Discoverit's not just you
it's not just you
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it's not just you

Author: Soph and Rach

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join us for honest conversation as we address ‘the things everyone feels but no one really speaks about’. we’re soph and rach, two girls who met at uni six years ago and have been inseparable ever since. one of our favourite things to do is chat ‘life’. whether it’s navigating change, embracing the single life, having tricky conversations with friends or straight up questioning the meaning of life, we’ve probably discussed it and now, we want to bring YOU in on our chats. sometimes you need to know it’s not just you! potentially *too much* vulnerability and plenty of giggles also included.
32 Episodes
anyone else struggle to find clothes they feel confident in? today we’re discussing fashion fails, the struggle to find clothes that fit well and our own personal style journeys. whether you're an absolute fashionista or you couldn't care less, sit back and enjoy!
it’s not just you who can struggle to connect with a friend's significant other. sometimes it's a clash of personalities, sometimes they’re not treating your mate well & sometimes you just find them straight up annoying! if you relate to any of the above then this conversation is for you.
anyone else feel like it's impossible to keep up with the ever changing beauty standards for women? it’s exhausting to try and keep track of what’s ‘trending’ and match what the media says we 'should' look like. join us for an honest conversation with zo ross–waddell where we share our personal battles and discuss the way we need to learn to accept our appearance. who we are is more important than what we look like!
we're back !!! to kick off season 2, we're going to be talking about the 5 signs that you've caught feelings for someone. whether you've just met or you’ve realised you have feelings for a friend you've known for years, this episode is the one for you!
join us for a big old reflection on the last year. we talk hopes, fears, relationships and everything in between as we prepare to enter 2024. listen along and answer the questions yourself!
we love christmas but know it can be a hard time of year for loads of different reasons. join us as we get real about all things christmas related; from not knowing what to gift your dad, to struggling with being single at christmas time, to missing those who can't be with us to celebrate.
anyone else feel as though there 20’s are full of change? whether it's friendships, living situations or work, things can feel like they're all over the place! join us as we chat about the unsettling nature of the 20’s and try to work out how we can embrace change.
have you ever wondered if your friends secretly hate you? or whether they're just not as invested in your friendship as you are? you're not the only one! let's chat about how we can become more secure in our friendships.
we’re #cringing because today we’re talking about our most embarrassing moments. join us as we share humiliating stories from our past and chat about those small, everyday things that can feel completely and utterly cringe worthy!
this episode is for all you girls who've never dated before! it's not just you who's wondered if you're the only one or if there's something wrong with you?! soph discusses why she's never had a boyfriend and we conclude it's really not that strange.
let's talk failed dates, dream first date experiences, our different approaches to dating and the little things a guy can do to make a date extra special. has to be said, this is one of our fave episodes yet!
the fear of missing out is so real. when you can’t make social plans or you’re just too tired to hang out, it can be so hard to watch on from afar! how can we can we overcome fomo and stop letting fear dictate the decisions we make?
it's not just you who's done a deep dive on someone's social media and wondered if it's weird. have you ever met someone in person and already known random details about their life from their instagram?! or found yourself scrolling through someone’s tagged pictures from 10 years ago. in this episode we're discussing the weird and wonderful world of social media and hoping someone out there can relate!
it's not just you who doesn't know how to flirt. that's right, in this episode we're chatting all things: flirting. how do you make it clear you're interested in someone without cringing yourself out?! join us as we die of embarrassment discussing this topic and conclude we don't have a clue.
please say we’re not the only ones who’ve struggled seeing their bestie have other close friends?! it’s pretty gross to admit but it sometimes we can get a little possessive over our friends. we hope this chat is one you can relate to!
have you ever found yourself surrounded by people yet still felt alone? maybe you’ve just started uni or moved to a new city and feel like you haven’t found ‘your people’ yet. or maybe you’re got plenty of great people around you but sometimes wonder who actually knows me? loneliness is a very real feeling and today we want to chat about it!
should i be travelling the world or settling down? should i be spending my money or saving for the future? should i be single or starting to think about getting married? in this episode we're chatting all things: 20s! whether you're loving your 20s, hating them, or just finding them a little confusing, we're here to say: it's not just you.
have you ever looked at a mate and felt like they're way better looking than you? have you ever wished you could look more like someone else? in this episode we talk comparison, beauty standards, boys and how we can try and be secure in our appearance, exactly as we are!
it's not just you who's been pied off by the guy you're interested in! today we’re talking about those vulnerable moments where you put yourself out there, you share your feelings and sadly things just aren’t reciprocated. how do you stop yourself from going into a hole of despair?!
there's a lot of chat about romantic breakups, but what happens when a close friendship breaks down?! whether it's a result of an argument, a friend moving away or just gradual distancing over time, losing a friendship can feel so hard! when do you keep on fighting for it and when do you just need to let go?