learning.
How do we approach texts in our traditions that seem to discriminate against or exclude certain groups of people? In this thought-provoking discussion, Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Haim Shalom wrestle with the disqualification of kohanim (priests) with physical deformities … Read the rest The post Emor 5784: The Perfection Paradox first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Emor 5784: The Perfection Paradox at Elmad Online Learning.
In a world rife with conflict and oversimplified narratives about “the other,” how can we embody true holiness by cultivating empathy, humility, and deeper human connection? Rabbi Brent Spodek joins our host Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield this week for a thought-provoking … Read the rest The post Kedoshim 5784: Empathy in a Divided World first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Kedoshim 5784: Empathy in a Divided World at Elmad Online Learning.
How can the Jewish people maintain a sense of unity and connection as a nation despite geographical separation and divergent experiences between the Diaspora and Israel? In this week’s episode, Rabba Shani Gross joins us from afar for a discussion … Read the rest The post Acharei Mot 5784: A People Apart first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Acharei Mot 5784: A People Apart at Elmad Online Learning.
Can we transform the “bread of affliction” into the “bread of redemption” this Passover?” Yiscah Smith returns this week with a call for us to see ourselves (“l’rot atzmo”) as leaving spiritual enslavement each Passover. Drawing from the Piazner Rebbe … Read the rest The post Pesach 5784: Unearthing Personal Freedom first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Pesach 5784: Unearthing Personal Freedom at Elmad Online Learning.
Can we uncover hidden blessings, even from within painful experiences? Join us this week as we delve into the profound purification rituals surrounding the mysterious affliction of tzara’at (often translated as “leprosy”) in the weekly Torah portion of Metzora. In … Read the rest The post Metzora 5784: Transforming Curses into Blessings first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Metzora 5784: Transforming Curses into Blessings at Elmad Online Learning.