losses & gayns

<p>wellbeing is here and its queer. two best friends louis & connor take a deep dive into everything fitness & wellness and the culture that surrounds it by answering your burning questions. no topic is off limits. </p>

Ep2: Do I Actually Want To Get Ripped Or Is It Cultural Pressure?

In this month’s episode of the losses & gayns, Connor & Louis answer your questions surrounding how to deal with stubborn belly fat from a realistic point of view, how to have a healthier approach to looking and feeling good in the gay sphere and whether wanting to look ripped is actually what you want or it’s just a culture pressure you’re feeling.


Ep1: Can I Bulk And Still Be Clean When I Bottom?

Daddy Louis & Fagony Aunt Connor break down your fitness and wellness questions and agonies and trauma dump the times they have accidentally let rip in the most awkward of fitness environments. Q1: I want to build muscle but I find it so hard being on a calorie surplus. It feels totally unnatural for my body and I always end up giving up. Is there something I’m doing wrong?Q2: How do I eat the diet my coach gave me to gain weight and still make sure I’m clean when I bottom?Q3: There is so...


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