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Ray Bentley

Author: Ray Bentley

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Ray Bentley Ministries is a daily teaching brought to you by Pastor Ray Bentley of Maranatha Chapel in San Diego, Ca. His teaching can be heard on Maranatha’s Radio Show which airs across the United States and worldwide. For more information about Pastor Ray Bentley, please visit:
76 Episodes
Paul says, once you have been bathed, then saturated in the love and the grace of God. Now we are free to begin exploring. What does it really mean to walk with God? What does it mean to have my heart transform my desires, my interests, my thinking, my emotions? everything about me. What does it mean to walk with God? Now I am learning how to love others. And that I've been brought into this marvelous and wonderful family. Then, beginning in verses eight through 14, Paul says, to walk with God also means to walk in the light. In verse eight he says, for you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light.
Neither filthiness nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather the giving of thanks. So here's what it means to not walk in love. Now Paul was writing to a church that was in the midst of a Roman pagan culture, a very sensual culture, and a and a culture that was, you know, beyond even where we are now, although it seems like our that we are moving, we never seem to stay the same. So if you live only for the outward things, the problem is it never satisfies, and it never obviously fills the hole that's on the inside. So you're caught in a trap. That which initially satisfied me doesn't do it anymore. And so now I need more. And so the accumulation of things or the vulnerability to addictions or whatever in the flesh, it just grows exponentially out until finally you're lost.
Beginning in verse one of chapter five, Paul says, therefore be imitators of God as dear children, and walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma. So he says, therefore be imitators of God. Now therefore, what is there for? And that's what Paul is saying, that as as Christians, you know, being a Christian is, well, let's say what it is not it's not being a religious person as opposed to a non-religious person. Being religious doesn't really mean anything, at least especially to God. It doesn't mean that now I follow a system of rules and morality and, and so forth.
Cleaning out the old clothes and the closet. And I've given here from these verses 17 or 19 for words that typify the what the worldly wardrobe has to offer. And I'm obviously talking about now on the inside. Number one hardness. Here's here the condition of our heart. The Bible says, is a hardening of the heart. And there is a certain logic to it, because life is full of pain and we don't like pain. Let's read this scripture out loud together. Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is. You need to change the way you think, and we need to start thinking heavenly thoughts and heavenly minded ways.
What are clothes for? Well, there to cover up what needs to be covered up and to make us presentable. It's the same dynamic for our heavenly wardrobe, as we'll find out today. We're studying the words of Paul the Apostle about the spiritual clothing we each must wear. Ephesians 4
Grow Up Part 02

Grow Up Part 02


There's an old saying. When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you're gone, the world will cry and you will rejoice. Today, pastor Ray brings us some insight on living a life that touches others. Ephesians 4:7
Grow Up Part 01

Grow Up Part 01


Imagine being a part of a small Bible study group, and your study leader says his vision is that over 2 billion people would one day be a part of the group. That's a pretty aggressive growth campaign. Today, pastor Ray points out how the Lord structured the church to reach the world in just that way. Ephesians 4
One of the Lord's great desires is that brothers and sisters live in peace with one another. More than that is, desire is of all would have peace with God. Well, today, pastor Ray points out where peace is ultimately found. Ephesians 4:1
Today we'll focus on how we can sit, walk and stand our relationship with the Lord. We'll see. It's a progression healthy believers will experience as they grow in the knowledge of God and His Word. It's all part of taking what we believe and letting it affect how we live each day. Ephesians 4:1
The creator of the heavens and earth keeps his eye on you and me. Not only that, he loves us so much, he allowed his only begotten son to die so that we wouldn't. Today, pastor Ray takes us to Paul's counsel in Ephesians, where we examine a prayer by the Apostle for all believers. Ephesians 3:14-21
Today, pastor Ray takes us to the words of Paul the Apostle while locked in a damp, dark Roman prison cell. He prayed for you and me. He prayed that we would have the same perspective he had on trials and tribulations. That's our objective today. Pastor Ray takes us to one of Paul's prison epistles. Ephesians 3:14-21
The whole gospel to the whole world was the hope of Paradise. Ripped from the grasp of the disciples when their Messiah died on the cross. They may have thought so for a little while. Today, pastor Ray shows us how the death of Christ was necessary. It ushered in a new covenant, a new agreement between God and man Ephesians 3:1
When he was locked in a prison cell in Rome, Paul wrote some tremendous words of encouragement and strength for his fellow believers. Today we'll get a glimpse at God's plan for both Jew and Gentile. At the time, a revolutionary concept that both would be included. Ephesians 3:1
Jesus is the rock on which we stand. And if there's disparity or inconsistency between what he says and what we do. We need to change. Ephesians 2:18
You know God has crafted some awesome scenery from the Grand Canyon to the Swiss Alps, from the tropical rainforests of Brazil to the serene austerity of the Saharan desert. But just imagine what God has handcrafted for the heavenly city of Jerusalem. We'll get a sneak peek on today's program Ephesians 2:18
Made Nigh Part 02

Made Nigh Part 02


Today we'll see how we're brought together, brought near to the Lord through the shed blood of Jesus. Pastor Ray titled today's study Made nigh by the blood. What's the significance? We'll find out as pastor Ray begins Ephesians 2:8
Oftentimes, we're known more for what we're against than what we're for, more for what we refrain from doing than what we set out to do. Well, today, pastor Ray shows us how we can be doers of the word and show the world with a love of God. Ephesians 2:8-10
Our needs and desires come as no surprise to God. We can't forget that he created us. What's more, he knows how to meet those needs and he knows how needs that go unmet temporarily in build character. And that shapes us into who he wants us to be. More on that today from pastor Ray. Ephesians 2
We all want to be loved even though we can sometimes feel so unlovable. Yet God loved you enough to send his only son to give his life so that God can spend eternity with you. It's the greatest love story ever. But we'll see that love is more poignant when we realize he loved us when we were his enemy Ephesians 2
If we choose to, we can add another fear to our collection. If you follow the news, listen to a small talk at work, or just speak with a neighbor, you can find something new to bring anxiety. Today, pastor Ray says God has a better idea. Trust in him and his love and providence will sustain you. Ephesians 2:1-3