knowing that God is a good father

We have a father that loves us so much and he wants you to know him as a good father he gave his only son for us so we can spend are life with him

God has called us to rest

God has called us to rest not to be anxious or worried about what’s going to happen next and just know that he has all under control


God has a plan for you

God has plan through everything no matter how hard it maybe know that he has a plan to use you through everything


God will get you though the things you are going though

God will get you though every obstacle life puts in front of you and he has everything under control no matter how hard it gets


God can handle everything

God can handle everything every anxiety every stress every worry he can handle it all and he has everything under control


What we can’t do God can do for us

God has everything under control and he will get you though the obstacles life puts in front of us and what we were not able to do he can do for us


Nothing is impossible for God

Nothing is impossible for God he will get you through everything life puts in front of you he did it for the last thing so what makes this one different


The Lord is are strength

The Lord is are strength through everything and he has everything under control and he will work through all the things we weren’t able to we do the best we can in a situation and that’s when the Lord steps in


Trust in God with all your heart

Trust in God with all your heart because he knows are purpose and he will show you the way to it and he will get you though everything life puts in front of you


God has blessings awaiting you at the of life’s obstacles

God has blessings and so many was of using waiting for you at the end of life’s obstacles and we may not know the blessings he has waiting for us but he does


God wants to empower you to overcome the obstacle

God wants to empower you and give you strength and hope to overcome everything life may put in front of you and he will give you all of that all we have to do is trust in him


God is still there

God is still there no matter how hard it maybe for you right now just know he is right there right beside you going though whatever you are going though and he is still working in your life though everything whenever it feels like he isn’t


The Lord will give you strength to cep going

Whatever you may face in life just know that are Lord will give you the strength to cep going at your lowest of lows and he will never not give you the strength to cep going because he understand what we are going though


God’s plan is always the best

God’s plan is always the best we has to go through those painful moments and hard times and we may not understand what God is going to use us through those things now but he does


God has a purpose behind everything you go through

God has a purpose behind everything you may not understand has purpose behind it now but someday you will understand everything


God will never forsaken you

God is there right beside you working in your life whenever it feels like he is not working he is still right there beside you going though whatever you are going though


God is there no matter what

God is always right beside us no matter what and whenever you feel like he has left you remember he is still right there working in your life


God is bigger than any giant you face

No matter how big something may seem just know that God is under control he is under control of everything and nothing is impossible for him


God’s love goes on and on

I just wanted to share a few words from a song my church played last night and no matter what you are going though right now just know God is still there still loving you the same


The Lord your God is with you

Whatever is happening in your life right now just know that God is still under control and why be afraid when God already knows what next for us


Are unknown future is in the hands of the all knowing God

We may not know what tomorrow may bring or next mouth or even a year from now but God already knows what next for us because he planned everything out for us we just have to have faith in him


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