C.G. Dahlin | Myth, The Magi, & The Dual Natured Serpent
A Formless Fire : Ike Baker Patreon.com/Aetherica for more
IllumiGnostic : Entheogens & Psychedelic Healing
This was the first episode with Ike i had recorded and somehow i never managed to upload it to the RSS CHECK OUT Ike and my other show if interested @ patreon.com/aetherica Secret-fire.com enter "PHILOSOPHIA' at checkout for 15% off order!
Alchemical Articles: Essences, Eixirs & Tinctures - Secret-Fire Apothecary Secret-fire.com Enter coupon code "Philosophia" at check out for 15% off order
Koyote The Blind: Toltec Wisdom & The Four Magicks 1. Free Aka Dua Intro Course > https://www.koyotetheblind.com/Aka-dua-intro-course 2. Koyote's Website > www.koyotetheblind.com 3. Online Live Banishment Workshop > https://www.koyotetheblind.com/a/2147831413/jsYdZmqe
Aetherica Release: Ike Baker : EMINATIONISM,Gnosticism, The Great Chain of Being & The Ophites
Tony Merkel : Strange Phenomena & Weirdness
Aaron Leitch : Christos & Sophia , Satanism, luciferianism, shamanism, possession, theurgy, thaumatury, goetia, enochiana
Daniel Wiseman: Metallic Alchemy, Living Waterworks, Lixivation Music : https://soundcloud.com/korey-mckinney-633083428/golden-action
Tom Joseph Brown : The Anthropocentric Universe
Magus Incognito
some interesting interview subjects and interviewees. pity about the presenter who is often unprepared and in several interviews just starts throwing random questions at the interviewees outside their area of expertise and it comes across like he googled names or subjects 5 minutes prior and hurled them at the interviewees. no evidence of preinterview, not very articulate, crafted questions. and sounds like a typical 'college bro' with bad grammar.