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comedy show about late stage capitalism fucking our lives up. acct run by @raaleh other cohosts are @HKesvani, @milo_edwards, @inthesedeserts, @AliceAvizandum and friends / line go down!
821 Episodes
Why is the line detached from the material reality of so many people? Why is the line divorced? Why are there so many zombie companies, and why does it seem like the financial movers and shakers are fine with government stimulus to basically non-functional entities? Well, to answer big important finance questions, we have Barrons journalist Alexandra Scaggs (@alexandrascaggs) to investigate, alongside Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), and Alice (@AliceAvizandum).
If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes and powerful Discord server, sign up here:
We support the London Renters Union, which helps people defeat their slumlords and avoid eviction. If you want to support them as well, you can here:
Here's a central location to donate to bail funds across the US to help people held under America's utterly inhumane system:
If you want one of our *fine* new shirts, designed by Matt Lubchansky, then e-mail trashfuturepodcast [at] gmail [dot] com. £15 for patrons, £20 for non-patrons, plus shipping.
*WEB DESIGN ALERT* Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind GYDS dot com). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:
So, what was MIT’s Media Lab actually researching with all that Epstein money? And why is it a Venn diagram of all the worst things in America in the last 40 years? Fronted by a neocon who helped the Contras and the Iraq War, headed by a bitchin’ surfer rave enthusiast tech idiot, and full of people inventing cursed SkyMall products. This week, Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and Hussein (@AliceAvizandum) discuss this and so much more.
Part 2 of this series will be coming out this week on Patreon. Sign up for it here and get access to our Discord server:
If you want to buy one of our recent special-edition phone-cops shirt, shoot us an email at trashfuturepodcast[at]gmail[dot]com and we can post it to you. (£20 for non-patrons, £15 for patrons)
Do you want a mug to hold your soup? Perhaps you want one with the Trashfuture logo, which is available here:
Why is it that British dads all want to go to war? Why is it that, despite having grown up during a period of unparalleled peace and stability, people over 50 want to relive Dunkirk and embrace the Blitz Spirit? Maybe because they’re all deeply bored and lazy people. To discuss this (and much more), we’ve brought on Francis Horton (@ArmyStrang), cohost of What a Hell of a Way to Die (with our own Nate (@inthesedeserts)). Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), and Alice (@AliceAvizandum) also discuss the Amazon being on fire and a terrible, terrible NY Post article about monogamy. You will love it.
If you want to listen to more of Francis and Nate, check out What a Hell of a Way to Die here:
If you like this show, sign up to the Patreon and get a second free episode each week! You’ll also get access to our Discord server, where good opinions abound.
*LIVE SHOW ALERT* Guess who’s going to play live at The World Transformed in Brighton this September? That’s right, your favourite podcast lads. Buy a ticket here:
If you want to buy one of our recent special-edition phone-cops shirt, shoot us an email at trashfuturepodcast[at]gmail[dot]com and we can post it to you. (£20 for non-patrons, £15 for patrons)
Do you want a mug to hold your soup? Perhaps you want one with the Trashfuture logo, which is available here:
Bloomberg’s resident cryptocurrency anthropologist Zeke Faux rejoins the gang to discuss the VERY easy marriage of the Crypto and MAGA worlds, with a special focus on some of the freaks and weirdos who made it happen.
Check out Zeke’s work here!
If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes, early releases of free episodes, and powerful Discord server, sign up here:
*MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s UK Tour Here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
Seamus Malekafzali returns to the show to talk to us about a report into the BBC’s reporting by a law firm that alleges the organisation is not sympathetic enough to Israel… but don’t worry about the report being biased, they used ChatGPT! Also, we talk about Elon Musk’s blanketing South Memphis in methane gas, and look at executive misbehaviour at Neom (which, wouldn’t you know it, is a kind of French Foreign Legion for senior businesspeople who are unhireable anywhere else).
Get the full episode on Patreon here:
*MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s UK Tour Here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
For this week’s free one, Riley, Hussein, and November discuss the recent Grenfell enquiry and the way in which it lays the blame across a comprehensive spectrum of British political elites—but also discuss who’s actually going to be held liable for it. And given the track record of recent British courts of enquiry, it seems zero is a safe bet.
If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes, early releases of free episodes, and powerful Discord server, sign up here:
*MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s UK Tour Here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
For this week's bonus, we speak with friend of the show Gareth Dennis about his ordeal at the hands of British railway consultants who definitely understand the legal system, but also about the ongoing safety concerns at Euston Station, and in the UK more generally. Have you ever taken a train from Euston? Did you also fear for your life? Then perhaps this episode will explain some things.
Check out Railnatter on YouTube here!
Pre-order Gareth's book here!
Get the whole episode on Patreon here:
*MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s UK Tour Here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
404 Media’s Jason Koebler returns to discuss AI in the classroom, Balaji’s private island/supervillain lair, and the growing deluge of AI generated slop by US political campaigns. Not so much in the form of deepfakes or Midjourney memes on social media, but rather by making a larger tidal wave of more personalised spam. Also, we discuss a hot new startup that’s ruffling a lot of feathers on K Street in Washington using artificial intelligence, and (more importantly) artificial names.
Check out 404 Media here!
If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes, early releases of free episodes, and powerful Discord server, sign up here:
*MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s UK Tour Here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
Riley, Nova, Milo, and Nate talk about the new civil rights struggle of our time: the plan to ban smoking in pub gardens. Then, a broader discussion of the miserablism of a PM whose approval rating is already at 23% only a couple short months into his government. Finally, we discuss an excellent article on the type of guy who becomes a middle manager in a private security guard company. It’s by Jasper Craven and is linked here:
Check out Milo's tour dates here:
Get the full episode on Patreon here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
We spoke with Nora and Rusteen from IATSE, who are on strike against the degradation of their careers by generative AI. But first, we speak about the purchase of Twitter (bad investment) and right-wing police abolition in the UK, in the form of a new company marketing how good they are at impersonating police officers.
If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes, early releases of free episodes, and powerful Discord server, sign up here:
*MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s show at the Fringe here!
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
The Bottlemen (RIP) ride again - Dan and Riley talk about all things Canada with Milo, to try and get some distance to explain a number of things, not least of which, “why is Canada like that.”
Get the whole episode on Patreon here:
*MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s show at the Fringe here!
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
For this week's bonus, we've got the recorded version of last week's live show in Edinburgh, featuring a devotional to hooning, a visit from the AI-powered VTOL that kills you, and an encounter with a strange American former child star who wanted to name his libertarian business park in Puerto Rico, and we are not joking, 'Puertopia.' Until someone who'd studied Latin intervened. It's Riley, Milo, Hussein, and November live very very late at night at Monkey Barrel, recorded 14th August 2024.
Get the whole episode on Patreon here:
*MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s show at the Fringe here!
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
For this week’s free one, Riley, Hussein, and November join Devon from Kill James Bond to discuss: Elon Musk’s gambit to put targets on the heads of specific judges in South America, plus a recent Britain-has-fallen travelogue by a decades-long conservative twink death sufferer from America. And, wouldn’t you know it, everything in England is woke and gay and also Muslim somehow.
If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes, early releases of free episodes, and powerful Discord server, sign up here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
It's all riffs and no theme, and this time it's featuring comedians Tom Ballard and Marjolein Robertson on the subject of: the Shetland Islands, Toronto nightlife, inviting spiders into your house, and an encounter with the Finnish Hells Angels.
Check out Tom's show 'Good Point Well Made' at the Fringe here:
Check out Marjolein's show 'O' at the Fringe here:
Listen to the whole episode on Patreon here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
Brian Merchant (@bcmerchant) returns to discuss Elon Musk’s frantic UK civil war wishposting, and the role of his particular personality in encouraging right wing insurrection around the globe. Then, we move on to discuss Brian’s piece for Wired about what AI is already doing to the games industry—deskilling and displacing artists, and driving down quality. We end by asking: why on earth are we doomed to automate the arts?
Check out Brian’s article for WIRED about AI in the games industry:
And check out Brian’s newsletter here:
If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes, early releases of free episodes, and powerful Discord server, sign up here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
For this week's bonus, it's Riley, Hussein, Nate, and November discussing the recent events in the UK and why just about every MP and journalist seems to be falling all over themselves to explain how some of the far-right attacks come from a place of 'legitimate concerns.' Okay? What are they, then?
Get the whole episode on Patreon here:
KJB LIVE ALERT Kill James Bond are doing three nights at Conway Hall in Central London on 9th, 10th, and 11th August, and there’s also livestream tickets available if you can’t make it! Details are available here:
MILO ALERT Milo’s special ‘Voicemail’ is premiering on YouTube on July 10th - check it out here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
Note: this episode was recorded on August 1, prior to far-right attacks that took place across the UK at the weekend.
Science has done it all: it’s created Woke Algeria to oppress the Italians, it’s created a Labour party that can only concede to the right no matter what the issue, and it’s created the purest expression of Hussein dropping in with a joke that obliterates the entire cast with absolutely no warning. This is both a grim and fun episode given the current state of British politics, and we are both inspired by scenes of solidarity and horrified by the general state of things.
If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes, early releases of free episodes, and powerful Discord server, sign up here:
KJB LIVE ALERT Kill James Bond are doing three nights at Conway Hall in Central London on 9th, 10th, and 11th August, and there’s also livestream tickets available if you can’t make it! Details are available here:
MILO ALERT Milo’s special ‘Voicemail’ is premiering on YouTube on July 10th - check it out here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
For this week’s bonus, we’re joined by friend of the show and astute tech commentator Ed Zitron to discuss the recent CrowdStrike update debacle, the resulting infinity blue screens, the fact that this doesn’t seem to have an impact on Wall Street’s assessments of these kinds of companies, and the Marc Andreessen / Nick Land handshake on the topic of banning…corporate risk management? For being ‘woke?’
Check out Where’s Your Ed At here:
Get the whole episode on Patreon here:
KJB LIVE ALERT Kill James Bond are doing three nights at Conway Hall in Central London on 9th, 10th, and 11th August, and there’s also livestream tickets available if you can’t make it! Details are available here:
MILO ALERT Milo’s special ‘Voicemail’ is premiering on YouTube on July 10th - check it out here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
Patrick Wyman rejoins the gang to discuss further historical parallels - this time, we’re looking at the history of calls for an “American Caesar” to sweep away the decrepit institutions of the late Republican period… but even a cursory scratch beneath the surface reveals that there’s less to be understood about this movement from its ostensible associations with the troubles of Ancient Rome, and more to be understood by its parallels with ANOTHER modern right wing political movement that likened itself to Ancient Rome. Oh you know the one we mean.
Check out Tides of History here:
If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes, early releases of free episodes, and powerful Discord server, sign up here:
KJB LIVE ALERT Kill James Bond are doing three nights at Conway Hall in Central London on 9th, 10th, and 11th August, and there’s also livestream tickets available if you can’t make it! Details are available here:
MILO ALERT Milo’s special ‘Voicemail’ is premiering on YouTube on July 10th - check it out here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
For this week’s bonus, it’s Riley, Milo, Hussein, and November speaking with journalist Ethan Shone (@ejshone93), author of The Dark Arts newsletter, about the sheer volume of lobbyists in Parliament and their influence on UK politics. Safe to guess that it’s completely benign, and actually good?
Check out Ethan’s work at OpenDemocracy here:
Check out The Dark Arts here:
Get the full episode on Patreon here:
KJB LIVE ALERT Kill James Bond are doing three nights at Conway Hall in Central London on 9th, 10th, and 11th August, and there’s also livestream tickets available if you can’t make it! Details are available here:
MILO ALERT Milo’s special ‘Voicemail’ is premiering on YouTube on July 10th - check it out here:
Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
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United States
you do this too well, I wanted to murder every single one of these characters within the first 5 minutes
your caveman black mirror is basically one page from the webcomic Dresden Codak called Caveman Science Fiction
loving the bromley lore here
"I have a gun that I could shoot this bear with, this bear that is currently mauling me to death, but I refuse, because shooting a gun may cause me to have homosexual urges because of how manly it makes me feel."
tried to listen but rather than talking about the issue in the title of the episode, the hosts go on complaining about British politics with no end in sight? Happened with the web3 episode as well
I'm going to kill myself
fuck you
I lived in southern Cuba, maybe 4 hours west of gitmo, for 3 months. Can confirm that the fried chicken I had in Cuba is the best I've ever had. Next level crunch, simple seasoning, freshest chicken you'll ever get, old fashioned fryers. Probably pretty good in the gitmo kitchen too.
46:28 Edward Colston
Some of Milo's best impressions!
they got epstein
peat-brain potato clock robots that run on whiskey and cabbage and shits gold
damn micks