the Modern Leader

From leadership topics ranging from virtual team leadership, remote work/life balance, employee engagement and much more, these podcast combine current research with hands on experience and wisdom from leadership coach and educator Bruce and his guest!

Life Outside Work - The Covid Edition

It easy to define our worth by the volume of work we're able to accomplish in a given day. I  discuss in this episode that I suggest the value we assign to who we are, to the people we are, and by extension the way in which we find the balance in our work and personal lives should come down to how well we are able to focus and prioritize the portion of our lives that we enjoy the most, whether they are professional or personal. 


12 Tips to Stand Out in A Virtual Workplace

Struggling to find ways to stand out and make your mark in our new virtual reality? With the limitations the digital world posses on the interpersonal communication styles we once relied on face to face, tune in to learn how to stand out in a virtual workplace.


My Big Miss

Have you ever had that one big miss? I was reminded of one of my big misses a few weeks ago.  Tune in to hear how I used that experience to become a better leader and how you can too!


Have You Defined Success?

What does success mean to you? It's important to clarify the answer to this question and your thoughts, your goals and your desires before you could really be successful. You'll never know you're there until you defined what success looks like to you. 


The Secret to Leading Successful Online Meetings

I'm sure we've all been on a poorly run zoom meeting, one hard to stay engaged and interested.  Tune in to this week's podcast for some of Bruce's secrets on how to make your meetings meaningful and successful. 


Covid Lessons on Employee Engagement

Despite the negative effects the pandemic has brought about, we can all agree on one thing, we've learnt a great deal. The learning curve for leaders was steep at first, and yet this new way of functioning has brought with it  some valuable lessons  on how we can boost employee engagement. Tune in to this week's episode to hear how!


The True Value of Vision

Many organizations and leaders have vision and values, but only in the best does that vision truly galvanize people and result in better performance. Why? Because often that vision either is not compelling enough, or leaders fail to act consistently with the goal they have set out.


When Risk Makes Sense

To think it’s possible to live a risk free life, let alone have a risk free career, is to be like an ostrich with one’s head in the sand. So a couple questions – Are you playing it too safe and getting nowhere fast? Are you stuck in the comfort zone hoping to have a mistake-free, loss-free and stress-free life?


Be Accountable - Be Happy

A recent survey indicated that just one-fifth of employees reported feeling strongly valued at work. And like many similar articles over the years, the underlying suggestion is that employee happiness is the responsibility of companies and their managers. What do you think?


Making Your Team More Accountable

Responsibility and accountability are aspects of ownership. Only those who feel a true sense of ownership in their organizations will be sincerely responsible and accountable for their actions


The Accountability Question

Even the healthiest of teams experience failure - the problem is that many leaders do not know how to talk about team failures and resolve them.


Leadership Lessons from the Global Warming Debate

We have all been asked at one time or another, to make a critical decision as to whether or not the ends justify the means. As with the global warming debate, transformational leaders need to care as much about how they accomplish their appointed tasks, as the accomplishments themselves.


Playing Well in the Sandbox

We've always been told that we need to learn to play well with others - right? But do we really know why it is so important to our careers?


When Mentors are Missing

What if a mentor cannot be found? When mentors prove impossible to find, you need to find ways to adapt and reinvent yourself


Criticism Used Right

Criticism is not always a bad thing. In fact, done constructively, it can produce positive changes in people, resulting in their personal and professional growth.


Leadership That Adapts

Much has been said about leadership styles - in the end, the best style is the one your team will respond to!


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