DiscoverSocial Media Ministries Podcast
Social Media Ministries Podcast

Social Media Ministries Podcast

Author: Social Media Ministries

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Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission.


MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible.

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193 Episodes
Keeping the commandments is not a suggestion, but an imperative for leading a righteous and fulfilling life. The principles laid out in these divine laws are meant to guide you toward happiness, peace, and spiritual growth. You must strive diligently and do everything within your power to uphold them. By working to keep the commandments, you demonstrate obedience and reverence toward God. You acknowledge His wisdom in providing guidelines that promote love, compassion, honesty, integrity, forgiveness, and selflessness among individuals. These virtues form the foundation of strong families, supportive communities, and harmonious societies. The practice of keeping the commandments fosters personal development. It cultivates discipline, resilience, determination, persistence, focus, self-control, humility, and gratitude. These qualities empower you to overcome obstacles, persevere during difficult times, and make wise decisions when faced with temptation. Together they shape your character into one rooted in righteousness, integrity, and virtue. Therefore embrace this responsibility wholeheartedly and do your best to keep the commandments in all aspects of your life. Remember, that through obedience, you will find true happiness in this life and the next. Referenced Verses: 1 John 14:15 2 Corinthians 5:21 Leviticus 19:2 1 Corinthians 7:22 Romans 1:1 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
In a world filled with distractions and conflicting messages, it is crucial to be a doer of the Word of God. The Bible serves as your guidebook for life, providing you with wisdom and instructions on how you should live. It's not enough to simply read or listen to its teachings; true transformation occurs when you take action and apply these principles in your daily life. By being proactive in following what the Bible says, you align yourself with God's will and purpose. You become more than hearers of His Word; instead, you actively participate in His plan by putting into practice what He has revealed through scripture. The power lies within you to make positive changes that reflect biblical values. When faced with challenges or temptations, remember that faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Your actions are an outward expression of your inner beliefs - they demonstrate whether or not you truly trust in God's promises. Take courage! Let your actions speak louder than words alone. If you see someone who needs help or encouragement, don't hesitate but extend a helping hand – this embodies love thy neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31). Show forgiveness towards those who have wronged you rather than holding onto grudges – this exemplifies forgiving others as Christ forgave you (Colossians 3:13). Let today be the day where taking action becomes second nature—a day where you actively pursue a life that reflects the teachings of your Creator. Don't be content with being a mere spectator, rather, embrace the challenge to become a true doer of God's Word. So go forth and live a life worthy of His calling (Ephesians 4:1). May your actions always reflect the love, grace, and truth found within God’s precious Word. Referenced Verses: Joshua 1:8 James 2:14-17 James 1:22-23 James 2:22-23 John 13:17 Matthew 6:33 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
April 2024 has been a month of speaking out against local laws restricting religious freedom for Social Media Ministries. We've also continued to produce content and are working on reaching a wider audience. Please continue to support Social Media Ministries by liking, sharing, and reposting our content to help reach more people with the Word of God. We also need financial support. Please pray about donating to support what we do. Our monthly accomplishments: - Continued Posting 1 Sermon Each Week - Continued Posting 1 Podcast Each Week - Continued the Ministry Minute on Social Media - Continued the Ministry Minute Podcast - WDAY Midday Radio Interview - Published Letters To The Editor on Religious Freedom - We Need Financial Support To Pay Off Computer Debt - We Still Need Volunteers Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
You need to live your life completely within the calling you have received here on earth. God made you for a purpose and it's time for you to begin fully living and existing within your calling. Imagine a life where every moment is filled with purpose, where your actions align effortlessly with the divine plan set out for you. This is not some distant dream or unattainable fantasy; it is within your grasp right now. You were created by an all-knowing, all-loving God who intricately designed you for a specific calling. By fully living within your calling, you unlock doors previously unseen; possibilities become endless as each step forward reveals new horizons waiting to be conquered. Your life will take on a greater meaning as you contribute towards something far greater than yourselves - leaving behind an indelible mark on this world long after you're gone. Remember, you were not created to merely exist; you were designed for greatness! The time is now – step into your purpose with unwavering conviction and watch as miracles unfold before your very eyes. Live within the calling bestowed upon you by God himself, and experience a life filled with fulfillment, joy, and immeasurable blessings beyond measure! Referenced Verses: Joshua 1:8 James 2:14-17 James 1:22-23 James 2:22-23 John 13:17 Matthew 6:33 --- Support this podcast:
Heaven is a real place where you can go and spend eternity. Heaven can also be thought of as a state of being. Heaven on earth, so to speak. You need to always be thinking about doing God's will on earth as it is in heaven. Only then, will you be able to preview a little bit of heaven on earth. However, this sermon is focused on heaven as a place. Yes, it exists and you can go there after you die. The only way you can get there is by believing in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Then, when you die, you will go to heaven. Until then, you must live your life for Jesus rather than for yourself. Remember, you exist to serve God. Not the other way around. Referenced Verses: Philippines 3:20-21 1 John 3:2 Ephesians 1:19-20 John 14:2 Isaiah 65:25 Revelation 21:18-21 Revelation 21:1-5 Revelation 21:4 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US: YouTube Podcast Instagram Facebook Medium Pinterest TikTok LinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------ Apparel ------------------------------------------ 365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
After Jesus died, rose from the dead, and completed the first ascension He remained on the earth for 40 days. Once that 40 days ended, Jesus ascended into heaven. This was the second ascension. For those who follow Him faithfully, this momentous occasion offers profound reassurance and hope. As we reflect upon the second ascension of Jesus into heaven, it ignites within us an unshakeable faith in His promises - promises that assure us eternal life with Him if we believe in Him wholeheartedly. Furthermore, this divine act reminds us that our earthly existence is just one part of a much grander plan orchestrated by God Himself. By ascending into heaven after completing His mission on earth, Jesus exemplified obedience to God's will while setting an example for all humanity – urging each one of us towards spiritual growth and transformation. Referenced Verses: Acts 1:3 1 Corinthians 15:3 Acts 2:22-36 Psalms 16:1-11 Psalms 68:18 Acts 1:4-5 John 20:22 Luke 24:50-51 Matthew 28:19 Acts 1:9-11 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US: YouTube Podcast Instagram Facebook Medium Pinterest TikTok LinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------ Apparel ------------------------------------------ 365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
What is the first ascension? After Jesus died, He went to a place of torment, hell for simplicity. Why did Jesus go to hell if He was perfect and never sinned? Jesus went to hell because He took the punishment for the sins of everyone in the world. After Jesus was in hell He ascended into heaven. This ascension is known as the first ascension of Jesus. It happened after Jesus conquered death, or hell, and became the only person to take punishment and overcome it. He declared His power over evil and began ascending into heaven. The first ascension serves as a powerful testament to the divinity of Christ and reaffirms his role as our Savior and Redeemer. Through this miraculous event, Jesus demonstrated not only His authority over life and death but also showcased the fulfillment of ancient prophecies that foretold his ultimate return to glory. This ascension happened after Jesus rose from the dead. We know this because Jesus himself told Mary that He was still ascending and not to embrace him (John 20:7). Watch the sermon to learn more! Referenced Verses: John 19:30 Acts 2:22-36 Psalms 16:1-11 Matthew 12:40 Ephesians 4:8-9 Mark 16:6 Romans 6:9 John 20:17 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US: YouTube Podcast Instagram Facebook Medium Pinterest TikTok LinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------ Apparel ------------------------------------------ 365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
March 2024 was a month of great accomplishments for Social Media Ministries! Of course, it wasn't without its challenges. We are excited for what God has in store this year! Please continue to support Social Media Ministries by liking, sharing, and reposting our content to help reach more people with the Word of God. Our monthly accomplishments: - Continued Posting 1 Sermon Each Week - Continued Posting 1 Podcast Each Week - Continued the Ministry Minute on Social Media - Continued the Ministry Minute Podcast - USPS Nonprofit Postage Approval - 2024 Candid Guide Star Platinum Level - Our Computer Died. We Bought A New One. Thank You Donors! - We Had Our Quarterly Board Meeting - We Launched Channel Membership Support Levels - We Still ⁠Need Volunteers⁠ Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US: YouTube Podcast Instagram Facebook Medium Pinterest TikTok LinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------ Apparel ------------------------------------------ 365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
Jesus is God. If that statement is true, why did it take Him 3 days to rise from the dead? He is God and could have risen immediately. Or he could have survived the crucifixion. That would have been amazing and unheard of. It definitely would have gone down in history. There are a few reasons why Jesus allowed His earthly body to remain dead for three days. One of them is due to the fact that once a person was dead for three days, everyone knew, and accepted that the person was not coming back. They weren't sleeping, in a coma, passed out, et cetera. That person was 3-days-dead. They were dead, dead. Beyond that "earthly" reason, there were some spiritual reasons Jesus took three days to rise. What are they? Tune in to this week's sermon to find out! Referenced Verses: Matthew 12:40 Acts 2:22-36 Psalms 16:1-11 1 Peter 3:18-20 Luke 23:43 Luke 16:22-23 Ephesians 4:8 Psalms 68:18 Ephesians 4:9 Psalms 24:7 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US: YouTube Podcast Instagram Facebook Medium Pinterest TikTok LinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------ Apparel ------------------------------------------ 365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
What is Purgatory? Well, it is a place in the afterlife where people are believed to go while they wait for people to pray them into heaven. Think of it like a transportation center. An airport, train station, bus stop, et cetera. Basically, purgatory is thought to be a place where you're waiting to see if you qualify to get into heaven. If you don't then you're sent to hell. Sound ridiculous? Believe it or not, the idea of purgatory is based on a real place and is in the Bible. However, the term purgatory isn't in the Bible and the idea of purgatory we have today is not biblically true. What is purgatory? Join us for this week's sermon as we examine the concept of a waiting place after death. A place between heaven and hell where people went before they were brought into heaven or condemned to hell. Referenced Verses: Luke 16:22-23 Isaiah 14:9 Luke 23:43 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
Last week you learned more about many of the different terms that the Bible uses to discuss Hell. It is a real place and a state of being that you never want to experience. It may surprise you to learn that the place we traditionally think of as Hell, the final place of eternal torment, is actually empty. Hell was made as a final prison for Satan, all of the fallen angels, and everyone who rejects God and wishes to join them. Until the final day of judgment, Hell is empty. If Hell is empty, then where are people going who die and don't believe in Jesus? They are in part of the realm of the dead! Specifically, they are in a waiting place or torment that we will discuss next week! Referenced Verses: Revelation 20:10 Matthew 25:41 2 Peter 2:4 Job 2:2 Revelation 12:7-10 Isaiah 14:12 2 Peter 2:9 Luke 16:14-31 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
The Bible uses a lot of different terms to describe Hell. ‘Sheol’, ‘Hades’, ‘Tartarus’, ‘Gehenna’, ‘The Pit’, ‘The Grave,’ ‘The Place of Eternal Suffering or Torment’, ‘Everlasting Destruction,’ ‘Lake of Fire’, and more. How do you know what term is Hell and what may be something else? And what is Hell? You need to understand that it is a real place. Not only is it a place, it is a state of being. Watch this sermon and stay tuned for the rest of the sermon series called “The Resurrection - Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory”, and you will learn all about Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and the role of the Ressurection when it comes to these places. Throughout the Bible, it's described as a place of eternal torment and suffering. And while it may not be a popular topic to discuss, we cannot ignore the reality of its existence. But there is hope. We have been given the opportunity to avoid this fate through faith in Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for our sins so that we could be forgiven and spend eternity with Him in heaven. Don't wait until it's too late. Take action now and accept Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior. Don't risk spending an eternity separated from God in hell when you can experience His love, grace, and mercy forevermore. Referenced Verses: 2 Peter 2:4 Matthew 5:30 James 3:6 Matthew 25:41 Revelation 20:3 John 14:6 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
God wants you to respect authority. From the government to your parents, all authority figures have been put in place by God for a reason. It is important that we show respect and obedience toward them. By respecting authority, you are not only following God's commandments but also setting an example for others around you. Your actions can inspire those who may be struggling with their own relationships with authority figures. Furthermore, showing respect toward those in positions of power can lead to positive outcomes in your life. You may receive better opportunities or even blessings from God as a result of your obedience. Remember that disrespecting authority ultimately disrespects God himself. Therefore, strive to honor and obey those whom He has placed over you, knowing that it is pleasing unto Him and will bring about good things in your life. Referenced Verses: Romans 13:1 Romans 13:2-7 Mark 12:16-17 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
February 2024 was a month of progress for Social Media Ministries! We are really looking forward to the next several months and the blessings in store! Please continue to support Social Media Ministries by liking, sharing, and reposting our content to help reach more people with the Word of God. Our monthly accomplishments: - Continued Posting 1 Sermon Each Week - Continued Posting 1 Podcast Each Week - Continued the Ministry Minute on Social Media - Continued the Ministry Minute Podcast - Affiliated With Deed Via Walmart And Sam's Club - Spoke At A High School Faith Club - We Still Need Volunteers Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
When things go wrong in your life you can choose how to react. You can be angry or you can accept it and move on. God has a plan for each and every one of you, and it's up to you to follow that path. When you choose anger or bitterness in the face of adversity, you are straying from God's will. Instead of reacting in anger or complaining, choose faith and trust in His plan. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Be grateful for all that you have been given, even when things don't go according to your own plan. By choosing this mindset, not only do you honor God's will but also set yourself up for success in all aspects of life - relationships, career goals, or personal development. Therefore, when things go wrong, make a choice that aligns with your faith and values. Choose acceptance over anger; choose gratitude over bitterness; choose love over hate – because these choices lead toward living an abundant life full of joy! Referenced Verses: John 16:33 James 1:2-4 Romans 5:3 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
Sin lives in the world. You are born of this world. Therefore, sin lives in you. But you don't have to let it control you. You have the power to overcome sin and live a life of righteousness. It's time to take action and make a change. Don't let temptation lead you down the wrong path any longer. Choose instead to follow in the footsteps of those who came before us, living lives that were pleasing in God's eyes. You are capable of greatness, but only if you choose to embrace your true potential as a child of God. So why wait? Start today by making small changes that will lead to bigger victories over sin tomorrow. Remember: every step counts when it comes to defeating sin in your life! Referenced Verses: Romans 7:15-17 2 Corinthians 5:17 2 Corinthians 10:5 Romans 6:11 Romans 12:2 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
God wants you to do good in secret. This is a powerful message that we should all take to heart. It's easy to get caught up in the desire for recognition and praise, but true goodness comes from doing good deeds without seeking any reward or acknowledgment. Think about it - when you do something kind for someone else, are you doing it because you genuinely want to help them or because you want others to see how generous and selfless you are? If your motivation is the latter, then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate why exactly you're performing these acts of kindness. When you do good in secret, this shows your sincerity and humility toward helping others and also helps you grow as an individual. You learn that your actions have an impact beyond yourself; they can make a difference in other people's lives even if no one knows about them except God. Therefore, strive to be better by following God's teachings and do good in secret. Focus on being kinder, more compassionate people who seek out opportunities for service without expecting anything in return. Living this way consistently will lead you down a path of fulfillment and purpose knowing that you made positive changes within yourself while making meaningful contributions toward society at large! Referenced Verses: Matthew 6:17-18 Matthew 6:3-4 Matthew 6:1-2 Matthew 6:4 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
Every day you need to make time to listen to God. He is speaking to you all day long. If you're not hearing it, then you're not listening. Or you're listening to the wrong things. God will speak to you more when you are close to Him. As you grow in your relationship with Jesus you will get to know and understand Him better. Then you'll learn how to hear God. Yes, it's something you must practice. You need to focus. This is why you must MAKE time to do it. It's not simply going to happen. Especially when you have a thousand other things going on. Therefore, make time to listen to God. Referenced Verses: Hebrews 4:12 Jeremiah 33:3 Romans 8:9 John 14:26 Romans 8:26 Joshua 1:8 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US: YouTube Podcast Instagram Facebook Medium Pinterest TikTok ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------ Apparel ------------------------------------------ 365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
January 2024 has been full speed ahead for Social Media Ministries! We have accomplished so much and are very excited about the next several months! Please continue to support Social Media Ministries by liking, sharing, and reposting our content to help reach more people with the Word of God. Our monthly accomplishments: - Continued Posting 1 Sermon Each Week - Continued Posting 1 Podcast Each Week - Continued the Ministry Minute on Social Media - Continued the Ministry Minute Podcast - Affiliated With Simple Generosity Formerly GoodCoin - Charity Choice Denied Us Because We Are Christian - Tremendous Doesn't Add New Charities - St Paul MN Foundation Declined to Sponsor Us - Catchafire Put us on the Waitlist - We Can Fundraise on Give Send Go - We Released A Book! The End-Times Prophecy! - We Still Need Volunteers Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US:YouTubePodcastInstagramFacebookMediumPinterestTikTokLinkedIn ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------Apparel ------------------------------------------365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
You are a child of God and God is the best father. Therefore, He wants to hear from you. He wants you to always pray and ask for anything and everything. In addition, God wants to give it to you! He wants to give you even more than you are asking for. Why doesn't He? You may not be ready. Remember, God is the best parent. Good parents don't put their children in situations they are not ready to handle. Therefore, God will not either. Still, you need to always pray and be talking to God all day long. He wants to hear from you. Speak to God about your needs, your day, your happiness, other people, et cetera. He is your father and loves it when you talk to Him. Referenced Verses: 1 John 3:1 Galatians 4:6-7 2 Corinthians 6:18 Matthew 23:9 John 3:16 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Philippians 4:6 Jeremiah 33:3 Ephesians 6:18 Matthew 7:7-8 Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. Learn more at ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. ------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US: YouTube Podcast Instagram Facebook Medium Pinterest TikTok ------------------------------------------ DONATE: ------------------------------------------ Apparel ------------------------------------------ 365 Days Of Devotion by Spencer Coffman  --- Support this podcast:
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