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The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe
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The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe

Author: Dr. Steven Novella

Subscribed: 65,703Played: 1,596,385


The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is a weekly science podcast discussing the latest science news, critical thinking, bad science, conspiracies and controversies. -The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe: Your escape to reality - Produced by SGU Productions, LLC:
1023 Episodes
Quickie With Bob: Using Nukes to Deflect Asteroids; News Items: Near Earth Asteroid Threat, Does the Internet Affect Our Memory, Growing City Rat Problem, Do Apes Have a Theory of Mind, NASA Astronauts Harassed by Aliens; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Geyser; News Items: Self Replicating AI, DeepSeek, PEPFAR Freeze, Chemical Looping, Giant Clams and Tiny Algae; Who's That Noisy; You Questions and E-mails: Telepathy Tapes; Science or Fiction
Guest Rogue Andrea Jones Rooy; News Items: Unexpected Scientific Results, Trust In Scientists, Red Dye #3, Andromeda Mosaic, Telepathy Tapes; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Interview with Nick Tiller, News Items: Does Fact-Checking Work, Nuclear Electric Propulsion, The LA Fires, Building Materials for Storing Carbon; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Quickie with Steve: Primate Twins: News Items: Mars Sample Return, Unique Glacial Microbiomes, Transatlantic Tunnel, Alcohol Advisory; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Bird Flu Vaccine, Cryptid Mascots; Science or Fiction
Psychic Predictions 2024; News Items: Space Exploration in 2025, Emerging Diseases, Dark Energy May Not Exist, Bigfoot Deaths; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Fusion Energy, In Memoriam Addendum; Science or Fiction
2024 Year End Review; Best of 2024; Science Hero and Jackass of the Year; In Memoriam; Science or Fiction
Live from Washington DC; News Items: The Science of Tipping, JonBenet Ramsey Case, Primordial Black Holes, Oldest Alphabet, Food Distribution, Goop Spiral; Live Q&A; Science or Fiction
Interview with Noah Lugeons; News Items: Have We Achieved AGI, Coming Bird Flu, Weekend Warrior Exercise, Theoretical Technosignature, Simulation Again; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Blood Thicker than Water; Science or Fiction
Quickie with Bob: Atomic Scale Precision; News Items: Innate Morality, New Space Station, Climate Hot Spots, Orcas Wearing Hats, Evidence Against Water on Venus; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Fisher Scream, CT UFO; Science or Fiction
Interview with Andrea Love; News Items: Near Earth Microquasars, How to Watch Research Misconduct, Genetically Modifying Brains, Largest Prime Number, Magic Amulets, Atlantic Current Climate Tipping Point; Science or Fiction
Interview with Kevin Folta; News Items: Sense of Self in Robots, New Energy Secretary, Finding Planet Nine, Stress and Paranormal Belief; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Dumb Idioms; Science or Fiction
Interview with Michael Mann; Quickie with Evan: Banning Magic; News Items: Armed Police in Schools, Training Surgical Robots, New Imaging Technique, Physician Misinformation; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Follow Up Mid-Atlantic Accent; Science or Fiction
Interview with Brian Cox; Quickie with Bob: Superheavy Element Chemistry; News Items: Biogenome Project, Ancient Solar Magnetic Field, MAHA, Miranda Ocean, Club 27 Myth; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Quickie with Bob: Predicting Earthquakes; News Items: Cell Phones and Brain Cancer, Gold from Earthquakes, Plastic in the Brain, Quantum Neural Network, Marmosets have Names; Your questions and E-mails: Beetles; Name That Logical Fallacy; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Annular; News Items: Europa Clipper, Illusion of Information Adequacy, Seeding the Atmosphere, Exomoon, Psychology of Scare; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Replaceable Batteries; Science or Fiction
Interview with Christian Hubicki; From TikTok: Fake Spacestation; News Items: AI Common Sense, Malnutrition in Africa, Latest Starship Launch, New Metasurface, Exomoon; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Myopia; Science or Fiction
EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Dumbest Thing of the Week: Loch Ness Sonar; News Items: Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine, Chemistry, and Physics, Fruit Fly Connectome, Shroud of Turin Again; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Hydrogen Cars; Name That Logical Fallacy; Science or Fiction
Check out Surfshark, Quickie with Bob: Lunar Mantle Partially Molten; News Items: Heart Function in Space, Schizophrenia Drug, Wood Vaulting, AI Finds Nazca Lines, LISA Gravitational Telescope; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Religious Skepticism; Science or Fiction
Guest Rogue: Andrea Jones Roy; What's the Word: Pitch; News Items: Crystal Genome Storage, How Reliable are Political Forecasts, Myopia Epidemic, Biotwang Explained; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Comments (150)

Tash Hiscock

As a scientist I'm horrified to hear you discuss telepathy like this. You need to do more than read the transcript of one podcast episode. I actually can't believe I have to say that. Please educate yourself using critical thinking before telling us your opinion. You say outliers/anomalies need to be leaned into, yet when the outlying/anomalous population finally get a platform to show their single blind studies where p<.05 and p<.001 you use outdated ableist standards to publicly dismiss them.

Feb 1st


this episode is very very old

Jan 23rd


A tsunami is NOT a weather event. Also - it's supposed to be "extreme heat" in Queensland today with the top temperature being 34C which is NORMAL for summer in Queensland. 🤦‍♀️

Jan 21st


Does anyone else think that Steve and Cara carry this show and that the others are a bit silly?

Jan 14th



Nov 12th

Katie-Ann Matsen

I have been listening for over 10 years and love every episode. Love how if they do get something wrong, they are happy admit it in the next episode and update with what is correct.

Sep 5th

richard aspinall

azzzzs9zaaaaoaaaaaazqw99aaxàoa 9w9s9x9q9x9q9a9q9a9aaasssaasassszzzaaa a saw9s9aàaaaaaaaaa8s 9ss3ss

Aug 28th

David Soulsby

The Cass review was undertaken by "Experts" in the field over a long period of time. It also looked at how pubity blockers have been used.... They are not good or bad.... The point Feelings are now valid, then you open the door to Eugenics, Homeopathy and many other non scientific. There is already a category for these people DSD... They are not men or women.... The review was directed at the whole system being used. you focused on one small part.

Aug 13th

David Soulsby

The DC argument... DC requires way more insulation and current breaking capacity. At lower voltage it's actually much more dangerous, it's possible for a DC fault to not trip the protection until a lot of damage has been done, where the wave point of 0v, of an AC supply allows very accurate and swift circuit breaking. DC was used and is used on tram systems today, the DC motors run better. its not an issue of hard to change, it's safety in the transmission system.

Aug 13th

David Soulsby

Mocking or dismissing someone's beliefs is not part of being the good people. I myself is an avoid atheist but would never dismiss someone's beliefs. I also note it was not just Christians who took offence at this. many complaints were about the child on the stage with a man dressed in a sexual manner next to them. If you have ever seen a drag show you can not separate drag from sexual ideology. Also Steve hit the nail, deniable plausibility. its nieve to believe nobody in production noticed.

Aug 13th
Reply (1)

Steven Halla

I look forward to next week's response, to the idiotic emails this episode will induce

Aug 3rd
Reply (16)

Steven Halla

Ah yes...another Saturday in reality...TY SGU!

Jul 13th

Star Friend

it would be great if the episode title listed the topics discussed so it's searchable. I'm looking for CMB radiation, big bang, expansion of the universe/dark energy, etc., just in case anyone can point me to an appropriate episode 😅

Jul 9th

Steven Halla

More everyday...this really IS my escape to reality...thanks for your years of hard work

Jul 6th


I see vertebral artery dissections at least once a year from neck manipulation.

Jun 1st


What about Indigenois folks who are having their seeds stolen and patented by big companies and then can’t plant their ancestral crops anymore?

May 31st

Pam N

The hosts need to be more careful about not spreading misinformation.

May 28th


Been listening for almost 20 years. its one of the best and most interesting science podcasts out there. highly recommend it!

May 17th

Michael Williams

My favourite science podcast. Essential listening for anyone wanting to beat back the ignorance & superstition surrounding all of us. Keep it up Skeptics!

May 7th

David Soulsby

The section on electrical wires way off the mark. cadmium copper conductors, is not twice the capacity as aluminium. they don't all have 3 wires, that's High Voltage, low voltage has 4 in most of the world. etc etc

Apr 21st