

Author: Amin Bahmani Yeganeh

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Hello and welcome to the nomadamin English podcast. I’m Amin Bahmani Yeganeh, an English teacher and the founder of nomadamin. Every episode, a fascinating subject is chosen to help you improve your English, and gain new perspectives on the world. I, the storyteller, will be using intermediate English with a pinch of higher-level language for you to learn. If you miss something, you can always skip back and listen again. Full transcripts are also offered at

The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make enjoyable education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:
13 Episodes
All About My Mother

All About My Mother


Today, we're discussing the movie All About My Mother, or originally Todo Sobre Mi Madre, by the iconic Spanish director, the man himself, El Señor Pedro Almodóvar.I would sincerely appreciate it if you spread the words about this podcast by sharing it with your friends and other English learners.The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make high-quality education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:
Midnight In Paris

Midnight In Paris


In this episode, we’re taking a look at one of my favorite movies ever, Midnight In Paris, written and directed in 2011, by the one and only Woody Allen. Now, if you know me at all, you’d say I love pretty much every one of his movies. Fair enough! But even among his movies, this one is right up the list of the best ones. So, with no further ado, let’s jump into it. Honestly, I can’t wait for this one anymore.The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make high-quality education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:
The Idiot

The Idiot


Today, we’re taking a look at the renowned novel, The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoevsky.The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make enjoyable education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:
Between Worlds

Between Worlds


Today, we have a special episode dedicated to the play Between Worlds by none other than the renowned author Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt. This international bestseller, originally published with the French title Hôtel Des Deux Mondes, has captured the hearts of readers around the globe, including me myself, so much so that I honestly couldn’t help myself crying when reading some parts of it. Anyway, with no further ado, let’s dive into it.The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make enjoyable education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:
How To Feed a Dictator

How To Feed a Dictator


In today's episode, I’ll be introducing the book How to Feed a Dictator by Witold Szabłowski. We get into the plot and the main concepts, highlight a few intriguing quotations, touch upon reviews, and so much more.The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make enjoyable education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:
The Storyteller

The Storyteller


Today, we’re diving into the award-winning novel, one of my favorite books ever, The Storyteller, by Mario Vargas Llosa. We’ll talk about the author, the plot of the story, the notions and ideas, what have you. But, don’t worry. I’m not gonna spoil the book for you.The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make enjoyable education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:
In this episode, we’re discussing the intriguing play Six Characters in Search of an Author, one of the most famous works of Luigi Pirandello. We’ll get to know about the playwright, the plot, the concepts behind the story, some quotations from the play, and so much more. So, sit back and enjoy.The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make enjoyable education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:



The eighth continent, the great red island, the island of lemurs, a place like no other, the wonderful country of Madagascar!It would be appreciated if you share it with your friends and other English learners.The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make high-quality education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:



In today's episode, we'll be visiting the city of Bushehr, a coastal gem located in southern Iran. So, sit back and enjoy, [be]cause you’re gonna love it.The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make enjoyable education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:



Welcome to Berlin, the vibrant and cosmopolitan capital city of Germany. In this episode, we will explore the history, art, music, and so much more.The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make enjoyable education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:



Today, we’re going for a walk through the streets of Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, while drinking wine and listening to music. Hopefully, we’ll have a unique experience together.The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make enjoyable education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:



In this episode, I'll be introducing you to the vibrant, exciting, and historic city of Madrid. We'll be exploring the city's rich history, delicious food, penchant for dance and music, stunning architecture, and world-renowned art museums. So, let's dive in!The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make enjoyable education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:



When it comes to Cuba, perhaps before anything else, you’d think about cigars, or maybe one of those colorful classic cars, but it has so much more to offer. Are you excited to know about it? Yeah? Vámonos!The nomadamin podcast is and will be free to make enjoyable education accessible to everyone. So, if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please make a donation using the following link to support the channel and play your part:
Comments (32)

Hamideh Farid

Amazing 👏👏👏

Jan 31st
Reply (1)

siamak shahbazi

Love your intro 😍👏🏼

May 24th
Reply (1)

mahsa storyteller

thanks it was amazing 😻

Oct 23rd
Reply (1)

Aysooda Naderi dareshoori

مثل همیشه عالی بووود😍👏👏

Oct 19th
Reply (1)

Aysooda Naderi dareshoori

قلیه عامو حسین😋😋

Sep 9th
Reply (1)

Aysooda Naderi dareshoori


Sep 9th
Reply (1)

Morteza Hemmati

لذت بردم

Aug 25th
Reply (1)

mohamad rezaie

very nice

Aug 22nd
Reply (1)

Aysooda Naderi dareshoori

عالی بود👏👏👏

Aug 15th
Reply (1)

Aysooda Naderi dareshoori

بهترینی امین👏👏👏 موفق باشی🤗

Aug 13th
Reply (1)

Morteza Hemmati


Aug 8th
Reply (1)

Morteza Hemmati


Aug 8th
Reply (1)

Morteza Hemmati


Aug 7th
Reply (1)

Morteza Hemmati


Aug 7th
Reply (1)

M jalilianazar

سلام ، امکانش هست فایل متن پادکست رو هم اتچ بفرمایید ؟

Aug 5th
Reply (1)

sepehr abrishamchi


Aug 5th
Reply (1)