
podcasTED is a TEDxGoldenBridge's podcast where you listen to people who are strong enough to take a step back to leap ahead and jump for a change!

Episode 11: Gratitude - The Grand Finale | Rotary & Rotaract District 3060

Today, we gather to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to an exceptional leader who has guided us with passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment throughout her term as District Rotaract Representative (DRR) Shivani Shah. In this episode, we celebrate her remarkable contributions, leadership, and the profound impact she has had on our Rotaract community. Join us as we reflect on the incredible moments, experiences, and memories shared with DRR Shivani Shah, and express our deep gratitude for her invaluable service to Rotaract District 3060.


Ep-7 | "The Journey of 64 Squares" | Ft. Bhushita Ahuja

Bhushita Ahuja is a 16 year old Author, Social Entrepreneur & Motivational Speaker. She is the co-founder of Samvedna Foundation through which she teaches 350+ underprivileged kids chess. She’s previously spoken about Social Entrepreneurship at various Delhi University colleges & has been invited as a speaker by corporates such as IRCTC & Tech Mahindra. She believes age is just a number and intent is what matters. She hopes to keep bringing positive changes in the society.


Ep-6 | "Robotics and Artificial Intelligence: The new future?" | Ft. Aarav garg

Aarav Garg is 15 years old educator and robot maker. His journey with robotics and technology began when he was 10 years old when he was introduced to programming language in school, but he wasn’t satisfied with the basic knowledge provided in the school curriculum. So, he began browsing things related to technology and programming on the internet, and this is where is journey through self-learning began as he started developing interest in robotics and other related areas like artificial intelligence and app development. He built his first robot when he was 11 years old, which was a line follower robot. Later on, he also went on to build a few other robots and some basic android apps. In 2018, he decided to share his knowledge with the world and started a YouTube channel called “Tech Nuttiez”, where he makes video tutorials on how to make robots and posts them on his channel. He currently has over 500000 views across many platforms covering both videos and written content. He also taught robotics at two high schools during the year 2018 and 2019. And later in 2018, he gave a talk on robotics to engineering students at a university.


Ep-5 | "Cyber security: A need or a trend?" | Ft. Tehleel Manzoor

Peer Tehleel Manzoor, a resident of Natipora Srinagar Kashmir is one of the personalities who have added feather in our Nation's cap. Apart from being a Social and Human Right's Activist, he is a cyber security researcher. He is also a Digital Content Creator. He strongly stands to fight the Covid-19 as he helps hundreds of People which were stranded in different districts in Punjab. He also holds the key position of President of Indian Reunification Association Jammu & Kashmir chapter-which is led by former judge of supreme Court, Mr Markhanday Katju He also is a passionate writer and is an active contributor in various weekly editions if various papers. He has authored a book "Cyber Security Manual for Teens" which enhances cyber security awareness and the practices for safety. He is the Former President of Global Students Union. Recently Peer Tehleel Manzoor received Record of Achievement from World Health Organization (WHO) for his contribution to the Environmental Precautions in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.  Peer Tehleel Manzoor Believes a small act of help can bring a big impact in someone’s life.


Ep-4 | "You don't have to eat less; just eat right!" | Ft. Harsh Kedia

Harsh Kedia, whom the world celebrates as ‘A Diabetic Chef’ is a 22-year chef and himself a diabetic. He has been known to push the boundaries of the dos and don’ts of diabetic eating. Breaking stereotypes based on information, research, and his learnings after coming across around 200 doctors in his lifespan. A Mumbai-based entrepreneur, author and a celebrated chef aka diabetic chef, creative thinker, and innovator, Harsh Kedia has adorned many caps in such a small span of time. He got diagnosed with diabetes at a very young age and not giving up on his taste buds, the inner chef in him gave birth to ‘A Diabetic Chef.’ His profound research and desire to make sweet dishes that even diabetic patients could consume, has made his passion turned into a business model. In this episode of podcasTED, our speaker, Mr. Harsh Kedia talks about his journey and all the struggles he faced to become a renowned chef and at such a young age. He talks about how eating healthy is important in this pandemic and that one should balance their diet and exercise daily in order to stay fit. Eating healthy is not just about limiting ourselves to all the food that we love and staying unrealistically thin. He talks about food shaming and veganism and how he thinks exercising is important to stay immune in the Covid-19 situation. Eating healthy is a form of self-respect.


Ep-3 | "How is women's life observed by the society?" | Ft. Rudrani Bahurupi

For centuries men considered women the less intelligent of the sexes. This terribly wrong perception caused immense loss to their self-dignity. But, at present, women have been playing major roles in politics, economy, household, society, and nation-building. The timid female of the past has been replaced by a youthful, fashion-conscious and smart girl. Women are jostling shoulders with men and competing with them in engineering, sciences, space research, medicine, and business. This marked change in their status reflects the fact that their emancipation is almost complete. Miss Rudrani Bahurupi who has been VLCC Femina Miss India State Finalist and  currently, she is pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering. She is a national level badminton player and has been official master for various events like TEDx, IEEE, ICCAP. She was an exchange student to France through IYE in 2014-15. She is an active feminist fighting for women rights on social platforms. She quotes, "I am of a strong belief that a person's ability to voice his/her opinions about anything that requires to be addressed in the world knowing that they hold a significant place in the society to be able to do so is what makes a person worthwhile."


Ep-2 | "Why is it important for youth to raise our voices against injustice?" | Ft. Azima Bumaliya

We welcome you all to podcasTED, an initiative by TEDxGoldenBridge. This initiative is a TEDxGoldenBridge's podcast where you listen to people who are strong enough to take a step back to leap ahead and jump for a change! As greatly said by Mahatma Gandhi “Be the change you want to see in the world” and these words cannot be emphasized more in the times where the world needs a change for good. People have started looking at the spots where they are exploited and have realized that a change is need of the hour. And it takes a voice to start a revolution. So now is the time to stand up for the change you think the world needs right now. If you wish to give a better and greater life to the next generation, now is the time to raise your voice for a giving a purpose, a direction the world needs. It is the time the ones on the throne realize that they are there because of us.  They exist only until we want them to and if we can be the reason for their rise then we keep the power to be the reason of their downfall. So, take the first step in the right direction and you’ll realize how many people rise for the change with you. Its always about the first step.


Trailer | podcasTED | An initiative by TEDxGoldenBridge

Trailer | podcasTED | An initiative by TEDxGoldenBridge


Ep-1 | "What does it mean to cultivate a relationship with oneself?" | Ft. Yesha Sheth

We welcome you all to podcasTED, an initiative by TEDxGoldenBridge. This initiative is a TEDxGoldenBridge's podcast where you listen to people who are strong enough to take a step back to leap ahead and jump for a change! So the guest for our first episode of podcasTED is Yesha Sheth. She is a Rehabilitation and Counseling Psychologist. She has been providing therapy to people with emotional and behavioral problems. With the time going on this year, people have realized how you need a strong fulfilling connection with yourself in the times when you are suppose to disconnect from the world. In this episode she talks about how one can cultivate a healthy relationship with oneself. She talks about her own journey from being connected to the world but not to her inner self. Your relationship with yourself is the foundation of your relationship with the world out there. Cultivating a relationship with yourself means to intentionally shift your attention towards your needs and feelings, taking responsibility of it and willingness to do whatever it takes to nourish them.


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